Graham Hancock’s ‘Ancient Apocalypse’ series which aroused scientific fury on the first season is back for a sequel. Described as the most dangerous show on Netflix it attracted top ratings with accusations that fans were conspiracy theory nuts. Season 2 looks for continued proof of an apocalyptic event that may have wiped an advanced civilization off the Earth hundreds of thousands of years ago at the last ice age. Renowned actor Keanu Reeves appears and has given it his blessing.
Hancock was born 2 August 1950 7.50pm Edinburgh, Scotland, and started his career as a journalist writing for respected broadsheets mainly on economic and social development. He then branched out into writing about the origins of the pyramids, the Ark of the Covenant etc – The Sign and the Seal, Fingerprints of the Gods, Keeper of Genesis, Message of the Sphinx, The Mars Mystery, Heaven’s Mirror, Underworld: The Mysterious Origins of Civilization, and Talisman: Sacred Cities, Secret Faith.
His Sun Pluto conjunction in Leo and his Mercury and Saturn in Virgo are all deeply buried in his 8th giving him an interest in the paranormal, the occult and what lies beyond reality. His inventive, status-quo-upsetting Uranus in Cancer is heavily aspected being trine his lucky financial 2nd house Jupiter, square his Moon and square a spiritual 9th house Neptune – which last square will give him fixed ideas and flashes of insight.
Uranus Neptune can at times stick to opinions even when incontrovertible evidence points the other way. Pluto on the other hand can give a profound ability to tap into ideas before their time, attracting resistance but ultimately being proved right. He has his Mars in Libra in his 9th giving him the ability and inclination to indulge in intellectual debates.
His Pisces North Node is closely conjunct the Fixed Star Scheat which can bring great mental creativity and insight – or an ability to fantasize.
Below are a list of his Fixed Star aspects.
Sun conjunct Asellus Austral, the Southern Ass. A fearless nature is indicated, with a tendency to take risks or perform dangerous stunts
Mercury conjunct Regulus, associated with generosity and ambition. If well aspected it will raise the person to high positions in life and denotes successful activity, prominence and wealth.
Mercury opposition Sadaimelik. Often associated with lawyers and complicated lawsuits. Sometimes warns of sudden misfortune. Also associated with occultists and magicians.
Venus conjunct Sirius. A a harbinger of fame.
Venus opposition Vega. Associated with wealth and good fortune, artistic talents, riches and fame are possible, touches of vanity and pretension can also manifest.
Mars conjunct Arcturus. Associated with fame and honours. It also indicates an enterprising and pioneering spirit.
Uranus conjunct Alhena. It confers spiritual aspirations and gives artistic inclinations. There can also be an interest in the sciences.
Neptune opposition Alpheratz . An indication of good fortune, wealth, honours, freedom, and love; can lead to becoming well known in public.
North Node opposition Markeb. Shows a pious nature, wide-ranging knowledge and successful voyages.
Ascendant opposition Alhena. It confers spiritual aspirations and gives artistic inclinations. There can also be an interest in the sciences
An interesting man. His 8th house will attract him to dig deep into the past to prove his theories and he undoubtedly taps into a need amongst the general populace for a glimpse of a reality that lies beyond the establishment’s narrowly defined ‘what can be proved.’ I have no idea how off-the-wall his ideas are but I am no lover of scientific orthodoxy.
“No part of the aim of normal science is to call forth new sorts of phenomena; indeed those that will not fit the box are often not seen at all.” Dean Radin.
“Science is still only a candle glimmering in a great pitch-dark cavern.” Mario Vargas Llosa
“The rise of modern science has brought with it increasing acceptance among intellectual elites of a picture of reality that conflicts sharply both with everyday human experience and with beliefs widely shared among the world’s great cultures.” Edward F Kelly: Beyond Physicalism.
“Theory is all very well, but it doesn’t prevent things from existing.” Freud
“All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.” Arthur Schopenhauer.
“A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light but rather because its opponents eventually die, a new generation grows up that is familiar with it.” Max Planck
“There is a principle which is a buffer against any information, which is proof against all argument and which does not fail to keep every human being in constant ignorance. This principle is to condemn before researching.” Herbert Spencer.
“Few people are capable of expressing with equanimity opinions which differ from the prejudices of their social environment. Most people are incapable even of forming such opinions“. Albert Einstein
“Each science has a sort of attic into which things are almost automatically pushed that cannot be used at the moment, that do not quite fit …We are constantly putting aside, unused, a wealth of valuable material [which leads to] blocking of scientific progress.” Kohler
Those interested in exploring the questions Hancock raises in his series might be interested in the book: Pyramid Truth Gateway Universe by Reg T. Miller. Published in 1998 and written based on channelled material. It covers ancient civilizations and their technology and much more, and indeed confirms Hancock’s theory of a global cataclysm which destroyed all of that.
Thank you Marjorie. His fixed stars are fascinating. Perhaps he was born to rediscover another time on our Earth? I have most of his books, which contain all his research references at the back of each book. He is very thorough and pushes boundaries. Which is vital for new thinking and discoveries. Plato wrote about Atlantis and there are worldwide myths telling the story of the great flood in most countries. His meticulous research and dedication to this subject, is a testament to a man who has worked tremendously hard, even though he has been subjected to a lot of attacks by convention. He has brought new thinking to the masses, this is why he endures a continuous following. Maybe he has awakened a collective conscious, which connects us all with Earth’s emotional history?
Fascinating man
Astrology is described as mumbo jumbo by eminent scientists including the late Stephen Hawking and the popular UK physicist, Brian Cox but here we are….
If you believe we are alone in this vast universe, you need your head examined.
Question everything.
Reminded me of Erich von Däniken and Ancient Astronauts.
I attended one of von Daniken’s lectures in Pittsburgh, back in 1974. Quite unusual…and a little humourous. He spoke of “Chariots of the Gods”, suggesting lunar discoveries were actually tracks of alien machines.
Here are the stars that form parans with Hancock’s planets.
The analysis of all these parans gives a collective view of Hancock’s
character. The Heliacal Rising and Heliacal Settings stars add to his
character analysis.
It might prove to be interesting telly, but this is pseudoscience; from a sociology graduate! Somewhat akin, in my book, to some astrologers who subsequently debase the subject by introducing tarot cards and other such mumbo-jumbo into their forecasts and predictions.
Tarot might be considered mumbo-jumbo by many. Of course, I use them as indicators of job interviews. I use a 30-yr old deck known as Mythic.
Ken – what we think we know is always open to revision. Here’s some ancient meteorite news from yesterday on NBC:
“The meteorite, S2, was discovered in 2014. It hit the planet about 3.26 billion years ago and is estimated to have been up to 200 times larger than the space rock that later killed the dinosaurs.
The new findings, published in the scientific journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences on Monday, suggest that this massive collision not only brought destruction to Earth, but also helped early life thrive.
“We know that giant meteorite impacts were frequent during Earth’s infancy and that they must have affected the evolution of early life, but we didn’t have a good understanding of how,” ”
So you never know! And regarding tarot and astrology, the symbolic link between the elements and planets with Tarot symbolism was made by The Golden Dawn, founded 1887. Since Tarot decks date back to the Renaissance, there may be other connections – Renaissance symbolism is very intricate sometimes.
Tarot is just a symbolic, visual language – notably the Major Arcana, with its Renaissance characters – such as the Female Pope (High Priestess), the Fool, and the Wheel of Fortune. A Tarot spread is then a series of stories about what’s going on within a person, and what surrounds them – much like astrology in a way. The leading characters and their supporting cast create the reading, the themes of the time, and offer things to mull over. Other systems, such as the I Ching, work along similar lines. Synchronicity is worth considering. But you can’t nail jelly to a wall, and sometimes you just have to allow yourself the luxury of the unexplained and keep an open mind.
Thanks Jane. Elegantly and succinctly put as usual. You’re right about not trying to pin down everything. Just trust your instincts.
I use the I Ching when I am stuck or in a crisis and it has always proved spot on and helpful. Not always what I want to hear but not wrong. And I do online tarot every morning as a routine and again it usually catches the flavour of the day ahead.
When I first started to learn astrology, having had an uncannily accurate reading which prompted me to think it might be a useful way of understanding people, it took a considerable effort to put the ‘why’ question into a box and just proceed with what it told me.
The whole area of the paranormal is fraught since it exists – in the words of Dion Fortune – in a region where there is a fine line between the psychic and the psychotic. It lies beyond rational understanding so there are risks of tripping into conspiracy fantasies, delusions and worse. Keeping a clear head and foot on the ground helps.
Thanks very much Marjorie. I’m fortunate to come from a family where all these things were discussed openly, without any of us ever reaching firm conclusions – and that included a scientist who’d had some strange paranormal experiences too. Yes, I agree with Dion Fortune as well. I think walking in woodland or beside the sea, eating well, and allowing things to come and go helps. I’ve had numerous paranormal experiences, which I treasure, but refuse to label. I only talk about them with certain friends. There are numerous charlatans and delusional types around, plus the idea of being out of control is terrifying to many people.
What I find sad is the abyss between ‘science’ and the paranormal, and ‘science’ and other mysteries. People used to be able to be more open about their experiences – Abraham Lincoln, Winston Churchill, the late Queen Mother, Jimmy Carter and so on. I hope the prevailing attitude will change enough to allow us all to let in a little mystery now and again…..
Heliacal Rising: “The star’s heliacal rising will occur when the Earth has moved to a point in its orbit where the star appears on the eastern horizon at dawn. Each day after the heliacal rising, the star will rise slightly earlier and remain visible for longer before the light from the rising sun overwhelms it.”
I always welcome an intelligent challenge to conventional thought even if a new theory turns out to be wrong. The problem is that most conspiracy theories are stupid. I share some placements with this man. His Jupiter in Pisces is trine Uranus in Cancer square Neptune in Libra. He has a Water Grand Trine with his Scorpio Ascendant. Born five years later, my natal Jupiter is conjunct Uranus square Neptune and I also have a Water Grand Trine. We both have a loaded 8th house. My 8th house holds Jupiter-Uranus and Pluto. I am certainly familiar with the flashes of insight of a tight Uranus-Neptune square, with the social resistance of Jupiter-Uranus in opposition to the Sun, and with feeling the collective unconscious with Pluto in the 8th conjunct the Moon in the 9th square Saturn in Scorpio and the Black Moon in the 11th. My Mercury is at 0 Aquarius. I certainly feel that some of my ideas are ahead of my time and that I have a responsibility beyond the grave. Graham Hancock is a kindred soul.
To the flat earthers: ” The only obvious conclusion that we have been able to come to is that the Earth must be ball shaped, or cats would have pushed everything off the edge by now ” Professor Steven Horkin:)
Hi Andre. My son also has Merc at 0 Aquarius. He’s a great writer and also ahead of his time-his passion project is helping to institute a four day work week. Any advice for him with this placement vis a vis career?
It’s hard to tell with a single placement and without a date of birth. The only thing certain is that Pluto’s current transit at 0 Aquarius will greatly empower and deepen his writing and thinking. This could be a once-in-a-lifetime turning point. It is for me and I’m much older.
Thank you kindly, Andre.
I checked his birth year since planets were nearly same as mine but it seems more of attention seeking kind…this generation doesn’t have its creativity so it keeps watching X files etc of 90s generation X series and hence I have observed whatever new shows come up they r duplicates of that era just adding more graphics n sex scenes…
I like to believe that there is nothing new in universe, just old ideas return in new clothes …as Newton’s law .energy is neither created nor destroyed just transferred from one form to other
Rising Star, Rigel…”bring order to chaos by words or action.”
Setting Star, Ras Alhague…”The healer brings help thru’ words or actions.”
Setting Star, Alphecca….”Being guided by a strong belief in own beliefs.”
Aldebaran rising as Sun on IC…”Maintaining honor & integrity at all costs.”
Hamal rising as Mercury sets….”Intellectually probing.”
Markab as Venus sets…”Strong personal & moral philosophies unchanging.”
Deneb Algedi rises as Merc sets…”The scholar, the one seen as wise.”
Zosma rises as Merc rises…”Concerned with the difficulties of others.”
Antares rises as Merc culminates…”To act fueled by inspiration or obsession”
Aculeus culminates as Jupiter rises…”The outsider; to take a different point
of view.”
I started on the first season last night having seen season 2 being advertised. It instantly grabbed me, and I love the whole thumbing your nose at the establishment vibe.
I hope he’s read the late, great Dolores Cannon’s work. She recorded thousands of past life regression sessions conducted over her career and consolidated the recurring themes into many books. The exceptional thing being that her subjects would frequently regress beyond lives on Earth. She’s got fascinating theories on the pyramids and ancient civilisations.
I watched the first three episodes as well after reading Marjorie’s post. The series is professional and raises serious questions. Hancock wisely steers away so far from the extraterrestrial hypothesis that Von Daniken put forward in the 70s, although there are intriguing South American carvings eerily similar to a space suit. I remember a confrontation about Von Daniken in my classics class at the University of Ottawa in the early Seventies between a teacher of Greek and Roman civilization and many students, myself included. The poor man was patient and courteous but appeared overwhelmed.
I have always been struck by the fact that South American ans Egyptian pyramids appeared almost simultaneously and suddenly out of nowhere without any connection between them. Now we learn there are more elsewhere, they all have astronomicallly precise features and many have hidden inner chambers. Intuitively, I have long thought there was much we did not know but the evidence was lacking. I love the fact that Hancock is conscious he is fighting a paradigm, which is a scientific religion of its own that makes irrational choices on what is worthy of study and avoids difficult issues that bring basic premises into question. One of the greatest scientific paradigms and fallacies is that astrology is not valid, even if it has been practiced in various forms in every major culture since the beginning of recorded history. My 8th house planets tell me that rational man is still quite small.
The Buddha said long ago that people of different levels of consciousness coexist in this world. I saw this week on Youtube the funeral ceremony for a Tibetan master where a bowl of rice was presented as an offering. It was said that each grain of rice represented a different universe. That tells me our definition of the limits of our mind is cultural and quite limited.
Andre – if you’re interested in possible links between S America and Egypt, this old tv documentary The Mystery of the Cocaine Mummies may be of interest.
The presence of cocaine (and tobacco) in the ancient Egyptian mummies is intriguing, since those plants did not grow in the region, or anywhere else on this side of the planet, as far as we know. It implies trade between S America and Egypt.
The astronomical precision of ancient structures, and in some cases alignment with various fixed stars and constellations, does tell us that we cannot simply assume we have ‘evolved’ I think!
Adore this guy. Born the same day and year as someone dear to me, and I told him so in a phone call many years ago — though I had no idea about that whopper of an 8th house he has. I don’t understand why anything that Graham has asserted is so outrageous. We simply do not know what happened in our distant past — why are attempts to puzzle it out so threatening? Thanks for all the fixed star aspects and quotes, Marjorie. Very interesting.
Stellium of Mercury-Pluto-Sun opposes Jupiter…..”Tremendously active mind
, almost uncontrollably nervous. Wide interests and he moves rapidly from
one thing to another. At worst, this may lack purpose and meaning.
Never feels truly fulfilled until he learns to keep his sights on goals and
guides his mental energy in a balanced and directed manner. Then he
will tap within his selve a vast rsourcefulness employed for worthwhile
POSITIVE: Relentless ingenuity aids in working towards goals.
NEGATIVE: Compulsive thinking is projected in an egotistical manner.