Iran elections – hoping for a reformist


Presidential elections in Iran will be held on May 19th with six candidates having been passed by the Guardian Council, who vet all applicants and refuse as suits them without explanation.

None of the three likeliest have much showing on their charts (without birth times). Hassan Rouhani, present President and a reformist, is a Sun Scorpio square Pluto, with Jupiter in Sagittarius opposition Uranus. His Jupiter is conjunct the Iran 1 Feb 1979 9am chart MC and Venus, so would be a popular choice. And his Sun is conjunct the Iran 1979 Uranus, so could for reform. If he does get in, then he has a tough road ahead around 2019/2020.

Ebrahim Raisi, 14 Dec 1960, a cleric, is a Sun Sagittarius trine Uranus, with Jupiter Saturn in Capricorn opposition Mars in a Half Grand Sextile to Neptune and Pluto, so tough and talented. He’s generally in a blocking year with tr Pluto conjunct his Saturn from July onwards again, tr Neptune conjunct his Solar Arc Saturn in late May, moving back to oppose his Solar Arc Mars later in the year, as does tr Saturn in conjunction to his Sun.

Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf, 23 Aug 1961, a former commander of the Air Force and ex-Mayor of Teheran, is a Sun Uranus in Leo with Jupiter Saturn in Capricorn opposition Venus. He looks confident in the run up but has a loss-making tr Uranus square Jupiter/Saturn at the election.

The President sits below the Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khameini – and the key question is what happens when he goes, since his health has been failing for years. His Leadership chart, 4 June 1989 is under dissolving Neptune transits with tr Neptune square the Sun this year, then Sun/Jupiter, then Jupiter in 2019, along with tr Pluto opposition Mars – so a total dead-halt.

The Iran 1906 chart (old Iran) has tr Jupiter conjunct the Libra Sun at the election which might be a hint of a reformist figure winning; with tr Neptune is hovering around.

The Iran 1979 Revolutionary chart looks less sanguine with tr Saturn retrograding to conjunct Venus in the aftermath, with tr Neptune conjunct the Solar Arc Mercury. Though these influences could also point to external pressures from the USA and elsewhere.

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