James Mattis – monkish warrior



James General James ‘Mad Dog’ Mattis, the nominee for US Secretary of Defence, is highly respected within the armed forces in US and UK. Senator John MCCain said of him: “He is without a doubt of one of finest military officers of his generation and an extraordinary leader who inspires a rare and special admiration of his troops.”

Born 8 September 1950, he is known as the warrior-monk-intellectual, having never married, being extremely bright and well read. The monk-intellectual is certainly reflected in his Sun Saturn in Virgo. The warrior also in his ultra-determined Mars in Scorpio sextile Saturn and square Pluto.

He is certainly more hawkish than the Obama Administration could cope with but for all his rather direct speaking, he does appear to be a careful strategist.

If he gets through his confirmation – and it does look frustratingly stuck for him this December/January – he doesn’t look too cheerful through 2017 with a fairly uphill struggle; and more challenging and pressured in 2018/19 as tr Pluto squares his Mars/Saturn and trines his Saturn. Which, if he is in the job, could be signs of an armed conflict.

4 thoughts on “James Mattis – monkish warrior

  1. Just read his bio on Wiki. What a conflicted mess! No wonder he is called Mad Dog. Thanks for keeping your astrological “eye” on him for us.

  2. Not quite that much of a renegade. Evidently reads Heraclitus and is lecturing at Stanford at the moment. But the transition from military to political is tricky, different kind of dirty fighting.

  3. Warrior monk intellectual as in Marlon Brando in Apocalypse Now? Interesting to see how this lone wolf puts his ideals into play on the world stage.

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