An improbable coalition of far-right, secular centre and Arab-Israeli have formed with the intention of outing Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israel’s longest serving prime minister, after four elections in two years failed to form a government. It will need parliamentary backing to take office and Netanyahu is throwing his considerable political skills and weight into blocking it. If it goes ahead Naftali Bennett, pro-settler, a religious nationalist and against a Palestinian state, will serve as prime minister until 2023. If it holds together that long, he will be replaced for the remaining two years by Yair Lapid, a centrist and standard-bearer for secular Israelis.
Netanyahu is certainly sagging through this year with tr Neptune opposition his Virgo Midheaven and tr Saturn still crawling through his low-profile First Quadrant – so not his shining hour. But he still has tr Pluto conjunct his Jupiter aiming for a final exact aspect mid August to late November which will give him a lift. So who knows what he’ll get up to as he faces corruption charges ahead. His Solar Return from this October looks high-risk, trapped and threatening as well as directionless. Tr Pluto square his Libra Sun in 2022/23 will also put him under considerable pressure. The composite Sun of his relationship chart with Israel at 10 degrees Leo certainly looks to indicate a relationship at separation point this year.
Naftali Bennett, 25 March 1972, a controlling and super-confident Aries Sun opposition Pluto square Jupiter, was born only four days before the much criticised UK Home Secretary Priti Patel. He also has his Mars in bulldozer Taurus in a hard-edged, angry conjunction to Saturn opposition Neptune.
Yair Lapid, 5 November 1963, is a Sun, Mercury, Neptune in Scorpio square Saturn in Aquarius – with Mars in Sagittarius square Pluto Uranus. He’s equally determined though in a different way. His prospects are changeable to put it mildly in 2021/22 with the tr Uranus square tr Saturn hitting on his Scorpio planets and his natal Saturn.
There’s also a new president in for a seven year term, Isaac Herzog, 22 September 1960, son of a former president and grandson of Ireland’s first chief rabbi, before becoming chief rabbi of Palestine, and then Israel. He is seen as less conservative.
All of this is internal Israeli minutiae and will no doubt end up in churning political chaos ahead. What struck me as significant given that all of them will likely be involved in the fate of Israel over next few years, no matter what their role. Their charts all reflect to a great degree the upheavals and disruptions on the Israel country chart up to and across the middle of this decade.
Herzog in particular looks undermined in 2024 with tr Neptune opposition his Virgo Sun; in a state of high anxiety in 2025 with Solar Arc Neptune conjunct his Saturn; and totally trapped and in a high-risk situation in 2026/27 with his Solar Arc Mars and Sun hitting his Pluto.
Bennett will be facing a collision in 2024/25 with his Solar Arc Sun conjunct his Mars just as tr Uranus squares his Mars; and tr Pluto and tr Uranus will tug at his Saturn in Gemini opposition Neptune for three years after that, never mind tr Neptune conjunct his Sun in 2026.
Lapid, will be jolted and jarred up to and across mid decade as well with his Solar Arc Uranus Pluto crossing his Scorpio planets.
So whatever happens, the face of Israeli politics will be changing radically though that will be in the context of a country undergoing massive changes as tr Uranus moves across in hard aspect to the Israel Pluto, Saturn, Mars in Leo in the 10th until mid decade, never mind tr Uranus conjunct its Taurus Sun in 2023/24.
See previous post May 11 2021.
‘The composite Sun of his relationship chart with Israel at 10 degrees Leo certainly looks to indicate a relationship at separation point this year.’
Hi Marjorie
You may have said it but I can’t seem to connect the dots…
What planet and/or aspect is triggering the ‘separation point’ with composite 10 degs Leo?
It’s my ‘brain not firing day’ today ….. so I missed something.
Big Thanks J
Oh….. Transiting Uranus!!?