Trepidation about rising inflation is spooking the markets but there’s nothing much on the astrology to back up the panic at least instantly. Looking back over times of high inflation, in 1975 for UK and USA and 1923 for Germany, the key factor appeared to be Neptune.
In 1975 with inflation hitting 24% in the UK – on the UK 1801 chart, Solar Arc Neptune moving through the UK financial 8th was about the conjunct the Mars and Solar Arc Saturn conjunct the speculative 5th house Venus. The Bank of England 27 July 1694 JC chart had Solar Arc Neptune conjunct the North Node and opposition the financial Venus; with tr Pluto conjunct the Solar Arc Saturn.
In the USA in 1975 inflation was running at 13.5%. On the US Fed Reserve chart, 16 November 2014 9am, tr Uranus was square the 8th house Neptune, the Solar Arc Neptune was square Saturn Pluto and tr Neptune was conjunct the financial Venus – so a super-whammy of panic.
In Germany in 1923 when hyperinflation struck tr Neptune was square the Germany 8th house Pluto; tr Neptune was opposition the Germany Neptune with tr Pluto conjunct the MC North Node and opposition the Sun.
The USA Federal Reserve Neptune will certainly be under considerable pressure from tr Pluto in opposition to the FedRes Neptune in 2023/24 and Solar Arc Neptune conjunct the Sun in 2026, but there’s nothing immediate flagging up concern.
On the UK chart tr Uranus will oppose the financial Neptune in 2022 and tr Saturn will square Neptune. This is one staging post of a longish disruptive trail of tr Uranus round the three UK financial planets of 8th house Mars and 5th house Venus starting this year and extending on till 2024. And the Solar Arc Midheaven will square the Neptune in 2024 as well; plus Solar Arc Pluto squares the UK Sun in late 2022 which will be blocked. Whether it is inflation or just financial travails of a different variety it will be a bumpy ride at times. Uranus, of course, being the trickster planet, will bring ups as well as downs.
Germany, if anything, looks even more tossed around by the celestial influences with a bubble-bursting and disappointing Solar Arc Neptune square the Jupiter later this year alongside the status-quo-upsetting tr Pluto opposition the 10th house Uranus extending into 2023. In 2023 tr Uranus will conjunct the 8th house financial Pluto for yet more forced change with tr Saturn pitching in its tuppence worth of woe as well. And the Bundesbank chart, 26 July 1957, will have a good deal of downward pressure from tr Saturn opposition its Mars, Mercury, Pluto in 2022 and tr Uranus in square the following years. But there’s nothing like the problems there were in 1923.
Larryc, I wasn’t actually aware of the Florida situation. But I do remember being in the embarrassing situation of my friend running out of gas and having to walk quite some distance to phone my dad. It was made worse as we had been on our way to a dancing lesson and were in leotards and tights. This wasn’t helped when the police pulled up and treated us as suspicious characters. They rendered no assistance whatsoever. My dad was not best pleased, as buying gas to put in a container was frowned on. Plus I don’t think having to suck up the gasoline to get it into the tank put him in a good mood either. Sounds funny now, but it wasn’t at the time!
I remember the days of the energy crisis, when car owners were allocated certain days of the week when they could go to the gas station. And I also remembered how locked gas tanks in your car came about. That happened because there were some that would syphon it out of people’s cars even when they were queuing at the pumps. Needless to say some were shot. This was America after all!
During that period, a close friend was living in Florida; she mentioned all the tankers deliberately anchored off-shore. This was the time when Big Oil brought america to it’s knees. And the Alaska pipeline didn;t clog up from frozen crude. It became clogged from politics.
Perhaps Chris Romeo recalls those times as well, living in FL.
Jupiter entered Pisces:
October 28 2022
December 29 2021
May 13 2021
January 18 2010
September 9 2010
February 4 1998
February 20 1986
March 8 1974
March 25 1962
December 1 1950
April 15 1950
October 30 1939
December 29 1938
May 14 1938
September 11 1927
January 18 1927
February 4 1915
Panic buying of gasoline…along the same vein as toilet paper, chickens, and bread from last year. Regular gas (87 octane) here in the Seattle burbs is going at a hair under $4/gallon. Better quality gas (87-octane, ethanol-free) regular at $4.50/gallon. This gives much better mileage than ethanol-gas but it’s very expensive.
Not clear where one can buy gas at “the national average” of $2.57 a gallon. GOP territory?
Off topic. What happened to the so called “migrant crises” at the border? My-my, how a competent administration is able swat away manufactured scandals.
Tx Marjorie, very interesting as usual! I note the last triple move in and out of Pisces was in 1938-39 so let’s hope things work out differently. I thought the May issue in your Janet Yellan post, could be associated with inflation. Cheers Ian
I wasn’t aware that the last triple move of Jupiter in Pisces was in 1938-39. Can you list earlier instances as well? And linking to the source would be much appreciated.