The Euro Final football frenzy will kick off at 8pm tomorrow in London with England versus Italy. The last time England won was in 1966 also played in London.
The only faint clue of anything much on the manager Gareth Southgate’s chart is tr Jupiter square his Mars/Node midpoint which Ebertin describes as ‘successful team work’ and tr Jupiter trine his Mars but that isn’t exact until July 19th. And those are minor enough. I’ll let the afficianados pitch in since I’m blank.
Following on from other comments re social media – French footballer Kylian Mbappe missed in the penalty shoot-out against Switzerland, and then received much racist abuse on social media. French prosecutors are investigating, and a Paris court has ordered Twitter to grant access to documents showing their efforts to combat this over the past year. This order applies globally, not just in France. So hopefully this is just the start, but I would still like to see a more “joined up” effort from a number of countries working together to combat this problem. Saturn in Aquarius?
Yes!!… I never watch football.. however.. this string of astrology is very interesting.
Does anyone have astrological insights to the backlash of racism against the 3 black players for England who missed their penalty shots?…. how does that show in the astrology?.. of the 1066 chart or the chart of the match?
Not my area of expertise.. however… very enlightening and educational!
My impression from way outside, since football is not my thing, is that the sport arouses a peculiarly intense and often virulent form of tribalism which has worsened if anything in recent times partly because of social media.
I grew up in Glasgow when the whole Rangers v Celtic, Protestant v Roman Catholic, spat was ongoing – replaying a centuries old hostility entangled with anti-Irish immigrant hostility. To some degree that got stamped on (I gather) but I have a sense of peasant zenophobia about football and other racism = fear of foreigners, strangers, the NOT US. It’s primitive and bears a strong resemblance to the American far right white supremacist lot – who are homophobic, anti-semitic, misogynist and racist. Tunnel-visioned thugs.
I doubt you’ll get any definitive answer on this as it’s such a wide-ranging question.
England has always been a xenophobic place – there’s always someone to hate – all the racism just went undercover for the 90s/00s. It’s not racism per se – just a a fear of anything different. I see that as a Jungian shadow – projecting anything bad within the self onto others. The 1066 English birth chart has Sun/Venus/Mercury in Capricorn with a 12th house Pisces moon – all of which shows a repressed, class-based society. (Note: can’t pin everything on a Cap sun as many countries began on 1-Jan but anyway…)
On a wider note, racism/xenophobia or whatever you like seems to be quite endemic across the world at the moment. I’ve been pondering this and think it’s down to Uranus going through Taurus. It last went through there from about 1935-42 – so as WWII was erupting. Taurus is a me-energy – it’s wants to have what it have, be what it is and not have to give a hoot about anyone else. Archetypally, tolerance and thinking of others are not in its nature – “I’ll sort myself out, you sort yourself out”. That’s fine when there’s enough to go around. But the past decade of austerity has been a message of “there’s not enough for everyone” so it trigger people’s Taurus nature to fight for resources. But Taurus is a defensive-minded fighter rather than the attack-minded Aries. It will come to blows if it needs to but would prefer to try and scare off with unsophisticated insults and posturing etc. Think football chants.
(Recognising this is all quite a negative retelling. We should remember that while there’s ugliness around; there’s also been a huge outburst of support for Marcus Rashford)
Was writing my reply over breakfast and Marjorie beat me to it!
I’ll add to her comment that social media has provided people with the anonymity to express the racism/xenophobia that went undercover all those years. But it’s not just football fans, notice how much hate there is for the Tories/Labour/Dems/Republicans online or whatever your out-group is. The danger of the upcoming Pluto-in-Aqua generation is the logicality of Aqua and therefore its repressed/denied emotion being projected onto certain groups.
Other thought – noticed that Boris was scapegoating the social media companies yesterday. Scapegoating because he and Priti Patel have been as responsible for this rise in racism as they have (although social media has certainly played its part). But it’s notable that Saturn in Aqua is beginning to put the screws on social media and online activities.
Yes, it is horrible to behold – as Marjorie says, it is virulent tribalism. Plus alcohol. A kind of Circus Maximus I think. Regarding social media, as GD says the anonymity enables people to express vile ideas, bully others, and so on. Sad to say, racists, misogynists, and all the rest did not just disappear, and my impression is that much of this cowardly hatred was simply festering beneath the surface.
There’s a business chart for Twitter on Astro-Databank – 21 January, 2000. It’s interesting to see it has a stellium in Aquarius – Sun, Mercury, Uranus, Neptune and the S. Node. It’s Saturn is 10 Taurus, with ascendant at 5 Taurus. Saturn squares Uranus at 15 Aquarius. That’s under pressure now, with Saturn transiting Twitter’s 11th house of groups, and Uranus transiting it’s first house of company “image” or brand.
December’s solar eclipse in Sagittarius will be conjunct the Twitter Pluto at 12 Sagittarius, square it’s Mars in Pisces. The intensity of that Pluto/Mars square is manifesting in the hateful tweets we see online. On a positive note, it could indicate a fight for the truth to emerge in various situations.
Twitter has Mercury conjunct Neptune and South Node in Aquarius as well. That might suggest people (nodes) aren’t what they seem, are telling lies, or are delusional and intoxicated by their anonymity? There have always been people who enjoyed sending spiteful anonymous letters, they’ve just gone online now.
I think they’ve got it wrong. They’re using the date Jack Dorsey set up a company for all his business stuff. And Twitter was probably a part of that, but it seems to me a bit like using the date of your parents marriage as your birth chart!
But Twitter itself is March 2006. The ADB entry for the business website even acknowledges that.
The first Tweet was sent by Dorsey on 21 March 2006 – 21:50 PST. That recently sold as an NFT – would be interesting to see whether there’s anything in the SA or progressions to indicate that.
(First tweet date is Aries Sun trine Leo Saturn with Sag moon – so all very shouty
Thanks GD – I like the “parents’ marriage” analogy! I looked at the first tweet chart – it’s fascinating how it connects with the 2000 Twitter chart.
The “keyboard warrior” is there – Mercury in Pisces conjunct Uranus square Mars in Gemini, pulling in the public Moon in Sagittarius.
The Mars in Pisces in Twitter 2000 at 13 Pisces is conjunct the Tweet 2006 Mercury/Uranus. And square/opposition it’s Pluto in Sagittarius too.
The Tweet 2006 Venus and Neptune in Aquarius (dreams of mass comminication, money, love or kittens?) is exactly conjunct Twitter 2000’s inventive, disruptive Uranus in Aquarius.
Anyway, there’s lots more but the two charts seem pretty interwoven, both having transits from Saturn and Uranus now and in the months ahead. Saturn in Aquarius may yet represent laws or restrictions in the social media sphere.
What always struck me about the Twitter March 2006 chart and the 2013 IPO chart is how both share an afflicted and enraged Mars Pluto hard aspect. The 2006 is worse with Mars opposition Moon Pluto – and that is pumped up hostility and vitriol. Maybe why both attract the mindless ranters and ravers.
Thanks Marjorie, what a toxic thread runs through these charts. I see that racist tweets have targeted black players in several European nations, and that female Olympic athletes have been targeted by trolls criticising their bodies. Probably (hopefully) only a small percentage of the human population is doing this, but it is pernicious and damaging in a wider sense I believe. I haven’t looked for astro information on Tik Tok, but it would be interesting to see what it might show as well. Perhaps one effect of Uranus in Gemini will be a revolution in communication?
Jonathan Pie not holding back just now on YouTube (and I couldn’t agree more). What with idiot fans during national games and corporate greed at club level, I don’t watch much football these days.
Thanks to GnarlyDude and Jane for your excellent Astro predictions for the Euro final. Very impressed by the accuracy of your respective analysis.
Just caught up with this and I agree 🙂
I must say, super happy to see “my” Azzurri winning here, especially with Roberto Mancini coaching. I’m old enough to remember when he and Gianluca Vialli carried Sampdoria to Cup Winner’s Cup victory first and then to Italian championship with my team Inter finishing second – this was just pre-CL, so Inter went to Uefa Cup. Was livid then, but never did take it on Mancini and Vialli, who now have a 30+ year of solid friendship.
I think this might have been my favorite Italy, style wise, since 1994, and this does include 2006 World Cup winning team that was however more classic defensive Italy and very much based on Juventus. Have to say I was baffled so few of the international commentators had them as favorites before the tournament, too. Finnish commentators did see this coming, having played against Italy in qualifying matches. Maybe Ronaldos, De Bruyens, and Benzemas of the World have made us blind to the fact that it’s a team sport, and you can win without superstar. Although I’d say Donnarumma (all of 22, a baby as a goalie) did deserve his MVB, and Spinazzola, Jorghinho and Barella came to this tournament severely underrated.
This also was the most enjoyable tournament, overall, in a couple of decades. Even if no team was perfect – Italy came closest, but I think missed a decent number 9 – and some were playing well below their level, there were amazing, entertaining matches. Really love the class shown by the TOP4 team managers as well.
Big no were England “fans”. Many people living in The UK on this board have mentioned how menacing and hostile things have gotten there. I just say George – or any other child in audience – shouldn’t have to listen to booing to adversary’s anthem. And it was a mayhem outside Wembley. In Nordic Countries, there’s a long history if supporting England in major tournaments, but I saw Twitter turning extremely “blue” yesterday
It’s Italy’s year, winning this and Eurovision. That they beat both Spain and England with penalty shoot outs makes me wonder how long it will be before we can dispense with the game itself and just go to penalties to decide which is the best team
@SuHu, what’s really interesting is that Italy wan both ESC and Euro2020 doing things they are not known for in music and football, namely with rock and very attack minded play. The only game where Italy wasn’t essentially pressing high in their adversary’s half was semifinal against Spain.
Also, these are “ifs”, but I think that if poor Leonardo Spinazzola hadn’t ruptured his tendon, Italy would have wan both against Spain and England in 90 minutes. Emerson is decent player, but you could see how Mancini couldn’t really use Barella and Chiesa in particular when he was gone.
Italy took the match.
Thanks Marjorie. And everyone here has made such interesting comments too. I suppose football has already “come home” since it’s at Wembley?!
Re Harry Kane – I did notice that today’s Sun in Cancer is just one degree past his Mercury at 18 Cancer, and conjunct the England side’s 5th March 1870 Uranus at 18 Cancer. Transiting Uranus in Taurus, meanwhile, is exactly sextile England’s Sun and Mars in mid Pisces.
Harry’s NN is 10 Sagittarius, conjunct today’s fateful South Node. Harry’s Saturn in Aquarius (28) is conjunct the England Venus at 29 Aquarius, and sextile it’s Saturn in Sagittarius (27) – love and history and destiny there I think. Today’s Jupiter retrograde in Pisces is tantalisingly close to making energising aspects with those degrees. But all of that may simply describe emotions, as clearly this is a huge moment for the team, and for Harry Kane himself.
I’m anticipating a very defensive game from both sides. Which unfortunately suggests extra time etc etc. The Uranian aspects suggest a surprise or upsets I suppose – would that be along the lines of “they think it’s all over?” in 1966’s legendary moment? I had fancied Italy for the Final all along, based simply on watching them play. But I’m now experiencing too much tension to make any objective comments!
@Jane your last para was spot on, ‘they think it’s all over’ and then the upset came in the last few minutes of extra time. Great reading based on the astrology!! England should still be proud of themselves cause it wasn’t an Italian walk over. Not sure though why England always crumbles in the last stages instead of pick up steam in the battle. The same thing happened with them in the cricket, and always seem to happen. I guess some are starters and some are finishers – Hmmm…. would be interesting to look at that in terms of astrology.
Thanks Jennifer! Yes, it wasn’t an Italian walk over. And I’m never too happy with a win on penalties really, but I guess they have to find the winner somehow. England did so well, and as a young team with a great spirit they have a good future ahead. Some excellent teams went home early, and they got to the Final after all. I’ve so enjoyed it all.
I think the 5th March 1870 England team chart seems to work quite well. In terms of the “crumbling” you mention, it does have Sun/Mars in Pisces – trine Uranus, and sextile Jupiter and Pluto. That’s all quite fortunate I think, but melty Neptune in Aries (a dream of sporting success?) squares Uranus and sextiles Mercury which doesn’t look straightforward for tactics or focus.
At least we’re spared the experience of Boris Johnson claiming all the credit for an England victory!
‘I think the 5th March 1870 England team chart seems to work quite well. In terms of the “crumbling” you mention, it does have Sun/Mars in Pisces – trine Uranus, and sextile Jupiter and Pluto. That’s all quite fortunate I think, but melty Neptune in Aries (a dream of sporting success?) squares Uranus and sextiles Mercury which doesn’t look straightforward for tactics or focus.’
Interesting. Is that date for all sports they play though? Because they do seem to always run out of steam when it matters for all of them these days (well in my lifetime)? What I do find curious is that they invented most of them when you check out the history or am I wrong? Hence why I think as a country they are starters, i.e. maybe many planets in cardinal?
Jennifer – no, the date is for the first England football team game. I haven’t looked into it, but think perhaps the 1066 chart Candy posted about might be the one to look at for sport in general. It’s an interesting conundrum, with much passion for watching sports in the UK and yet little attention for sport as part of our lives – something as simple as enough swimming pools, sports fields for children, and so on. There’s also quite a bit of snobbery around sport, and a woolly kind of assumption that sportsmen and women are not very bright. Hopefully that is fading out.
Did you set the chart for Midday for the England team chart, or have a time? I work more on intuition and feel that football will start to dive in this country. Politics and a power grab is in the play. On average footballers earn £200,000 a week in the top clubs. Some of this Team are on course to get millions. There is going to be resentment soon, what with Brexit and the bills.
Hello Nel – I do not have a time for that chart, but find the planets there descriptive and it seems to work on that basis. Back in 1870 it was a working class game of course. The Premier League and all the rest of it has changed things, in some ways it’s like the music business – people moved in and turned it into a money-making machine.
I love football, and have deep family connections to the game too. I love music as well, and am not thrilled with the way things have gone there either. Both music, and sport, need an audience or fans – if you price the fans out of the market, then things will dive as you say. The England team planets have Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, and Pluto in fixed signs. Let’s see what Uranus and Saturn do to shake it up.
Hi Marjorie,
focussing on the captains Harry Kane 28 July 1993 and Giorgio Chiellini 14 Aug 1984 would give you the clues as the captain leads the team and raises the trophy not the manager
thanks for your good works
Just noticing that Mercury is in the last minutes of Gemini until 9:35pm (about 30-mins into second half). Mercury-Gemini tends to be prominent in sportspeople so I wonder if VOC Mercury signifies a dull game until the change of signs – either having a late game winner or even goes to extra-time.
I noticed that equaliser was scored at roughly 9.30pm, just as Mercury was about to ingress, and thought of your post!
Ha ha thanks – I’m not claiming any predictive successes there.
However … I did mention in my other post that Italy’s Pluto was on the Leo moon at start of the match. I wondered whether that would signify them having to go through some kind of emotional death and rebirth process. The early England goal surely did that and I suspect the game would have been very dull without it. The Italians dominated the game from about half hour onwards, England barely had a decent shot and Pickford kept them in it.
That’s most apt, yes. Having had Pluto transit over my Moon and square it, emotional death and rebirth it certainly is.
@GnarlyDude, good catch! Italy 1948 which I tend to prefer as Italy chart, has heavy late Gemini AND 1′ Cancer Mercury. Matteo Berrettini put on a good fight against Djokovic, but “lucked out” earlier in the afternoon. Also, I think Italy’s Gemini is very telling of how valued competitive sports in general are in the country. Football of course gets most attention and money, but they tend to do well in Olympics medal charts, and be good at team sports in general.
Beautifully observed and on the money GD, well done you. Innovative, I’d never have thought of that…
New Moon today in the sign of home Cancer on 1966 Jupiter in the 9th house of foreigners could be footballs coming home, it is after all our game.
That 1966 England world cup final chart has amazing links to England’s 1066 national chart.
In the 1066 national chart, Moon is 29 Pisces – it’s conj Saturn in the world cup final chart, and trine the Sun and Mercury in the world cup final chart.
Mercury in the 1066 national chart is at 16 Cap 35, and is conj the Moon in the world cup final chart.
In the Euro 2021 chart, Neptune is at 23 Pisces (conj the 1066 Moon) and Mercury is at 29 Gemini (square the 1066 moon). The Sun in the euro 2021 chart is opposite Mercury in the 1066 chart. Jupiter in the 1066 chart is at 7 Virgo and is opposite Jupiter in the Euro 2021 chart.
So the people (Moon) are dreaming of victory (Neptune). But the 2021 chart doesn’t look as favourable as the 1966 chart.
Yes, a nice topical question….dying to hear the opinions. I just got back from the dreaded car wash and wanted some light relief – been putting it off for months……the 1966 match had Mars opp Moon and it was flanked by Ven/Jup – no air in that chart, 2 fire planets and 5 water with Neptune on the Scorpio ascendant….I think all the emotion helped them win……
Looking at tomorrow Moon and Venus are conjunct Mars but Jupiter strikes a dumb note this time…early Capricorn makes Saturn the chart ruler, its opposite Mars and square Uranus in the 5th….so upsets/surpises in the game, of maybe it is delayed (starting time) through an unforeseen event…..it has a fire/water dominance so that certainly brings ups the emotional ante…….Sun opposite Pluto as well, so perhaps one of the managers is involved somehow…..do you have the constitutional chart of Denmark Marjorie? I can’t find it but it might have something to add…
Thanks Marjorie.
Italy has Pluto at 9 Leo where the moon is at the start of the match and its natal Mars at 24Leo with transiting mars/venus plump between them.
England is usually birthed as William The Conqueror’s coronation which was 25 Dec 1066 … so early degree of Capricorn like the Ascendant. But I’m not sure what that tells us.
Italy are surely the favourites for this game with their 30+ game unbeaten streak. England are always slow starters in tournaments – were booed off the pitch against Scotland, struggled to break down Germany and Denmark. The Ukraine team was weak and had significantly less rest going into the quarterfinal. But England have reached the final and history forgets the details if they win.
The few interviews I’ve heard with the English team suggest they don’t see themselves as the winners; just trying to convince themselves they can win. I haven’t watched the Italians but they’re traditionally defensive-minded. Southgate’s England certainly is, so don’t be surprised if the match is a dullfest.
I’m wondering whether Her Majesty will turn up? She’s never liked the football but was there for the ’66 final. Would be nice to see her there.