The top festive slot at last for Wham’s Last Christmas which was beaten four decades ago by the Band Aid’s charity single Do They Know It’s Christmas? Andrew Ridgeley the remaining half of Wham said the late George Michael would regard it as mission accomplished, fulfilling one of his dreams. Wham! were one of the most successful pop acts during the 1980s, selling more than 30 million records worldwide from 1982 to 1986. They split up when George Michael wanted to take a different direction musically.
George Michael, 25 June 1963 6am London had a 12th house creative Cancer Sun and a lucky successful Jupiter in Aries in his career 10th house. But he was a difficult personality and volatile with Uranus, Pluto and Mars in Virgo square his Mercury Venus in Gemini. His Leo Moon opposed an 8th house Saturn squaring onto a musical Neptune in his performing 5th house. Emotionally very complex.
At the moment tr Jupiter is moving across his career 10th, just over a posthumous Jupiter return and his SA Jupiter is conjunct his Mercury Venus conjunction for a reputation boost. He died on Christmas Day 2016 with heart and liver problems.
Andrew Ridgeley, 26 January 1963 is a cool Sun in Aquarius conjunct Saturn (Moon) with Saturn opposition Mars square Neptune. His Jupiter in Pisces is in a confident opposition to Pluto square Venus in Sagittarius.
A completely different temperament to George Michael with AR’s Mars in Leo clashing with GM’s Moon opposition Saturn.
His Solar Arc Jupiter in Taurus is now exactly opposition his Neptune for an enthusiastic high with tr Jupiter soon to join the SA Jupiter.
A feel good festive story.
George was a good person. With all of those planets, including Sun and Venus/Mercury in his 12th house as well as a close Chiron/Midheaven conjunction at the top of his chart, he was exceptionally charitable. He gave to individual people – for instance, he paid for IVF treatment for a woman, longing to become a mother and unable to conceive naturally, who appeared on the TV show, ‘Deal or No Deal’. He contributed generously to AIDS charities and research, supported homeless charties, the Big Issue magazine. He once overheard a woman in a café talking to a friend about being in debt – he left a £25,000 cheque with the waitress, telling her to give it to the woman after he left. He paid off the student debt of another anonymous young woman. He gave a free concert for the NHS workers who cared for his mother. He often gave anonymously (typical 12th house). A sweetheart of a man.
I bought the single the first time around!
Merry Christmas, Marjorie, and fellow readers!
Thank you for your year-round gift of your always intruiging perspective and analysis, and for hosting a fascinating ongoing collaborative education about astrology!
Thiiiiiiiiiiiis yeeeeeeeeeeeeear, to saaaaaaave it from feeeeeear, may your blog be something special (special)!
Any remark about whether astrology provides some hints about why George fiercely stayed in the closet as a teen bopper and young adult, and then later just as fiercely came out?