Kash Patel, a deep-state conspiracy theorist with limited management experience, who is Trump’s pick for head of the FBI, will face a tough confirmation hearing. Patel began his career as a Miami federal public defender, then worked as a terrorism prosecutor at the Department of Justice, followed by senior aide to Republicans who led the House Intelligence Committee, reportedly fighting the investigation of Trump and Russian collusion in the 2016 election. Then onto security, intelligence and Pentagon posts until Trump left the White House.
The FBI director leads 37,000 employees across 55 US field offices and oversees 350 satellite offices and more than 60 other foreign locations expected to cover almost 200 countries. Former FBI officials said the job is difficult and it would be nearly impossible for someone like Patel to operate effectively.
Since leaving office, Patel has promised in interviews that he and others will use the government to go after political opponents – including politicians and members of the media who he alleges without evidence helped overturn the 2020 US presidential election results.
He was born 25 February 1980 in New York and is a Sun Pisces opposition an opportunistic Mars Jupiter in Virgo; with Saturn in Virgo opposition Mercury in Pisces square Neptune.
Mars Jupiter is interesting. In positive gear it is highly enthusiastic and self-confident. In its negative mode it can be ‘avaricious and bellicose’ with a might-makes-right attitude, won’t take no for an answer and can veer towards the fanatical. Sakoian & Acker see it as destructive, dishonourable, self-aggrandizing with a tendency to go on ‘holy crusades’ which channels their anger in sanctimonious and self-justifying directions. The house positions may intensify the energy.
The other problematic aspect of his chart is the Saturn opposition Mercury square Neptune which can be highly neurotic, veering towards paranoia, with a tendency to become involved in intrigue and scandal.
[These are all the negative possibilities from those aspects.]
He is running into a deadlock, high-risk blockage probably by 2026 when his SA Mars is conjunct his Pluto. Since his SA Jupiter is not far behind, he may go well over the top and create a backlash.
His relationship chart with Trump will hit a few bumps from mid March onwards and more from midyear 2025. It is a volatile connection with an undertow of suspicion.
There are two FBI charts, 26 July 1908 and 22 March 1935. The 1935 chart looks alarmed to a considerable degree over coming months with a trapped, high-risk SA Pluto conjunct Mars and then an undermining tr Neptune Saturn conjunct the Aries Sun from mid 2025 into 2026.
Patel’s relationship chart with the FBI 1908 chart looks fraught in the extreme especially over the Inauguration and sagging badly in 2026. His relationship chart with the 1935 FBI is wildly confused, devastating and panicky through 2025.
Which does not mean he will make it through the confirmation hearings but he will likely to be around in some capacity.
Add On. J. Edgar Hoover’s birthdate (see comments below) is either 1 Jan or 1 June 1895 and I have put both up above. Either looks feasible.
January has a hard-edged, can-be-cruel Mars in Taurus opposition Saturn with the Capricorn Sun inconjunct the not entirely stable and stratospherically ambitious Neptune Pluto in Gemini.
June has the Gemini Sun conjunct Neptune Pluto with a can-be-promiscuous Venus Mars in Cancer trine Uranus.
Incidently, I was just reading about Roy Cohn, who famously was DJT’s mentor (I haven’t seen “The Apprentice” film yet) and how, according to Bill Bonanno, he held some kompromat over the infamous FBI director J. Edgar Hoover. I remembered Hoover had one of the most descriptive charts I’ve ever seen, and checked it again – he was a New Year’s baby with Capricorn Sun tightly conjunct AC. Pisces Moon giving, in his case, capability to use psychological insight to manipulate people. Capricorn Mercury 12th house side, and then, 0 degree Mars in Taurus, Jupiter in Cancer sextile. Pluto/Neptune in Gemini, forming inconjunctions to his Capricorn objects.
Roy Cohn, on the other hand, had Sun and 4 other bodies in Pisces. More of a puppet master type of chart.
But Patel doesn’t seem to have either. Seems more like a weak, grifter type mind Trump wishes to bend.
There is a lot of “kompromat” available on Hoover, also known around DC as “JEdgar.” He was a well-known cross-dresser involved in a long-term live-in homosexual relationship with his No. 2 at the FBI, despite being an avowed public homophobe. All in all a nasty piece of work and a total hypocrite who held all sorts of dirt on prominent people in power enabling him to use blackmail to retain his own powerful position. Roy Cohn, another public homophobe and hypocrite, was also well known as gay and died of AIDS. Hard to know which of the two was a more vicious human being.
Sam Giancana, Boss of Bosses of the Cosa Nostra in Chicago had compromising pics of Hoover dressed as a woman performing sexual hijinks with his boyfriend. Its believed to be one of the reasons FBI had virtually no pressure on organised crime for decades and in fact publically refused to confirm the existence of OC. Hoover’s chart would be an interesting read I suspect. His hatred of the Kennedys was a feature too…I expect Pluto prominent?
Actually, the Wikipedia article tells a different and not very conclusive story.
Unfortunately date of Hoover’s birth is v questionable
@Marjorie, oh, I just checked this, because it seemed strange to me that a person born in Washington DC 1895 would not be registered as a birth. But he really didn’t have a birth certificate, even if it was required by law, until 1935.
That said, I think New Year birthdate seems plausible. I don’t think that would have been a kind of thing he’d felt like lying about, and would definitely been part of the family lore.
Illegitimate? Maybe. Agree January looks feasible.
I am reading about Hoover in James Ellroy’s American Tabloid, published in 1995. Hatred of the Kennedys was a priority much above organized crime in his book. He didn’t like Bobby Kennedy inquiring too much about the Mob in the Fifties and denied the Mafia even existed for many years. Hoover’s chart must have strong links to the US chart, its Scorpio Ascendant in particular. He was hired by the Justice Department under Woodrow Wilson’s Administration and immediately began to violate the left’s freedom of expression and right of peaceful assembly. The deep state at its worst but of course he was Trump’s kind.
@Marjorie, perks of being into genealogy and registered on multiple sites, he seems to have been the youngest of 4 (surviving?) siblings born in 15 year span. But nothing suspicious, such as having a teenage sister or similar. He also was very close to his mother.
He has a Saturn-Mars-Stellium in Virgo.
POSITIVE: “Well-defined actions are sustained by optimism & enthusiasm.”
NEGATIVE: “Cautiousness in taking initiative becomes an excuse for procrastination.”
Heliacal Rising star–Deneb Algedi…”Seeking the legal laws that govern.”
Castor rises as Merc culminates…”Skill with words or language.”
Zosma sets as Moon on IC…”The pacifist or warmonger. To hate or enjoy
the suffering of other.”
Bellatrix sets as Saturn culm…”The battler.”
Sirius sets as Saturn culm…….”To fe a founder, CEO of an institution.”
El Nath on IC as Mars sets……”Physical action in the face of opposition.”
Diadem on IC as Venus sets…..”Appeasement, can compromise.”
Interesting that a lot of these MAGA personalities have very similar charts. Lots of mutable energy in hard aspect. Shows how erratic and scatterbrained they can be. A lot of times they arrive on the scene like a ball of fire, disrupting and destroying everything they touch, but they burn out just as quickly, and therefore lack the staying power to build the world they seek to live in.
I recall Marjorie said similar about the UK Cabinet, many of whom were highly Mutable under Boris Johnson, including the super-mutable Dominic Cummings and that didn’t end well.
Thanks so much, Marjorie. I suspect that local and regional US law enforcement agencies, which have struggled to recruit officers, will receive a much-needed influx of applications from seasoned FBI agents who don’t want to put up with Trump-era shenanigans.
Jupiter conjunct Mars could be a signifier of something sexual and reproductive, but I don’t know how appropriate would it be to point that out. Or maybe you understand.
This one is also partile, both planets are retrograde, and oppose the Sun, so I wonder in what would all that result.
@El Aznar, he also has Venus/Pluto opposition. He is 44, and his bio does not show a partner.
I notice he has the same lineup of Mars, Jupiter and Saturn in Virgo as Kemi Badenoch. Those Virgo planets will be hit by the eclipses of next year and beyond as the NN moves into Pisces.
I knew someone who had a Mars/Jupiter conjunction and I was fascinated by them. So much belief in themselves. I wanted that aspect! But over the years the confidence and power they had — used to manipulate and constantly one-up others — deteriorated badly into obsession. But before that, I wanted to be Ms. Mars/Jupiter conjunction.
First, an opinion: I’ve seldom seen anyone who seems as little suited to politics as Kash Patel. Stephen Miller comes close, but in an other way. There just seems to be something majorly off with Patel.
Therefore, I took s peek at the planets, and saw much of what Marjorie did. Especially Mars/Jupiter in Virgo opposing Sun in Pisces, and Saturn/Mercury/Neptune. I think he has deep issues with both his self perception and perception of reality.
Interestingly, he also does not seem like a guy DJT would really trust to get the job done – in fact, he is a picture of people who would get eliminated during the first three assignments of “The Apprentice”, when it didn’t include celebrities. In fact, there was talk that he got nominated after another candidate, I believe Missouri AG, tanked the interview at Mar-a-Lago.
Very interesting to see how this will go, but I have a feeling this is one where sufficient number of Republican Senators might have objections, and Trump will end loosing political capital.