Actress Kate Winslet has become the TV hit of the year for her portrayal of a moody, middle-aged grandmother and detective in Mare of Easttown. Her penchant for not opting for commerce-driven movies despite her early success in Titanic possibly stems from her thespian background with actor grandparents who ran an English provincial repertory company. She has still acquired an impressive array of awards – Oscars, Golden Globes, BAFTAs and Emmys.
She was born 5 October 1975 at 7.15am in Reading, England and is a Sun Pluto in Libra – similar to Gwyneth Paltrow, though a million miles apart in life choices. Kate’s Sun is conjunct a Libra Moon Mercury and opposition a confident, pro-active Jupiter in Aries so she’s focused, intense and enthusiastic. She has a well-organised Saturn in Leo in her career 10th in an erratic, inconsistent, can-be-dictatorial square to Uranus. Her Mars in upfront Gemini in her spread-the-word 9th house makes her a dedicated campaigner for vegetarian, animal cruelty and other issues that interest her.
Her actor’s 15th harmonic is strong as are her creative 5th and 7th Harmonics.
She’s been married three times, the middle one to director Sam Mendes and since 2012 to a nephew of Richard Branson. The last few years will have been tough going with the tr Uranus square tr Pluto tugging on her Libra planets but she’s now clear of those.
She’s on a roll at the moment with tr Pluto conjunct her luckily Jupiter/Uranus midpoint, on and off till late 2022. And this year her Solar Arc Midheaven is conjunct her Venus which will boost her popularity. There’ll be a dip in her fortunes in 2023 when tr Neptune squares her Mars but overall she’s got a good many years of hard work and success ahead.
Settled in England at the moment, she has her best success line through eastern USA, not quite exact for the Philadelphia area in which this series is set but near enough.
Love her work. Her current marriage is very interesting; apparently her husband is a stay-at-home dad who has severe dyslexia. She’s an actress I can imagine having a Maggie Smith career, still getting great work into her eighties.
She was exceptional and disappeared into the role. The writing was great as was the supporting cast. Jean Smart has been on 3 of the best limited series, Fargo, The Watchmen and has a hit comedy.