Greece – back on the brink

Despite having slid off the headlines recently, the situation in Greece appears to be no less dire with unemployment at 30%, one in four businesses closed and one in three in poverty. With debt repayments looming, there are fears that it could now be heading towards a disorderly default.

The Bank of Greece, 7 Dec 1927 chart has a stomach-lurching Solar Arc Mars opposition Neptune this year; with the tr Saturn square tr Neptune in hard aspect to the 10 degree Sagittarius Saturn and Sun, continuing and worsening through 2017 as tr Neptune squares the Sun. Plus tr Pluto opposition Pluto. So hugely stressful and not winning.

The Greece 1974/EU relationship chart looks set to rock ‘n roll even more precariously than last year with tr Uranus opposition the composite Sun now and heading to hard aspect Moon and Venus; and tr Pluto in a hugely frustrating and bitter square to the composite Mars; and a disruptive tr Pluto trine Uranus. If anything it’ll be more knife-edge than in 2015.

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