Problems are mounting for the Biden Administration over the next two months to add to the calamities of August. His approval ratings are underwater over his handling of the pandemic, Afghanistan, immigration and the economy. And all is not well in his strategy for getting his booster plan through, with September 27 being one moment of truth for its progress.
The Inauguration chart, has the confidence-denting tr Saturn conjunct Jupiter throughout this month until the 29th and repeating 23 October to November 16. Picking up from September 30 to October 22 is tr Saturn square Mars Uranus which points to setbacks, delays, high levels of insecurity, irritation and tension.
His personal chart is also under considerable pressure with his do-or-die-determined and prodigiously stubborn Mars in Scorpio square Pluto being battered by tr Saturn square tr Uranus in hard aspect. Tr Saturn has been opposing his Pluto this month and again late October to mid November. And in many ways more damaging his Mars is being upended by tr Uranus in opposition from 30 October to 24 November.
He’ll make a confident push to get back on track through December with tr Pluto opposition his Jupiter but it will be a rocky ride especially with the Lunar Eclipse in late November triggering his Sun Venus in Scorpio.
One astrological point. The general election will take place with the sun trine Saturn and also Saturn trine Biden’s Mars. This should sort things out.
Hi Marjorie, I just don’t think JB will last the full term and I don’t think that KH will take the lead role in his absence as strange as that sounds I think another woman will help out possibly Hilary with her Neptunian fog clearing or tr Pluto conjunction from April 2023 in Elizabeth Warren chart meaning a big role?
Interesting thoughts but the constitution has a set succession line for the US presidency
Biden may have been suited to be Senator and VP, but does not appear to have the temperament to be an executive. Seems to believe that setting a deadline for others suffices without having first ensured that all the moving parts will have the time to get their part done by that time: his MO in Afghanistan, then with booster shots (forcing scientists to hurry with their evaluations);
meanwhile he drags his feet on his own executive decisions, micromanaging every detail, as friends have complained regarding judicial appointments.
Could his 12th house Scorpio Mars squaring Pluto being battered by Saturn and Uranus mean health problems? Both Saturn and Uranus are in Gemini – mind in two minds – with Pluto in the 9th which is also linked to intellect. The 12th house also signifies Hospitals or hidden health problems. I was just we wondering whether Biden could be forced to step down due to an illness. Dementia has been mooted. Perhaps this is the time it comes out in the open. Retrograde Pluto starts to move forward on the 6th October and will oppose Biden’s Jupiter in the 8th house in November. His popularity and economics strategy may be called into question. Perhaps it will all be too much for him.
It’s only the Republicans and Trump, who clearly is demented, claiming Biden suffers from dementia. But Biden does look tired and never got a vacation this year.
Dementia isn’t a problem with him although that’s what Fox News and their ilk are pushing, hard. But he has had a nagging, persistent cough and that’s never good news in someone his age.
Hey Marjorie.
How about an update on the Democrat’s golden boy Pete Buttigieg who still has a glow around him. Especially since he’s a new parent of twins.
And if there’re any doubts about his shine wearing off, check out this link.
I love reading your insights. Any insights into the mid mid term elections in November 2nd?
New Jersey and Virginia particularly.