Gillian Anderson, best known for The X-Files, but with a raft of awards for other film, television and stage work, is attracting attention for her performance as Margaret Thatcher in The Crown 4.
Born 9 August 1968 6pm (time origin unknown) Chicago, Illinois, she had a chequered childhood, with a film business father, growing up partly in London, a brief spell in Puerto Rico and the USA. She has three children from a variety of short-lived relationships and lives now in London with Peter Morgan, The Crown script writer.
She is a Sun Mercury in entertaining Leo square a filmic Neptune with her Neptune square a 7th house Aquarius Moon. Her Neptune is conjunct her Sun/Moon midpoint which will be why settling for a long-term committed partnership will be tricky for her, despite having a 7th house Moon which needs a partner.
She has a Saturnine Yod onto Pluto sextile Neptune, so will have moved through phases of feeling uncertain and inadequate and needs to be on a focused track to give her a sense of purpose.
On the face of it she has little in common with Maggie though there are some chart cross over. Gillian’s dramatic Mars in Leo is conjunct Maggie’s leadership North Node. Maggie’s Mars is opposition Gillian’s North Node in Aries. Maggie’s Moon Neptune in Leo falls in Gillian’s 1st house and chimes with her Sun Mercury in Leo square Neptune square Moon.
Both in different ways are quite Saturnine – Maggie with her in Scorpio on her Ascendant and Gillian’s Yod focal planet.
They wouldn’t have been BFFs but she will understand some of Maggie’s drives.
Thanks for doing this, Marjorie 🙂
Having the Moon in Aquarius probably doesn’t help with stable relationships either. Interestingly David Duchovny is also a Leo, with probably an Aquarius moon as well.
I’ve also noticed that many actors in sci-fi have either the Sun or the Moon in future/science & tech-oriented Aquarius. (And likewise for those who enjoy them, along with the ASC like myself 🙂