Janet Jackson – tour on hold for health

Singer Janet Jackson, sister of Michael, has cancelled a string of concert appearances because she needs immediate surgery.

Born 16 May 1966 Gary, Indiana, she has provisional birth times of either 7am or 7pm. Since 7pm puts tr Uranus on the cusp of her 6th house of health and tr Pluto moving to square her Aries Moon it seems more likely.

She is a Sun Mars in Taurus opposition Neptune so determined, feisty, suited to a high-glam business.

Tr Uranus moving through the 6th can bring sudden health issues to the fore. Tr Pluto square her Moon from the New Year can also put pressure on the body. Late February/March also look edgy with more upsets, even more surgery then as tr Uranus squares her Mars/Uranus and Mars/Pluto midpoints. It looks stressful. Relief and enthusiasm will return late March.

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