Georgina Chapman – throwing a veil over Weinstein


Georgina Chapman, Harvey Weinstein’s ex who sued for divorce the instant the sexual harassment charges were made public, is making headway keeping her fashion business, Marchesa, afloat. She has support from high profile celebrities including Scarlet Johansson, Priyanka Chopra and Anna Wintour who say she shouldn’t be blamed for her spouse’s sins, of which she said she was entirely unaware. She got a multi-million dollar payout from the divorce and full custody of their two young children; and is now seen out and about with actor Adrien Brody of The Pianist and Peaky Blinders fame.

She was known in her own right as a successful fashion designer before she hitched with Weinstein in 2007 on a day with a super-confident, power-couple Sun, Jupiter Pluto conjunction. She was born 14 April 1976 in London which gives a go-ahead Aries Sun perhaps opposition a Libra Moon and certainly square Saturn in Cancer. The emphasised Saturn could explain the older husband leaning; and it also gives executive ability and a capacity for hard-work. She has an emotional high-drama Venus in Aries opposition Pluto square Mars in Cancer, so she must have had some inkling of what she was getting into with Weinstein with his forcefully pushy Mars in Scorpio square Pluto.

It was an odd match for all that. On the upside her Sun is conjunct his Jupiter so she’d be attracted to his confidence and luck; but her afflicted Mars is conjunct his Uranus for sparks flying; and her Pluto is conjunct his Saturn with her Mars in square – so blocked and aggravating.

Their relationship chart has a composite Mars Pluto opposition Venus suggesting some odd emotional dynamics – with ruthlessness, dominance as well as an initial attraction writ large. It was always going to end badly one way or another.

Brody, 14 April 1973 3.30pm New York, is a better fit in one way sharing her Sun and Venus in Aries. Her Venus falls in his 7th and her Sun in his 8th conjunct his Sun Venus which is all good. Though his Sun and Venus do oppose his Uranus so he’s not one for standing still. And her Moon may conjunct his Uranus.

Their relationship chart has a passionate and affectionate composite Venus, Sun, Mars but the Sun Mars opposes Uranus, so it’ll be difficult to keep it on an even keel over the long haul.

She’s got a challenging three years three years ahead with tr Pluto square her Sun over 202/21 and opposition her Saturn in 2021/22.

One thought on “Georgina Chapman – throwing a veil over Weinstein

  1. Weinstein is a very good example of misuse of Mars in Scorpio and how it can be so destructive. I often how his wife found him while married to him.

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