Iris Apfel, the unashamedly ancient fashion icon, has died at 102. She had an illustrious career with her husband in their textile weaving business as an interior designer, decorating the White House for nine American presidents. Only after her retirement in her mid eighties she was asked to put on an exhibition of her enormous collection of outfits and accessories for New York Metropolitan Museum of Art’s Costume Institute and her ‘geriatric starlet’ days were born as she came into demand for lectures and fashion shoots.
She was born on August 29 1921 in Queens, New York, her father head of a business selling glass and mirrors, and a Russian-born mother who who owned her own boutique and, according to her daughter, “dressed like the Duchess of Windsor”.
Iris was a Sun Mercury in Virgo in an inventive and outspoken opposition to Uranus; with her Uranus in an experimental trine to Pluto (maybe Moon) in Cancer. Uranus doing its whacky best to make her stand out from the crowd. Her creative Venus in home/family oriented Cancer which would suit her interior design talents and may also have been conjunct her Moon. Her Jupiter Saturn conjunction in Virgo would help to rise her above the crowd and her Mars Neptune conjunction in flamboyant Leo attracted publicity and suited her for a zizzy lifestyle.
Her husband died in 2015 aged 101.
A fabulous, inspiring character, with that old-fashioned New York accent and sense of humour. Interesting to see the Virgo planets, I’ve noticed how Virgo often seems to link up with fashion and style. Always sad to see such a unique and creative individual leave us. We need them more than ever!
I saw someone insult her in a post in the Daily Mail, saying she look like big bird in her yellow outfit. I replied I bet she would have laughed at that.
She was rather divine. The world is a less exuberant place without her. RIP
Was she some kind of wonderful or what.
The zizziest, by far.
Here is her rectified chart…..https://i.postimg.cc/mkcxJqtt/Iris-Apfel-Rectified.jpg.
Venus, interiior design, rules her 4th of homes, in 7th of public projection Her Moon is in Cancer in her 6th House signifying working in decorating interiors of homes.
Uranus rules her Asc, in her 1st, explains her unorthodox, quirky, clothing style.
This works. 4th house… interiors, working from home. I’ve got a 4th house sun, and I started a movement, supper clubs, which is a restaurant in your home.