




The mind-numbing stories from Gaza of a starving, traumatized population in mid winter, described by an Oxfam director as “apocalyptic” with no help in sight from an international community seemingly incapable of taking action is a sobering indictment of the times. The Israeli liberal newspaper Haaretz, now sanctioned by the Netanyahu government, relates stories from IDF soldiers about civilians, even children, being treated as combatants. ‘The regime of arbitrary, even competitive killing, was described as “the wild west on steroids”. Hospitals and refugee camps are being bombed, aid convoys are being blocked. The independent Famine Review Committee (FRC), warned there is a “strong likelihood that famine is imminent in areas” of the northern Gaza Strip with warnings that “starvation, malnutrition, and excess mortality due to malnutrition and disease, are rapidly increasing.” in north Gaza.
Gaza stays in mind where other atrocities like the Sudan, Myanamar, even Tibet fade, partly because they are further away and because they seem beyond help. But Gaza is a western-created problem instigated initially by the USA and Britain.
The incoming Trump administration is unlikely to improve matters for the Palestinians given son-in-law Jared Kushner’s suggestions earlier this year about moving Gaza residents into the desert and possibly into Egypt and salivating over the prospect of Gaza’s ‘very valuable’ seafront property. And there being no constructive steps taken to preventing West Bank Israeli settlers expanding their territory illegally and driving Palestinians out of their homes.
The Palestine Declaration of Independence, 15 November 1988 Algiers, with its Mars at one degree Aries square Saturn at zero Capricorn conjunct Uranus – is being heavily undermined by tr Neptune Saturn in hard aspect from early 2025 through till 2027; with the Solar Arc Sun conjunct the Saturn and square Mars between 2025 and 2027. Disappointments and setbacks of considerable magnitude.
Hamas, largely destroyed, though the bitterness will breed problems down the line, 14 December 1987, has the Solar Arc Mars conjunct the Sun exactly now – with the SA Mars Pluto moving across the Hamas Sun Saturn for the next three/four years for a dead-halt, scary, totally trapped phase.
Hezbollah, 16 February 1985, has its Mars at 10 degrees Aries in line of the recent October Solar Eclipse and the late March 2025 one putting them in a combative mood. Tr Uranus opposition Saturn and square the Hezbollah Sun all through 2025 suggests a tumultuous year. Though they may be pushing confidently ahead nonetheless in patches with tr Pluto conjunct their Jupiter. 2027/28 see their Solar Arc Sun conjunct their Mars and SA Pluto conjunct their Uranus which will be an almighty clash and turnaround so nothing settling soon on that front.
The same goes for Israel which is facing years of challenge, stress and jeopardy ahead. Tr Uranus is now for the final time in a disruptive conjunction to the Israel 8th house Taurus Sun picking up a couple of days ago and running till mid March 2025, followed by tr Uranus square the Israel 10th house Mars late April to mid May 2025, the latter bringing a shock, sudden explosive turn of events with resulting insecurity and perhaps over hasty reactions.
Through 2026/27 tr Pluto will square the Israel 10th house Leo Moon putting pressure on the ruling classes from a mutinous population. The Solar Arc Mars square Pluto late 2025/26 will be blocked, high-risk, with no obvious way forward. That is mirrored in the Solar Arc Midheaven conjunct Neptune creating indecision and confusion about future direction around 2026/27. The Solar Arc Neptune is opposition Uranus for a highly-strung 2025 and then in a dented-hopes conjunction to Jupiter by 2028. Tr Neptune Saturn square the Venus will make for international unpopularity and financial repercussions in 2026/27. The Bank of Israel is showing panic and losses through 2025 and beyond.
Then into the early 2030s both tr Pluto and the Solar Arc Sun will start to exert pressure on the Israel 10th house Pluto and then Saturn. Nothing that looks like peace anytime soon.
The Israel/USA chart was never as seamlessly well matched as events might suggest with a fractious, differing-agendas composite Sun Uranus square Saturn plus an over-hopeful Jupiter Neptune conjunction. That latter will be undermined by tr Neptune Saturn opposition the Jupiter Neptune in 20925 and more in 2026 so some of the shine may come off.
Trump is fairly well-chained together with Israel with a composite Saturn Pluto conjunction in the relationship chart. There will be a few cool moments in March/April 2025 with major jolt and perhaps eruption in May 2025 and again January to mid March 2026. That could be a difference of opinion or a joint reaction to an outside disruption.
The most intractable conflict of the 20th Century seems destined to drag on.
The Dalai Lama XIV evidently once remarked, “If a problem is fixable, then there is no need to worry. If it’s not fixable, then there is no help in worrying”.
Normally I would agree but in this instance it is deeply depressing. A Palestinian was quoted recently as saying only the leaders wanted to fight – the ordinary people just wanted to get on with their lives. Much the same in Northern Ireland and it partly took the mothers standing up to say enough before peace talks got under way – with substantial input from the USA. Much the same as the end of the Russia invasion of Afghanistan when a Committee of Soldiers’ Mothers stood up and made their voices heard.
Palestine was always a sovereign self determining country with its own borders. In the late 1800s the jews formed a cult called Zionism founded by Theodor Herzl. In their mandate and at a conference in Switzerland in the early 1920s their stated aim was to ‘eradicate all Palestinians from Palestine and supplant them with jews from Eastern Europe. This was the first authored holocaust and it was done by the jews. Then WWII occurred and the jews were among many others in the holocaust: gypsies, homosexuals, the disabled, and millions of Russians who the nazis considered ‘sub human’. After the war the illegal cult of Zionism flourished and they colluded with the British government in a colonialist illegal act called the Balfour Declaration implemented by the British armed forces and jews who acted as terrorists against the Palestinians driving them from the homes and diverting the water supplies. The Balfour Declaration was illegal. And the creation of ‘Israel’ a fake phoney state by the UN member countries was also illegal because Palestine had always been it’s own country. The British do have a lot to answer for and so do the jews. You would have thought having emerged from a holocaust against themselves they would not have proceeded with their first original holocaust which continues to this day. The unimaginable suffering and oppression and brutal treatment by the Zionists is unbearable and much goes unreported. The IDF regularly shoot children and imprison them. When Gaza was still inhabitable they regularly shut off the water and power to make it intolerable for the Gazans to exist. The Zionists enclosed Gaza with a concrete wall and barbed wire and their vicious settlers routinely terrorise and kill Palestinians to steal their land and homes. Israel is the most evil vicious ‘state’ in the world and the US is complicit in this supplying weapons of mass destruction to murder innocent Palestinians who are the true owners of their own country including the land that the Zionists are illegally occupying as ‘Israel’.
Israel is conducting a genocide fully supported by the USA and UK. And we have people are complaining about the inconvenience of protests in UK cities….Thank God for the younger generation (and many others) who may not share these views.
I don’t disagree about the treatment of the Middle East after WW2 but we need some context here, particularly as regards our own country. The UK was exhausted, having fought a war for which it was ill-equipped for five years, for several of which we stood alone against Nazi Germany. I would like to think we would have the guts to behave similarly faced with such circumstances but I fear that the way in which we have so carelessly thrown away our culture would make it impossible. I am proud to be English and extremely proud of the achievements of our ancestors. The mistakes made along the way which would include slavery (but not necessarily Empire) were also made by virtually every other developing country so I do not see why we must continue with all this self-flagellation. There is nothing to be achieved by it except teaching the young to dislike the country in which they were born. Almost uniquely in modern times, our governing class act as if they hate the UK. I can think of no other country or civilisation that throws away its traditions, its culture and its common sense in the way that is prevalent here. I regard this as the greatest threat we face, greater even than the Russian monster or the rapacious Chinese. One of the reasons that France fell relatively quickly to the Germans is because its ruling class had become effete and its structure rotten to the core. It could easily happen here.
I am sympathetic to the citizens of Gaza who certainly endure terrible misery. But I repeat that I am tired of having their quarrels pollute our capital for months on end and I ask again, what are other Arab nations doing to help? Time to assess why it is that Palestinians remain unloved in the Middle East, other than being used as convenient stick to beat the West with.
So utterly depressing. I had always been supportive of Israel while also backing an independent Palestinian state. But the actions of the Netanyahu government, the genocide they’re committing in Gaza and the predatory practices of the aggressive settlers in the West Bank have led me to view Israel as a pariah state. They took the wrong lessons from the Nazis. Based on quiet conversations, many of my friends, once wholly supportive of Israel, have also changed their minds. It’s even more depressing that the astrology offers little hope for change or eventual peace for these poor people. Israel’s behavior has undoubtedly spurred the creation of generations of new “terrorists” — or “freedom fighters,” whichever you prefer.
so un necessary. So cruel. Many are making big money from this, so as in Ukraine. Peoples lives are not the priority obviously & so it continues…..EVIL
Even French govt told Russia govt “dont bother invading Afghanistan you won’t win.”
My brief reading of wiki said that we (Britain) passed our responsibility on to the United league which then became united nations….so I’m wondering why the UN was never able to solve it..though I vaguely remember Mr Arafat in the 70s not being keen. So is it one of those unsolvable problems..will it come back to bite the UN which I think you’ve said is due for some challenging times.
I get very confused with Gaza, as that area as a long historical association with being unsettled. In fact many country’s including Turkey’s own tribal rulers and consequent wars, have seen much bloodshed and manipulation of many people. According to the League of Nations Wikki, it was set up 1920 , with Britain, France and Japan among its founding members. The UN – after the United Nations was created in 1946 – sanctioned the change in that area in 1947, with Israel returning to where is once occupied land. America and Britain may have proposed it, yet it was not entirely their decision – the UN sanctioned it. In fact, I think I read a post on this site, stating that Egypt occupied/ oversaw Gaza. Just checked, it did, from 1959-1967. Palestinian supporters March often in this country, yet how many really know the convoluted history of that area. That land has been immersed in many wars. If we believe in Astrology, that the planets coordinate with pieces of land’s position on Earth and influence them. In some respects it is the chicken and the egg enigma. That is not to underestimate real suffering, however, can anyone resolve this? Three thousand years of historical tales, hand down by word of mouth, tablets and writing record Judaism, if not linger, many Rulers thinking has caused terror and much pain, for all those who have lived on that part of the our planet
Apologies for the mistakes – fighting one of the four bug/viruses.
An excellent if depressing analysis although I could live without the usual refrain of it being Britain’s fault. I sometimes wonder if everything bad in the world is down to us and, if it is, we are certainly paying a price for past mistakes. The younger generation are growing up to hate this country and to rubbish its very many achievements over the years. It seems that the great and the not-so-good all hate the UK, but I’m never quite sure why. Perhaps you could look at this subject one day?
Yes, Gaza is a quagmire of conflict and I can quite believe that the people want simply to live their lives. I am not particularly pro-Israel although I envy their can-do spirit and refusal to be crushed and wish we could import some of it here. But what I loathe is what the pro-Palestine mobs have brought to the streets of our country, most especially our Capital. I believe they do themselves a disservice and harden hearts against their cause through this behaviour. One must also ask why it is they are unable to get support from fellow Arab countries who are vocal in their persecution of Israel but not so ready to come forward with a helping hand. You only have to look at how King Hussein nearly lost his throne when the Palestinians mounted a coup in Jordan to understand why Palestinians are largely unwelcome anywhere.
I mention this because it is fashionable to be pro-Palestine as are nearly all media commentators, and the balance needs redressing.
It is an absolute tragedy with no end in sight but it is not possible to see it through a lens in which Britain bears no blame. I understand that it is hard to deal with your own country’s flaws – and at times we can be overly self-critical – but maybe we were due a reckoning, a period of reflection. Perhaps there is national karma at work. Maybe the astrology indicates that. I’m 61 and the Israeli/Palestinian conflict was never covered when I was at school. The first I knew of it was the Munich Olympic attacks. Are people just better informed now? I have found it hard to cast off mildly pro-Israel views, perhaps because for many years I didn’t really understand the incredibly complex history. But it seems clear there are now truly hateful figures in the current right-wing Govt there and some serious crimes against humanity being enacted. That does not mean there are not equally scary figures holding sway in the likes of Iran and my (fairly ignorant) reading of the situation is that the West’s overwhelming support for Israel is that it provides something of a bulwark against Iran. I think you find more support for the Palestinian cause on social media but my opinion is that the Western mainstream media is still staunchly behind Israel. I love reading this site but it is depressing that so often the astrology suggests more of the same, rather than offering some hope in the darkness.
I agree there is too much focus on the sins of empire, too little on the balancing virtues and none on other superpowers of times gone by who all acted much the same way.
I must admit if I get a trolling comment in that mentions ‘empire’ in relation to the UK and then usually ‘military industrial complex, psychopathic, narcissistic’ in a kind of mantra word soup it goes straight in the bin.
But it is still true that the Brits and French acted badly at the end of WW1, carving up the Middle East. The Brits made a complete botch of the mandate of Palestine and scrambled out in disarray. After WW11 there should have been international policing put in when Israel was set up but US President Truman was otherwise occupied.
Like everyone else I was pro-Israel and immensely sympathetic but as time went on and I read more and more it became less obvious there was a good guy and a bad guy in the conflict. At the moment there are no good guys.
What is so difficult to accept is that there may be/probably is not any solution.
From a previous post on James Cameron’s book. See Israel – the roots of ‘a sick and sorrowful conflict’ ++ pawns in the Power Game ++ echoes of Sabra Shatila Massacre 10th October 2023
‘The aspirations of the Jews and Arabs are irreconcilable.’
‘By now it is abundantly clear that no compromise any mortal man can devise is going to reconcile the Arabs to the legal existence of a Jewish state in the Middle East.’
Truman wrote in 1947/48. ‘The Jews are so emotional and the Arabs so difficult to talk with that it is impossible to get anything done.’
Cameron: ‘The stage is now ready for the culmination of the story, of a sick and sorrowful conflict, not between right and wrong, but between two forms of right and, maybe two forms of wrong.’
Whatever the rights and wrongs of the British Empire I think one of the major causes of the problems in the period immediately after the end of the Second World War was that it was unwound precipitously in places like India and Palestine. Much of the blame for that situation can be laid at the doors of the US government who were in too much of a hurry for decolonisation to be completed post 1945 and who left too much of the military and financial burden for carrying out the process on European countries such as Britain that were effectively bankrupt. Under the circumstances it was not surprising that the Attlee government was only to happy to boot the resolution of the Palestinian situation back to the UN in 1948. The truth is that back then both Jewish settlers and the local Arab population could not wait to start killing each other and 76 years later that situation has not changed.