James Earl Jones scaled the heights for decades on stage and on screen but what he is most remembered for is his voice. It was once described as the sound that “Moses heard when addressed by God.” He was the voice of Darth Vader in the original Star Wars trilogy, summoning the full power of the mystical ‘Force’. “That great rumbling basso profundo was like a thunderstorm surmounting the horizon, an almost supernatural voice of wisdom and power.” He was also the voice of Mufasa, father of princeling cub Simba in The Lion King.
What was all the more extraordinary was he had a debilitating stutter as a child, rendering him effectively mute for several years until a teacher encouraged him to read his poetry compositions out loud in class. He discovered his stammer eased when he was speaking from memory.
He was born 17 January 1931 6.05 am Arkabutia, Mississippi, with his father abandoning the family shortly after his birth, Aged 5 he was sent unwillingly to live with his grandparents where his stammer appeared.
His Mercury in earthy Capricorn felicitously is conjunct his Ascendant, Moon and Saturn – so his image and his style of communication were inextricably interwoven. His Moon (Mercury) Saturn were opposition Jupiter Pluto square Uranus – giving him supreme confidence and a determination to mark out an unconventional path in life. His 8th house of grandparents had a deeply buried and formidable Mars trine Uranus and inconjunct his Saturn; with creative Neptune also in his 8th trine his Mercury. He came across as surprisingly mellow given his troubled Mars,
Thanks for the information..I was born with tongue stuck on upper part of mputh hence was unable to speak thus was operated upon as soon as my father found out that at usual age of infants I was having difficulty in uttering sound.
I have all planets in 8th house in leo so that includes mercury saturn all conjunct.
But what nobody could see then was that I was destined to make living on my voice, a trait from my mother’s ancestral line and her.
Obviously with Saturn conjunct Sun, seems my father regrets that operation till date
Wow! Moon, Mercury, and Saturn on the ascendant fit. Mercury is how you speak and communicate. In Capricorn – authoritative (Capricorn) voice (Mercury). Conjunct Moon – mellowness, a certain softness, velvetishness. Conjunct Saturn – again authority, rulership, darkness (Darth).
Lost comments Lizzie: Tremendous actor. Dr. Strangelove, one of my favorites. Notwithstanding his film work, he always retained his commitment to live theater, perhaps because it fulfilled that packed first house of his. And can I just say — in my next lifetime I’m going to apply for a Jupiter/Pluto conjunction in my chart. I need a shot of that supreme confidence.
Martha: Stammering follows an affliction by Mars or Saturn to Mercury, involving Sagittarius, especially in the 12th House is occupied by one of the planets.
Charles I may be taken as an example. Here is another example taken from 1000 Notable Nativies…Mercury 45 Moon, the two latter near 14Sagittarius. Jupiter lord of the 3rd conj Uranus; Mars lord of the 12th conj Sun. James Earl Jones has similar afflictions.