Farmers in India have shut down swathes of the country’s transport, shops and markets as they ramped up their protests against new agriculture laws which they say will only help large corporations. Agriculture employs more than 40% of India’s workforce and is an industry plagued by poverty, underdevelopment and suffering. India has one of the highest rates of farmer suicides in the world. Over 450 farmer’s unions and organisations supported the nationwide strike on Tuesday. One leader said the protests were the culmination of “40 years of anger and disenchantment at a broken system that has bankrupted farmers, destroyed food security and led to an ecological crisis in India.”
The India 15 August 1947 midnight chart has Saturn Pluto in Leo on the IC and Venus Sun in Leo in the 4th, which area of the chart traditionally rules agriculture and farming and a country’s roots. The economically-challenging and jangled tr Uranus square tr Saturn of 2021 will shake up the India Saturn Pluto and in 2022 the Venus Sun – so farming will continue to be a foreground issue with high tensions erupting. Domestic discontent is rife at the moment with tr Saturn just off the opposition to the India Cancer Moon and the Solar Arc Moon conjunct a discontented Neptune. Tr Uranus is moving to square the India Mercury from late this month through January 2021 which will bring outbursts of strong opinions.
The India Midheaven at 14 degrees Aquarius is also in the line of fire of tr Uranus in square from the 12th and tr Saturn in opposition so there will be a tussle to decide what direction the country should take as plans are knocked off track. The disruptive and unsettled domestic mood will continue with the Solar Arc Midheaven square the India Moon in late 2021/22 and then the Solar Arc deprived/hardship Saturn Pluto will square the Moon in 2022/23. So there will be considerable aggravation and protests for several years ahead.
Narendra Modi’s Term chart, 30 May 2019 7.04pm Delhi, had an over-hopeful, impractical and unrealistic Mercury opposition Jupiter squaring and focussing onto a 4th house Neptune – tr Neptune will bring the aspects to exact from February 2021 onwards for a year, so it’s be dither and drift time.
If his birthdate is accurate at 17 September 1950 then tr Neptune will oppose his Virgo Sun, Mercury, Saturn throughout 2021 making for a panicky, undermining and uncertain time.
“The nation that destroys its soil, destroys itself.” – Franklin D Roosevelt,
The farmers protests are encouraged by foreign powers. The government is trying to get rid of middle men and put the power in hands of farmers so that they may prosper. But the opposition and foreign forces are instigating and creating a picture like the government is against the farmers. It is far from the truth.
Nice! Beautifully summed up with the quote Marjorie!
Here is a piece for. Guardian, if anyone is interested in.
India has had problems in WTO, primarily created by Western countries, about its farm subsidies. I believe Indian government is responding to WTO issues
Thanks Marjorie. What a worrying and depressing situation for the farmers, and everyone else. I hope wider publicity about this situation will help in some way eventually.
In January, when – as you write – tr Uranus squares the India Mercury – there’s also tr Mars in Taurus. India’s natal Ceres is at 7 Taurus, in the 12th house of hidden enemies, and perhaps secrets about deals and so on. It’s interesting that tr Uranus is now aligned with Ceres, and will be heated up by Mars – all in the sign of the earth, security and land. I’m looking at this as a kind of test of Ceres position and meaning in a mundane context. The Saturn/Uranus square in February also hits India’s Ceres.
It’s not just farmers but the entire chain of middlemen making trade from buy n sell n middle class or working class as called now..if this is allowed..expensive food in a poor starving country will lead to mass suicides n starvation deaths as global worst depression eonomically gets deeper
Not Indian, but having worked at tech for most of my career, and encountered people from Indian subcontinent in various projects, I fully recognize “the middleman” in my industry. They are draining India of some of the best human resources as well, because the real talent won’t get recognized way too often. And it’s not simply about money, it’s about being able to bring about ideas and being heard.
Thank you Marjorie for your insight on India. I was wondering how do you see Pakistan progressing in the continent? Thank you