Jessica Mulroney – Meghan’s BFF in freefall


Jessica Mulroney, who is/was Meghan Markle’s best friend, fashion stylist and wedding planner, has become embroiled in an extraordinary spat with a black Instagram influencer which has led to her being dropped from Good Morning America and having her reality TV show cancelled. What’s bizarre is that given Mulroney’s associations she should have been tripping herself over backwards to be supportive of Black Lives Matter, not lashing out with a spiteful response.

What is also odd is the lack of much crossover between Meghan and Jessica’s charts given their long friendship.

Jessica was born 14 March 1980 in Montreal, Canada, and is a Sun Pisces opposition Saturn in Virgo square Neptune – creative, neurotic, scattered; with a flamboyant Mars in Leo in a go-ahead and adventurous conjunction to Jupiter. And the classic fashionista/indulgent/superficial Jupiter trine Venus in Taurus; and a publicity-attracting Mars trine Neptune.

The main connection with Meghan is money and extravagance with Jessica’s Mars Jupiter falling in Meghan’s 2nd house. Material gain is what drives the relationship and it can be good for joint business ventures. But resentment can arise in a personal relationship about ulterior motives of personal gain on one side or the other.

Their relationship chart is no more illuminating having a needs-space and differing-agenda composite Sun Mercury opposition Uranus; and a confused, suspicious composite Jupiter Saturn square Neptune. (Unless her birthdate is wrong it is v weird.)

Jessica gets on even less well with Prince Harry with her Saturn in a dampening conjunction to his Virgo Sun. Their relationship chart has a seriously aggravated composite Sun trine and composite Venus square a loaded Saturn, Mars, Pluto conjunction, plus an illusory/disappointing composite Sun opposition Neptune. This was never going to last.

Jessica herself looks unsettled and nerve-jangled now with tr Uranus conjunct her Venus and tr Pluto conjunct her Sun/Uranus midpoint as well as tr Neptune square her Sun/Neptune – so the birth date may well be right. Next year looks littered with failed plans as tr Neptune opposes her Saturn and then moves on to conjunct her Sun in 2022.

Astro-point to watch out for. Meghan and Harry’s relationship chart has a composite North Node at zero degrees Cancer catching this month’s Solar Eclipse exactly. The Lady Colin Campbell reveal-all book is out later this month followed by the semi-authorised ‘Finding Freedom’, both of which will no doubt provoke attention and the usual divisive for and against arguments. They are already wading through thick mud with tr Pluto square their composite Saturn this year and next, followed by tr Pluto square the composite Pluto and worse opposing the composite Moon in 2022/23. Tr Saturn is also square the composite Saturn Pluto and opposition Moon from this July right through until December this year. Not all hearts, flowers and picnics to put it mildly.

22 thoughts on “Jessica Mulroney – Meghan’s BFF in freefall

  1. “The main connection with Meghan is money and extravagance with Jessica’s Mars Jupiter falling in Meghan’s 2nd house. Material gain is what drives the relationship and it can be good for joint business ventures. But resentment can arise in a personal relationship about ulterior motives of personal gain on one side or the other.”

    Recent reports confirm the astrological observations..

    “Their friendship is definitely not what it was. And really, how can you have such a close friendship when one person is basically making a career out of the friendship?”

    As Jane mentioned earlier comment, this is shallow celebrity friendship … especially given that they were friends before Harry came into the scene..

  2. @Majorie, if the critiques of MM in this and prior threads were purely astrological I would say you have a point. The racial if not simply envious undertones in some of the responses are blatant, IMO.
    @Jennifer E, in your response you again speak for/about others. If you have strong convictions of your opinions own them without the hearsay of others.

    • I identified myself and made my comment just like you made yours. Me speaking ‘for/about others’ did not include you or yours, so what’s the problem? ‘.. strong convictions’? ‘….hearsay ..’? Am I in court? Seriously, it’s not that serious!!

      There is nothing you need to do except take it or leave it. Life goes on ….!!

    • Unless you can produce examples which we can all review I’d suggest you keep your unpleasant and gratuitously insulting comments to yourself. And if you continue attacking posters directly rather than discussing the subject on hand then you’ll get blocked.

  3. Hi Marjorie

    Can you give us a sense of what the eclipse on their Cancer north node could throw up please, in the 2nd house? Just saw headline in daily mail that her mother is moving in. Could that be it?

    Thanks as always.

    • More likely to be money, I’d have thought. Not clear how they intend to support their full-on celebrity LA lifestyle which is super-expensive.

  4. Not an astrological observation, but it would appear ( although who knows?) from the coverage of this event, that it is certainly about feeling untouchable because one is ‘superior ‘ – it can play out in a number of ways, not necessarily race, although depressingly this is often the case. Others can recoil and reject on the basis of race , now trendy, and therefore cannot be seen to be connected, but are they any different?

      • I have seen a lot of needless criticism here on Meghan more than to the other royals’ behaviour at times – and I wonder if it is part of an unconscious racism…by some here… everyone needs to reflect now – on this – it is part of the larger astrological picture for the decade coming up

        • Cas

          I have made, read and agreed with some criticism of MM. On the whole the majority has been about he not wanting to honour the type of life she signed up for or seeming to want to be the one to change things in bulldozer fashion, etc, etc. Moreover the other consideration is that we don’t know what Prince Harry was telling her to encourage such behaviour cause he has his own trauma going on. Anyway ….

          Now i don’t know if for others there was unconscious bias to her race but I am black Caribbean, and I know other black women, mind you not black American, who lean towards my thinking upon seeing some of her behaviour.

          Whilst I can’t deny some people may hold the views you mention I have never seen a hint of it here or maybe I missed those as I don’t always read every single comment. However too some times you have to call a spade a spade.

        • No Cas, it is neither conscious nor unconscious racism to criticise behaviour. And there was every bit as much criticism of Kate in the early days – as well as Andrew. You’re seeing what doesn’t exist.

    • If their passion is real, no one should critisise them for their involvement in BLM … Doesnt mean their other behaviour should not be critisised.

  5. Thank you Marjorie. A curious “friendship”, but maybe not a friendship in the accepted sense of a private relationship? It’s sometimes hard to tell in the world of celebrity!

    I’m curious about that composite North Node in Cancer and the June eclipse. Prince William’s Sun is 0 Cancer, with Moon at 4 degrees Cancer – he is an eclipse baby. They oppose his BML at 0 Capricorn, and trine his Jupiter in Scorpio at 0 degrees too – plus the MC at 2 Scorpio. Possibly this eclipse is flagging up the relationship William has with Harry and Meghan? It also looks like a significant point in the year for him anyway.

    • @Jennifer E, please speak for yourself. Do not invoke the thinking of “others” whom aren’t in this forum to say otherwise. And stating that you are Black Caribbean means what exactly? That you are somehow above reproach in any ethnic bias?

      • Morning Tia

        I have no idea what you are talking about. I made it clear that i speak for myself and the others I heard said similar. I mentioned who i am to distinguish who i am as a female because my name doesn’t show it. Simple. Not appreciating your tone but hey … it’s yours to own and I don’t need to buy into it. Happy Sunday. Peace out!!

      • Hey Tia, no personal attacks. If you want to disagree with comments – within limits – say so, or with the astrology, that’s fine. Ad hominem swipes not welcome.

  6. It does seem to be an odd friendship but I dare say if Meghan Sussex is part of the Hollywood A List she no longer needs the Toronto A List! It also needs that she needs to be devoted to the woke! Friends are disposable obviously…

    • I think another astrologer had suggested at the start of this year that Harry and Meghan may split (not necessarily divorce) next June. Unfortunately, I don’t remember which astrologer (it wasn’t Marjorie) and which June (it was posted around New Year’s Day and so it was unclear if it was June 2020 or June 2021).

      • Hmm. I never like to rain on people’s parade so soon after getting hitched. The chained-together Saturn Pluto in their relationship chart will tie them together so wouldn’t be an easy split if it ever came to that. Harry’s Sun/Moon midpoint is challenged this year by tr Pluto in opposition but I think William had similar in his first year – adjustments. Meghan’s Sun/Moon doesn’t show anything much till 2023. But their relationship will take a considerable pounding from tr Pluto till 2024.
        Such a shame since everyone was willing them to be a breath of fresh air and it went pear shaped very early on.

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