The Labour Party conference instead of aiming brickbats at Boris Johnson’s manifest failings appear to be more concerned with internal left-right ructions over methods of choosing a leader and now the minimum wage, never mind getting themselves in a tangle in the trans swamp.
Keir Starmer’s Leadership chart does have a blip of confidence giving him the motivation to push hard till late this November with tr Pluto square the Jupiter. But the real clincher will be the Solar Arc Saturn conjunct Mars, exact in 10 months which occurs alongside Solar Arc Mars square Uranus – so that will be explosive, make or break time with a fairly catastrophic setback.
He does have a talented and influential birth chart with a Water Grand Trine of Mars trine Jupiter trine Neptune formed into a Kite by Jupiter opposition Sun Pluto in Virgo but he’s not showing much spark – there’s no birth time which doesn’t help but it may just be the Ed Milliband/William Hague syndrome – wrong job, wrong time.
Starmer will be embroiled in bitter no-win discussions through this year and all of next;; and is certainly running into the buffers come 2024/25, so it is unlikely he’ll continue.
Angela Raynor, 28 March 1980, the Labour deputy, has been catching the headlines for her ‘scum’ description of Boris Johnson, and tales of her difficult childhood with a bipolar suicidal mother, a teen pregnancy and her subsequent rise up through trade union ranks.
Not surprisingly she has an upfront Aries Sun with an emphasised Mars in flamboyant Leo conjunct the North Node squaring Uranus opposition Venus in Taurus – she is loud, attention-seeking, dislikes being hemmed in, tends to go over the top and gets overly emotional. She’s looking deflated, anxious and prone to calamities this year and next with tr Neptune opposition her Saturn and her Mars/Pluto midpoint; with some blips of confidence in 2022 but shocks as well and major jolts in 2023. Her plans won’t bring results.
Andy Burnham, 7 January 1970, now Manchester mayor, is talked of with prospects of becoming Labour leader in future. He has a practical and charming Sun, Venus, Moon in Capricorn sextile Mars in Pisces; with a persuasive and intense Mercury in Capricorn trine Pluto; and a wobbly up-and-down Saturn in Taurus opposition Jupiter.
He will make a confident and perhaps successful push in 2023 when his Solar Arc Jupiter is square his Pluto but will run into a few blockages by 2024.
I’m not wild about any of the Labour Party charts but the 12 February 1906 did flag up enthusiasm in 1964 when Harold Wilson got in. That was when tr Jupiter was in the last decan of Taurus – which doesn’t come round again till 2024. Though Saturn was also in late Aquarius in 1964, which it will be again in early 2023. The ‘Leadership’ North Node in Leo in this chart seems sensitive to wins and tr Uranus will be square that in spring 2023 which could be a pointer – but these are all straws in the wind.
There has been a biography and some articles on Starmer which examine his refusal to compromise during Brexit negotiations which ultimately led to a hard Brexit but also the fulfilment of his ambition to be leader of the Labour Party with many seeing the two as being inextricably linked. Starmer has a power-seeking Sun Pluto Jupiter opposition in his chart which could indicate his quest to hold the top positions in his career. It is interesting to see how quickly he has dropped his EU remain beliefs/ principles for the sake of political expediency. He has a stressed Mars in Cancer square Mercury in Libra, quincunx Saturn in Aquarius so maybe it was too much to expect him to be a ‘unifying’ leader. With a strong Libra emphasis in his chart he may actually be more comfortable with seeing two sides to life (Libra is traditionally associated with open or known enemies) which was ideal in his previous career as a barrister but perhaps not so much for bringing wings of a political party with very differing viewpoints together. It’s embarrassing and shows how dysfunctional the political system is (Pluto in Capricorn) if all it takes is a suit and a sharp haircut to take you to the top with very little scrutiny.
Maybe if they actually thought women existed they might resound with me…right now a big NO.
Quite – never a good idea to insult half of the population.
Regardless of the failings of the Tory party; Angela Raynor ‘scum’ remark was unbelievably unprofessional and clearly out of order. I couldn’t care less of her background and I wouldn’t want her to be representing this country or even my constituency. Keir Starmer has proven himself to be utterly useless. The whole lot needs to go and new blood with a new vision needs to come in. I can only pray!
Has the labour party becme unmanagable? Because there is no proportional representation in the UK it can´t split into one party that focuses on macro infranstructural change and another that fosuses on “progressive” identity issues. However it could aknowledge that the split exists and stop treating its members as idiots that cant see this. Perhaps it could divide the conference into two events that take place in ajacent buildings? In one of them they could disuss stuff like social care, wages and how to make industry accountable again. In the other they could split hairs about what a woman is, and have competitions in how many expletatives one can use to slag off the tories in one mouthful. People could move from the one part of the conference to the other – just as long as they agree to use the correct language in each.
It’s obvious by now Starmer isn’t going to turn things round for Labour. He’s not even going to put the building blocks in place for someone else to win the next election. They need to cut their losses and move on.
His Virgo Sun-Pluto hasn’t grasped the bigger picture, is spending too much time trying to clean up the Labour party and his Saturn in Aqua just doesn’t get how to be part of the group. I’m sure he’s very good at many things, and in different times could be a good leader; but all that cancer-libra-virgo is too passive for the current electorate.
Thanks Marjorie.
its interesting that all the Labour men who threw women and reality under the bus in the last week and while the Sun is in Libra, have Libra placements.
– Keir Starmer,Moon Mercury Venus in Libra square Mars in Cancer.
– Mc Donnell, Saturn in Libra Neptune in Libra square Uranus in Cancer.
– Sadiq Khan, Sun Uranus Mercury in Libra
– David Lammy Uranus conjunct Juno in Libra [how apt]
I haven t looked at asteroids for the other three but you take my point.
It is so hard to understand why the Labour Party seem to be so inward looking, and once again seemingly unable to grasp the bigger picture. The current government is a shambles, mostly, and what an opportunity for the opposition. But no. We badly need an effective opposition now too.
I wondered about the other chart for Labour – 27th February 1900? What’s interesting about it at the moment is Neptune transiting conjunct it’s Mercury in Pisces, and coming up to square itself in Gemini. That does describe the way things are going, or at least being presented, right now. The current UK fuel crisis might be well described by Neptune conjunct Mercury I think!
This chart has a mutable t-square (Uranus conjunct Jupiter, opposition Pluto in Gemini, squaring Sun Pisces) which does describe the leadership confusion that we’ve seen in recent years.
I suppose Jupiter in Pisces may help a bit next year, but Saturn and Uranus will eventually hammer Mars at 28 Aquarius with uncertain results. The Moon is at 10 Aquarius, so if that’s right then Saturn is there now – depressing or limiting “the people”?