Ivanka & Jared v Kelly – a new saga of West Wing woes



Ivanka Trump’s delight at serving ‘alongside’ new Chief of Staff, John Kelly, has been dented by the flood of criticism thrown her way for hubris, in putting her own lack of political experience on a par with his CV. Morning Joe’s Mika Brzezinski tweeted: “It’s time for Donald Trump’s family members to get out of the way and let professionals run the White House.”

There’s no doubt Ivanka is down at the mouth at the moment, unnerved on top of everything else by the sudden exit of Scaramucci, whose appointment she and Jared had pushed. She has tr Pluto square her Mercury/Saturn and Mars/Uranus midpoints, now till early September – depressed with sudden shocks. From late Sept, through October, tr Saturn will conjunct her Neptune Venus in Sagittarius making her neurotic and feeling unloved. November brings back August’s glooms. 2018 has losses, high nervous tension, with a few hints of good news, but more bad. 2019/2020 she looks under serious mental strain. Though regaining confidence and drive in 2020/21.

Her relationship with her serving officer Kelly? Explosive and slippery. There’s a composite Venus opposition Sun square Neptune (all being rattled by this month’s Eclipses). And a volatile/disagreeable composite Mars Uranus which is being undermined by tr Neptune in opposition till late 2019. Whether Kelly succeeds in cutting off her open-door access to Trump, depends on the President himself, and seems unlikely.

Both she and Jared have Uranus in late Scorpio which opposes Kelly’s Sun Mercury in Taurus – so polar opposites, differing agendas, a rebellious combination. Her Scorpio Sun also squares Kelly’s Pluto, so she won’t budge him. And both she and Jared have Venus Neptune in Sagittarius which squares Kelly’s Mars in hard-working, perfectionist Virgo – so he’ll find them tricky to pin down.

Jared’s relationship with Kelly is a power-struggle with a composite Sun (Moon) opposition Pluto Uranus Saturn square Jupiter – cold, disruptive, game playing for the upper hand. It’ll certainly be on more of a downer than usual from late September into October.

Jared’s own chart looks confused but pushily confident through this month; dismayed in Oct/Nov; 2018/19 see tr Pluto conjunct his Capricorn Sun producing huge challenges and pressures; plus a rolling series of catastrophic disasters from mid 2018 to late 2019 with tr Neptune square his Mars/Pluto midpoint.

Kelly’s relationship with Steve Bannon is also locked into a power stalemate with a composite Sun opposition Pluto Mercury, which the Eclipses are both bouncing off. Plus an irritable composite Mars Saturn. And a composite Jupiter opposition Neptune square Venus which is being jangled seriously at the moment and into 2018.

3 thoughts on “Ivanka & Jared v Kelly – a new saga of West Wing woes

  1. The fundamental thing to remember is this–Trump is crazy as in certifiably mentally ill plus as we’ve all observed, less than intellectually gifted and there are two things you can’t account for with any degree of certainty in this world–and that’s crazy and dumb. Combine them and we’re sitting on a powder keg of uncertainty with the added side attractions of greed and corruption thrown in as a simmering bonus in all this toxic stew that is the Trump administration.

  2. As a depressed American, I wonder how much longer we can endure this dysfuntional family. What’s Kelly’s relationship like with Pence? I keep hoping for an invocation of the 25th amendment…

  3. I’m sure that tough ol’ Marine has been through a lot worse. Still, the West Wing War obviously has the potential to be the mother of all battles for Kelly. He’ll stand his ground, I’m sure, but that will only put him in harm’s way, so to speak. What a colossal circus this administration is. Thanks, Marjorie, for shining a light……..

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