F.W. de Klerk has died who was the South African President who brought an end to apartheid and freed Nelson Mandela. Throughout his political career he had supported racial segregation but finally reckoned it would lead to civil war if it wasn’t dismantled. After the 1994 election put Mandela in as president he served as Deputy in the coalition government but resigned after two years.
He was born 18 March 1936 11.30pm in Johannesburg, and had a 4th house Pisces Sun square Jupiter in the 12th and trine an influential 8th house Pluto. He also had a resourceful and implacable Mars in Aries square Pluto and in an adventurous trine to Jupiter. And he had the signature Neptune opposition Saturn in Pisces of the day across his Midheaven/IC axis. Neptune can be caring; Saturn Neptune hopes for a better society. In the event he was unpopular both for his lack of fulsome apologies for the evils of apartheid and with the entrenched whites for having dismantled their power base.
When Mandela was elected in 1994 the tr Uranus Neptune in Capricorn was opposition his Pluto, altering his life in a radical way.
His relations with Mandela were strained which is hardly surprising given that Mandela’s Cancer Sun was conjunct de Klerk’s 8th house Pluto for a deep and uncomfortably tense cross-over and power struggle which manifested as a hostile composite Mars Pluto in their relationship chart.
De Klerk’s connection to the South Africa 1910 chart is strong with a composite Jupiter trine Pluto trine Uranus North Node in the relationship chart. And that earlier South Africa chart was on its first Uranus Return when it transformed into a non-apartheid state.
Whatever his failings he was strong enough to see which way the winds of change were blowing and adjusted his sails accordingly.
He may not have had much choice but he did it. There are other leaders who would bullheadedly have continued to plough the furrow they’re taking. Recent history shows that.
I’m noting that Gorbachev, who oversaw the breakup of the Soviet Union, is also a Pisces.
He did not have much choice but to dismantle, given the economic sanctions and the world wide pariah status South Africa had attained.