Jacob Zuma – will the corruption charges stick?

Jacob Zuma, President of South Africa, should face corruption charges over a 1999 arms deal, the High Court has ruled. The charges were dropped just weeks before the 2009 election which led to Jacob Zuma becoming president. It’s certainly a blow to Zuma though there is still doubt about whether it will go to trial.

His 2nd term chart, 24 May 2014 11.35am, has the de-stabilising Solar Arc Pluto square Uranus, exact in just a few weeks’ time. That chart was always descriptive of a term of rolling crises with a Cardinal Grand Cross of Pluto opposition Jupiter square Mars opposition Uranus Moon. It certainly suggest riding roughshod across rules and regulations, bullish over-confidence but also good luck.

His personal chart has tr Uranus conjunct his Aries Sun exactly now and running on and off into 2017. With setbacks from tr Saturn opposition his buccaneering Mars Jupiter in Gemini later this year.


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