Emmanuel Macron – promises coming back to bite him



Scandale at the Elysee Palace for light relief from political angst and torment elsewhere. President Emmanuel Macron took the extraordinary step of denying that his disgraced security chief and bodyguard Alexandre Benalla was his lover or had access to nuclear codes as a jokey riposte to internet rumours. Benalla was sacked after a video of him wearing a police helmet and beating May Day protesters emerged. The incident remained buried for two months giving rise to accusations of a cover up and reinforcing the belief that Macron’s entourage think they are above the law.

Macron came in vowing probity, morality and transparency which doesn’t help. His poll ratings are down to 32%, which doesn’t mean he won’t finish his five-year term but it may well derail his key constitutional reform, including changes giving greater power to the president. And stories about vast hairdressing bills as well as half million euro dinner sets haven’t improved his popularity either.

His term chart, 14 May 2017 11.25 am Paris, does have the panicky-failure tr Neptune square Mars this year till late 2019; with aggravated arguments and outbursts in December and January 2019; plus a road-blocked Solar Arc MC square the 6th house (employment) Pluto. But he may gain some traction from tr Pluto trine the Term Taurus Sun from April onwards till early 2020.

His personal chart is heading downhill from early 2020 onwards with a cataclysmic 2021 as his volatile Moon, Uranus, Mars T squares moves by Solar Arc to collide with his Sun.

He’d certainly have a close, friendly relationship with Benalla, 8 September 1991, with Benalla’s New Moon in Virgo falling in his 8th and Benalla’s Venus, Mercury, Jupiter in his 7th house of relationships. Their relationship chart has a controlling, transformational composite Sun Pluto conjunction square Jupiter – so there always was a likelihood they’d push each other into unwise and overly-confident actions. And Benalla’s Pluto is conjunct Macron’s Uranus which fits with pushy behaviour upsetting the political applecart.

Brigitte Macron does look under stress now till 2020 with tr Pluto square her Moon, Venus, Sun in Aries and her Sun/Moon midpoint this year and next. So she’ll be feeling the strain of life in the goldfish bowl.

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