Ivanka Trump, having ridden on her father coat tails for four years – and found her business interests dragged down by the taint of the Trump name – is now in a quandary about her political ambitions, with him still professing an interest in a 2024 run. And she’ll almost certainly be embroiled in some of the plethora of pending cases involving Trump Organization finances.
She will be champing at the bit since this is a pushily confident year for her with tr Pluto square her Jupiter and Pluto this month and again August to late November; with an all-systems-change tr Uranus opposition her Scorpio Sun next month. She will have some luck this May and again December and February 202 from one of her Jupiter midpoints. But there are also a good many mountains to climb and peat bogs to wade through with a discouraging tr Pluto square her Sun/Saturn midpoint late this February, on and off to late 2022. With a car-crash setback sometime this year from Solar Arc Mars conjunct her Saturn.
2022 looks a seriously undermining year with major losses and uncertainty from tr Neptune opposition her Mars/Saturn midpoint.
Her Solar Returns (without a birth time) have trapped and frustrating if not downright scary Mars Pluto squares from birthday 2020 for a year, birthday 2021 for a year; and birthday 2024 for a year – that last being an even more road-blocked Mars opposition Pluto. 2022 looks over-hopeful; 2023 is confident and materialistic.
The November 2022 elections will see her in downbeat mood.
Ahh Ivanka. The Queen of shameless entitlement……the epitome of vapid with the walk of a trotting horse.
Brilliant Troy!
Troy i don’t know what your day job is but you could be writing for Private Eye or similar with such pithy prose!
This terrible family is single-handedly responsible for the dangerous, stupid impasse we find ourselves in. There would be no Marjorie Taylor Green without Trumps. I simply don’t get it. Please God let the Democrats grow a spine and fight back hard.
Having read about the antics of MTG yesterday and been appalled that an elected representative can display such thuggish behaviour and seemingly be free to do so by the powers that be, I had a look at her astrology. She is yet another Gemini with Sun opposition Neptune and Mars in Cancer at the focal point of a T-Square involving Venus in Aries opposing Uranus in Libra. She also has that bleak generational Saturn square Pluto. But what struck me was her Mercury in Gemini square Pluto – according to Marjorie a classic conspiracist’s signature – and indeed, her imagination when it comes to these fantasies is depraved, including her belief that Hilary Clinton sacrificed a baby and wore its face as a mask – I kid you not!
I see the ghastly Lauren Boebert, a Sun in Sagittarius also has a T-Square on Mars conjunct Jupiter in Pisces and has her Sun opposite a Gemini moon conjunct Chiron (MTG’s Venus is conjunct Chiron). She has a predominately Mutable chart with a stellium in Sagittarius which of course all ties in with Trump’s Sag/Gemini axis.
@ Virgoflake
How is MTG any different from Trump except that she is female?
No different at all Roderick. Trump in a dress.
But I get your point, the GOP enabled the Thug-In-Chief and this is the fallout.
@Virgoflake, OMG! That’s so apt. I looked at MTG’s bio, and apparently, she is daughter of a construction company, and now runs the business. Sounds like someone we know too well…
@Deborah, no this is the GOP’s karma. For all of the decades that Republicans have lied to and manipulated Americans to obtain power and to stay in power it is fitting that they are being torn apart as a party by a lying con man that they allowed in believing that they could control his chaos without being impacted directly or indirectly.
Good bye GOP!!
Are Brazen and Shameless asteroid aspects by any chance, because this sociopathic automaton has it stamped all over her soul. Honestly, as the saying goes, she’s got more neck than a brass monkey! That family are out of the limelight for twelve seconds and they are already desperately trying to claw their way back to validity. I wish to god the global media would put a permanent blackout out on this cancerous stain of a family. They bring nothing but misery and chaos into the world while being architects of corruption behind closed doors. Enough already!
Thanks Marjorie. Ivanka never seems quite real somehow. Perhaps its the Venus/Neptune conjunction? When transiting Neptune squares that, it will also oppose asteroid Pallas in Virgo, which is worth looking at for strategy and political ambitions I think. The transit creates a t-square with its outlet in Gemini (dear old Dad) – so maybe she’ll be looking for some platform she can use to communicate and get an audience. Could be politics, could be some kind of media channel.
I have never made up my mind on asteroids, however, I do find they appear to offer symbolic messages. For Ivanka, asteroid Hybris/Hubris aligns with BML, squaring Mars. Her darker or angrier side may be very well hidden in public, but there it is – all tangled up with pride, entitlement, and the potential for overweening ambition.
That’s interesting Jane. I have to declare my prejudice here and say I don’t really warm to Venus/Neptune as a whole because I have known it do exactly as you describe – hide behind a somewhat saccharine veneer which conceals a hidden agenda which is not always very pleasant.
Yes, very good at smoke and mirrors! It’s a glamorous aspect in many ways, but always reminds me that ‘glamour’ meant a bewitchment or spell originally.
Also, I suspect there’s a gap between more recent interpretations of many aspects and signs, and how they may work out in real life. At some point the layers of meaning seem to have been set aside, edited out, or almost lost. I remember first noticing this with the Aries/Libra pair, and realising that the ‘cookbook’ interpretations for Libra seemed to ignore their strategy, ambition, and sometimes rather chilly qualities. But then Venus herself was, as a goddess, capricious and self-willed – not always the beaming ‘goddess of love’ on a Hallmark card!
Oh, Venus has her dark side alright. Btw, my mother has Venus in Pisces opposition Neptune and flirts with everyone, male and female, but has no idea she’s doing it! Those Libran qualities you list are perhaps the reason why you find so many Librans in politics.
Yes, Mrs Thatcher for instance. And possibly Mr Putin. Very different from a surfeit of Geminis!
Ahhh… If Marco Rubio looses in the primary that means a Democrat can win their seat. Hopefully a very able Democrat with the least dirt in his/her path.
Pluto squares, from personal
and anectodal experience, are extremely difficult, but she’s got Jupiter and a total lack of self-awareness and refusal for self-criticism like her father.
so let’s hope that external circumstances will force her into defeat.
She should stick to peddling beans
Remember that news clip of Ivanka trying to converse with Christine Legrande, Theresa May, Justin Trudeau and Emmanuel Macron at Osaka G20 Meeting, wearing a 3000 $ pink Valentino dress that looked like my granny’s summer curtains and meticulously straightened hair? Legrande in particular is icy, but she seems oblivious to “cringe” she causes. This is, essentially, all you have to know about Ivanka. She has Scorpio Sun’s thick skin and Sagittarius Moon’s capability to just ignore the negative.
This is why I think that she will, indeed, try to run for a Senate seat in Florida unless she is convicted and behind the bars. And somehow, I don’t think it will come down to this with her. I also think Pisces Jupiter squares to her Sagittarius Moon and Venus/Neptune may give her some false mood boost, and it’s possible she will beat Marco Rubio in a primary early in 2022, only to have fortunes reversed “bigly” later that year.
She would be much wiser to run against Rick Scott, if that is her ambition. Doubt if anyone could beat Rubio.
@JAS, she isn’t known for reading the room. But, the latest Florida approval polls that were run before Election had Marco Rubio and Rick Scott practically tied at 47-48 per cent approval and 33-36 per cent disapproval. This probably reflects hard core Republican/Democrat base division, and although Biden took a greater percentage of Independent vote, Trump on ballot absolutely helped Rubio in 2016 and Republicans in general in 2020, so Ivanka might have gotten ideas.
An Addition: Rubio *outperformed* Trump by over 200 000 votes in 2016. I guess these came from Independents and some “Never Trump” Republicans. Remember, Trump used to call him “Little Marco Rubio” during campaign, and unlike Ted Cruz, he did push back on occasion. There was this sense “adults in the room” could rein Trump among some Republicans, too that’s obviously gone now. Large chunk of Republican base is now fully behind Trumps, and it won’t change with new knowledge on Trump corruption. So, in case “Daddy Dearest” is capable of endorsing Ivanka, there’s no question in my mind she’ll beat Rubio in a Republican primary.
I thought of the clip of that moment too, and you’re right. It revealed everything about character, and reaction of others. Ivanka was spouting some vacuous stuff and Christine Lagarde visibly shuddered and turned away. Ivanka stayed chirpy and oblivious. She has flirted with Trudeau on several occasions–handsome and powerful, how could she not?–and each time, his pleasant smile froze to arctic ice. Most women would notice and back off. Ivanka seemed undeterred. She is her father’s daughter. Impossible to think this self-serving temperament can win in a public arena. Ivanka suffers from absence of empathy or compassion. Fashion design would be a better field for her, except that the public doesn’t want her branding.
In place of the Dark Lord you will set up a Queen. And I shall not be dark, but beautiful and terrible as the Morning and the Night! Fair as the Sea and the Sun and the Snow upon the Mountain! Dreadful as the Storm and the Lightning! Stronger than the foundations of the earth. All shall love me and despair!
At least Galadriel had the gumption to know that this kind of power corrupts and she stepped away from such power (in the film). Not this useless excuse for a human being, though.
We won’t be counting our chickens before they hatch – Trumps are brazen!
@Stiena, and she is her father’s favorite, because he sees himself in her. Don Jr, a Capricorn Sun/Virgo Moon, and Eric Trump, a Capricorn Sun/Aquarius Moon, can be reduced to nervous lumps by a mean tweet or a subpoena. Not Ivanka, she will carry herself with a coolness of a mannequin doll. (Comedian Noel Cassler, who used to be Ivanka’s handler for “The Apprentice”, has thoughts on this.)
Just no.
Many thanks, Marjorie, for your revealing prognosis re Ivanka’s political future.
Looks rather bleak, which–for me–is cause for celebration.