Howard Hodgkin – an exuberant palette

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The British artist Howard Hodgkin has died aged 84. His vibrant, colourful oil paintings caught public attention when he was in his forties and his muse has produced prolifically since. He was famously emotive, “a man who loves and hates with a passion, and is very emotional. He will cry very easily and flares up, both in terms of colour and of temper, very quickly,” according to Nicholas Serota who gave him his first exhibition. Yet he always said he hated painting, that it was a gruelling, lonely business and did not come easily.

Born 6 Aug 1932 in London, he had a Sun and Jupiter in flamboyant Leo; and a passionately enthusiastic Venus Mars in emotionally sensitive Cancer sextile Mercury Neptune in Virgo. He also had the stark, depressive and inventive Pluto opposition Saturn square Uranus of his generation. His Uranus was trine Jupiter, so however much he doubted his talent, he had the courage to take risks to become a truly unique artist.

His two strongest harmonics were the creative, get-it-together 5th and the ‘superstar’ 22nd; with a stressed, inspirational 7th Harmonic as well.

One thought on “Howard Hodgkin – an exuberant palette

  1. Hi Marjory!
    He was a great british artist and sad to see his passing
    Good to see a illustration of his work makes a change from astology charts!

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