Pakistan – Fatima Bhutto speaking truth to power

Pakistan has faded from international headlines recently apart from Imran Khan’s divorce and Malala, the teenager who was shot by the Taliban and has now become an activist. And cricket of course. And there has been some indication of a warmer relationship with India.

The Pakistan, 14 Aug 1947 9.30am Karachi, chart has tr Uranus trine the Leo Sun this year and into early 2016 which does indicate beneficial changes. Tr Uranus is square the Pak Cancer Moon in 2015/early 2016 which suggests some emotional upsets amongst the population, which will intensify when tr Pluto moves to oppose the Moon in 2017/2018. That latter looks like internal unrest over government policies or actions.
Though tr Pluto will also sextile the 2nd house Jupiter in Scorpio then which could bring a financial boost for two years and more confidence. That goes along with another sign of hopeful change in 2017 when tr Uranus is sextile the MC – so a decision to change direction.

Nawaz Sharif, the Prime Minister’s Term chart, 5 June 2013 5.32pm Islamabad, has a very secretive, inward-looking feel with a Water Grand Trine in the hidden Water houses – Saturn 12th trine Neptune on the IC in the 4th trine Mercury Venus in Cancer in the 8th. Not always practical, disappointing to the electorate, very focussed on money; and with the unstable Pluto square Uranus

Fatima Bhutto, niece of Benazir, has been outspoken in her comments about the continuing violence and corruption, re-institution of the death penalty but says she has no political ambition. Since her father, aunt and grandfather were all killed maybe it is not surprising.

Born 29 May 1982 3.45am Kabul, she has a communicative 1st house Gemini Sun Mercury opposition a 7th house Uranus – so keen to walk her own path. She’s got a confident though hidden Fire Grand Trine of Venus in Aries in the 12th trine Neptune in the 8th trine a 4th house Leo Moon, formed into a Kite by Venus opposition Pluto Jupiter. So very talented though also self-protective.
Her 5th house Mars in Libra trines her Aquarius Midheaven so she is ambitious though perhaps content to have a platform for her views rather than actively seeking power.

She looks uncertain, confused and downbeat exactly now with tr Saturn square tr Neptune sitting on her Sun though that moves on after mid January 2016. There are major changes coming for her in 2016 with tr Uranus opposing her Pluto and moving the following year to conjunct her Venus. That could be health issues.
There will be a major change of direction for her career-wise in 2018 when tr Uranus squares her MC. But that may not be towards politics. Tr Saturn is moving upwards in her chart reaching a peak by 2020 when she will be taking on heavier responsibilities.
Her relationship chart with Pakistan will position her as a trailblazer but more with words than taking up the reins of power.

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