Jacinda Ardern – fending off clumsy questions

Jacinda Ardern’s election as opposition leader in New Zealand, caused a gender ruckus when she was repeatedly asked in interviews about her child-bearing plans. Male politicians are rarely asked their parenthood plans; and Julia Gillard, the former Australian PM’s choice not to have children was used by her political opponents to paint her as unemotional and lacking in empathy. So she’d have been caught both ways, whatever the answer. My recollection is that Maggie Thatcher lay on her delivery bed with newly-arrived twins at her side and filled in her bar-exam application forms. And I doubt if anyone thinks less well of Angela Merkel for not being a mother.

Jacinda Ardern, 26 July 1980, Hamilton, NZ, is a Sun Leo sextile Mars in Libra; with both Mars and Pluto square Mercury in Cancer perhaps opposition a Capricorn Moon; and Venus in Gemini opposition Neptune square Saturn in Virgo – so a mix of flamboyant, good in debate, determined, socially light-hearted and idealistic as well as exceptionally hard working.

She’ll have some slipping and sliding moments for eighteen months; then she’ll hit a roll of Jupiters through till 2022. Her Solar Arc Sun is conjunct her Jupiter possibly in 2019; followed by Solar Arc Jupiter conjunct her Pluto for a major triumph in 2020, at the same time as a lucky tr Uranus trine her Jupiter in Virgo and tr Pluto trine her Mars/Jupiter (2020/2021). She could be in for a major win.

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