Gwyneth Paltrow’s Goop – ‘a major player in the cut-throat world of global wellness, a market recently valued by McKinsey as being worth more than £1 trillion’ – appears to be on the decline. Last year, Goop’s London store was shuttered after losing an estimated £1.4 million and there are cuts to the Goop workforce ongoing as revenue elsewhere slows. Ms Paltrow is returning to her former career on the big screen to appear in sport drama Marty Supreme alongside Timothee Chalamet.
Goop while definitely weird as well as successful and riddled with scandals of various varieties, health-related and financial, was very much a Pluto in Capricorn entity. It started with a newsletter in 2008, was incorporated in the UK in 2011 and went stratospheric.
Gwyneth Paltrow was born 27 September 1972 5.25pm Los Angeles, with an actress mother and producer-director father, and has a chart overloaded with do-or-die determination and luck. Her 7th house Libra Sun is conjunct Pluto and Mars in late Virgo all squaring a 10th house Jupiter. Her Gemini Moon on her IC is conjunct Saturn and opposition a ‘spiritual’ 9th house Neptune. 6 Air planets including an 8th house Mercury Uranus conjunction in Libra make her a communicator; and her Venus in fashionable Leo in her 6th would have inclined her towards pricey health products.
What is intriguing is that the initial incorporation of Goop on 9 August 2011 occurred on a Mars opposition Pluto which fits her no-holds-barred chart and temperament; with Sun Venus in Leo to match her natal Venus in Leo. Jupiter in Taurus was then moving through her natal 2nd and tr Uranus was square her Sun paving the way for a life-changing and lucrative venture.
Tr Saturn was then rising above her Descendant and as tr Saturn sets at the moment moving below her Ascendant her career will lose its momentum.
She may not enjoy what comes next with tr Saturn moving through her low profile 1st quadrant for several years ahead; plus a seriously undermining tr Neptune Saturn opposing her Mars, Pluto and Sun and square her Jupiter through 2025 till late 2027 as well.
The Incorporation 2011 chart has the Solar Arc Sun opposition Neptune at the moment which is never a good financial omen with both squared by tr Uranus in 2025.
The excesses of Capricorn – a quick trawl through the Goop website evokes astonishment that it ever made money at all.
What’s reassuring about astrology is that what comes will eventually leave – tho of course this also applies to positive developments. It tends to support traditional Eastern philosophies of cycles, ying-yang, and moderation than, say, the extreme American belief of infinite expansion.
It’s interesting to see that Paltrow’s Sun is conjunct Pluto and Mars – not really the ‘sweet’ Libran she projects.
I’ve never understood why anyone would believe that a movie star – or any other celebrity, she is hardly the only one – would have better products for health, or even makeup, than physicians and qualified professionals who have spent their careers researching them. Hiring a celebrity to promote someone else’s product, and believe they use them, why not. But you don’t have to actually buy one of their own products, or practice their unproven, far-fetched ideas.
Honestly, 1/2 her theories and “advice” , such as steam your vagina were snake-oil claims or shamed women for not taking better care of themselves, when average women do not have the time or resources to eat all organic, etc. Good riddance to over priced products and healthcare lies which actually harmed women, rather than helped them.
Here is Goop’s current triwheel….looks like a file for bankruptcy triwheel.
To enlarge click on magnifier.