The Canadian actor/producer Elliot Page, Oscar nominated for Juno in 2008, formerly Ellen, has announced he is transitioning and wishes to be known by he or they. He came out as gay in 2014, when still identifying as a woman, and married dancer Emma Portner in 2018.
He is currently due to commence filming on the third season of the hit Netflix series Umbrella Academy, and will continue to play the role of female violinist Vanya Hargreeves, one of seven siblings with extraordinary abilities who are adopted by an eccentric billionaire and turned into a crime-fighting team.
Born 21 February 1987 Halifax, Canada, no time sadly, he is a talented Sun Pisces with a Half Grand Sextile from Mars in Taurus opposition Pluto, sextile Sun sextile Neptune – so not a conflict-free temperament. Mars Pluto gives rise to intense frustrations and anger issues. He’s also got Jupiter in Pisces square Uranus Saturn in Sagittarius – so a contradictory mix of moody and adventurous.
His Mars opposition Pluto has been triggered over the past two years first with his Solar Arc Neptune square his Pluto and last year his Solar Arc Jupiter conjunct his Mars. Tr Uranus moving into Taurus in 2018 would also loosen up the rigidities of his Mars in Taurus though not without some qualms and fears. And tr Uranus has now moved on to oppose his Pluto turning his life upside down from June of this year, on and off into early 2021. His tr Neptune is also square his Saturn, from earlier this year, and repeating on and off till January 2022 which can be unsure and uncertain so it will be a winding path ahead.
His wife Emma Portner, 26 November 1994, will be a steadying influence with five Fixed planets to counter-balance his six Mutable ones. Her Sagittarius Sun is conjunct his Moon which is an ideal crossover; her Venus in Scorpio is conjunct his Pluto for a spark of passion; and her confident Jupiter Pluto in Scorpio is trine his Jupiter. But it isn’t the easiest of relationships and will have its ups and down.
I really liked Ellen Page in Juno, so I was happily surprised when I found out that I was actually sort of familiar with Elliot Page. Julie’s link (Dec 4, 2020 comment) has some excellent observations about the woke media bandwagon of transgender issues. I understand the alarm about young people taking hormones and having life changing surgeries.
Elliot Page is no child; he transitioned as a 30 year old adult. For people who have never been in love, or close to a trans person, they may seem like confused queers. They are not.
All the trans people I have known are very patient with the innocent misunderstandings they encounter on a regular basis. I have witnessed some incredibly cruel behavior directed toward a dear female friend who has presented as male since early childhood. Some of her family members struggle with terrible and confusing shame about the way she dresses, and the fact that she works among men on roofing crews as ‘one of the guys.’ Some men call her disgusting and worse. Others love and admire her for who she is. I have seen her heartbroken and near the point of abandoning her family because of the abuse from her brothers. But she holds on until the anger and hurt passes.
Elliot strikes me as a patient, gentle, and strong willed trans man. I think he will continue to model a healthy lifestyle. I’m inspired by all the planets that have progressed from Pisces to Aries in his chart, and by his Capricorn Venus progressed to Pisces.
Bandwagons are a deadly problem associated with all movements for social change. While Julie’s comment does a great job of highlighting the problems of the trans bandwagon, in Elliot Page I see a kind and thoughtful trans man leading by example.
Just watched the interview with Oprah. This transition clearly has not brought peace. Elliot’s voice was brittle and clearly showed a profound suffering. A very brief clip was shown of a youthful Page fifteen years ago, promoting Juno on another Oprah interview, looking healthy and exuberant. A shocking contrast to the damaged individual on parade with Oprah.
My heart goes out to all child actors.
I agree with Julia and I wonder if some of the younger people transitioning have childhood trauma issues which are unresolved. I think it is sad for this woman to reject her female self, very sad. Lesbians are women. Why do we celebrate this? Is it better to be men. I do not think so. Men can have difficult lives. Is that the message this actress has got? It also undermines the years that lesbian women have asked to be accepted as a sex orientation. Remember people asking who is the butch, who is the femme? Became offensive. Yet here we have this.
This isn’t brave at all. It’s extremely sad. This is a sexist, homophobic, regressive ideology (not science) that advocates that anyone who behaves or thinks in a stereotypically ‘masculine’ way is male and anyone who thinks or behaves in a stereotypically feminine way is female. Lesbians have had this ‘you must be a man’ since time immemorial. Iran enforces sex-change operations for gays and lesbians, for example.
There very may well be a link between gender (sex role stereotypes) and sex, who knows? Even if a dubious brain-sex studies showed some similarities between male to female transgendered brains after they have spent years on oestrogen, compared with women (what sort of women? ‘cis’ women? lesbian women? gender fluid women? agender women?) this does not mean that a natal born male is female. Just as a woman mechanic who is masculine is not a man and neither is a tall, muscular woman. The existence of male/female brains based on traits is just not proven, one way or the other.
What this does, is say that ‘woman and man’ = performative, not based in your sexed body, and vice versa. The number of young lesbians being lost to this unscientific ideology is terrible.
The recent case of Keira Bell, the 23 year old who has won her case against the Tavistock gender identity service for children in the UK, should ring alarm bells.
Keira is brave, not Elliott.
Hi Marjorie, thanx for such a quick view, my thoughts were with him, I wish him well. Both Elliot and Emma have squares between Sun and Moon in their birtcharts. Who you are and how you feel seem like two complete different parts of yourself, not always easy, work to do. In the relationshipchart there are smoother connections for both, so they recognize this theme. If his birthtime is around noon then this year the progressed Sun makes a trine to the radix Moon, so there is a possibility that evolved identity fits more with feeling safe.Themes of male and female energy, the sun and the moon, and then announcing it on a mooneclips (on his Moon and her Sun)!