John Lennon – 35 years on

John Lennon was shot dead in New York 35 years ago and since then Yoko Ono, his widow, has established a better image as an artist, rather than as the much-hated Beatles-destroyer. A former BBC disc jockey, the last person to interview to Lennon, has now come forward with some unpleasant things to say about her (see Daily Mail).

Born 18 Feb 1933 8.30pm Tokyo, she has a 5th house Aquarius Sun, with Venus Saturn also in Aquarius in the 5th so likes attention, good organiser, cold. A 10th house Pluto in Cancer squares a 7th house Uranus – so controlling and attracted to unconventional relationships. Her Sagittarius Moon is square Neptune Mars Jupiter in Virgo in the 12th opposition Mercury North Node in Pisces – freedom-loving, short-tempered, evasive.

Quite an odd chart that doesn’t hang together well. Clumps of Virgo and chunks of Aquarius.

When Lennon died there was an exact Saturn Jupiter in Libra conjunction just crossing her Ascendant and her Solar Arc Jupiter was trine her MC – so thrusting her into the spotlight, with benefits. Admittedly there was also a devastating Solar Arc Pluto conjunct her Neptune as well.

John Lennon, 9 Oct 1940 6.30pm Liverpool, was a Sun Libra, with Moon Aquarius opposition Pluto square Mercury so attracted to powerful women. He was born on an exact Jupiter Saturn conjunction in Taurus and died two JupSats later. For a few Jupiter Saturn brings iconic status which throws them too high and they are then cut down.
His Solar Arc Mars opposed his Saturn Jupiter when he died; with his Solar Arc Sun just over the opposition to his Uranus – a troubled time in his life.

His relationship chart with Yoko had a passion-inducing composite Venus trine Pluto. But that apart was irritable, not kind and not mutually supportive, with a Saturn opposition Mars Neptune square Sun.

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