Kayleigh McEnany – hitching her wagon onto Trump

Trump’s never-ending supply of ‘Comical Ali’ press spokespersons has thrown up another doozy in “I will never lie to you” Kayleigh McEnany. She does appear marginally more experienced with a background in CNN and Fox than previous incumbents of the post – Kellyanne Conway, Sean Spicer, Sarah Sanders – but her support of the anti-Obama birther nonsense and her flat denial that CV19 would ever come to the USA don’t give much hope that she’ll deviate from the true believer MAGA line.

Born 18 April 1988 in Tampa, Florida, she has media experience as well as a Harvard law degree. She’s a late Sun Mercury in Aries with a Taurus/Gemini Moon. But what dominates her chart are two other planetary aspects. One is the generational Uranus, Saturn, Neptune in Capricorn which can be tinged with genius or plain chaotic.  Her Sun Mercury are trine Uranus Saturn so she will be innovative and also autocratic. The other is a super-determined, pushily confident Jupiter in Taurus opposition Pluto square an ornery Mars in Aquarius. A Fixed sign focal point Mars is headstrong, with single-minded persistence, a bulldozer who lets little stand in her way. It does give her guts and ability but she will be inordinately stubborn.

If her birth time is morning, then it’ll put her Taurus Moon on Trump’s midheaven which would make sense, though there will be raggedy edges since her monumentally obstinate T square impacts on his Pluto.

The relationship chart has a slippery composite Sun opposition Neptune and trine Pluto – which could suggest joint megalomaniac ambitions, as well as the potential for scandal. The composite Neptune is conjunct Mars which allows for only one ego, so will require her to grit her teeth and play nice for the sake of advancement. It’s a power-hungry combination if they manage not to fall out. But with a composite Uranus opposition Pluto they will, as a pair, move through constantly changing times which could upset the applecart.

Her year ahead will have great highs and several major dips with tr Uranus shaking up first her Mars and then Jupiter in May/June and on into more major disruptions in 2021 as tr Uranus opposes her Pluto. She doesn’t budge easy not even with Uranus lighting storms under her feet.

5 thoughts on “Kayleigh McEnany – hitching her wagon onto Trump

  1. What I remember most about her stint at CNN as a commentator was that she was easily out-argued by those around her, in fact, I was startled to see she had an Ivy League degree because she came off as dumb as hell. I do think she’s a “true believer” but I don’t think she’s as smart as she thinks she is. She does hold a grudge against CNN for sure as she’s tried to reassign their front row seat to the back of the room. So she and Trump together? Yikes.

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