Jeff Sessions – holding the scales of justice

jsess   jsess-dt-comp


Jeff Sessions is being grilled in his confirmation hearing for the post of Attorney General. He was denied a federal judgeship in 1986 after the Senate Judiciary Committee heard testimony that he made racist remarks. He’s now flatly denying he ever sympathised with the Klu Klux Klan. There’s no risk of him not being nominated but he looks very discouraged through this year and beyond.

At the moment he has tr Neptune in an enthusiasm-dampening square to his Sun/Jupiter midpoint till mid February; with this month also bringing high tension from tr Uranus opposition his Sun/Saturn.  February will feel worse with real agitation, setbacks and failures from tr Uranus opposition Mars/Saturn and then Sun/Pluto. That continues to be the pattern through March/April and beyond. 2018/19 look bleakly discouraging and very slow going as well as risky for him. His relationship with Trump looks increasingly separated and cold with tr Saturn square the composite Sun, Venus, Mercury in March/April and repeating in the autumn 2017; with more hitches and glitches in 2018.

One thought on “Jeff Sessions – holding the scales of justice

  1. He fits the bill perfectly for the Republican party to do whatever they want with no interference by the sad, ineffective Attorney General

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