Downton Abbey – frivolous and enduring

Downton Abbey which has been a worldwide TV success is nearing closure with a Christmas Special finale and the cast in the USA strutting their stuff for publicity.

It launched on 26 September 2010 with a lucky Jupiter Uranus in Pisces opposition a Libra Sun (and Saturn) square Pluto – so a real mix of enthusiasm, good fortune and enduring determination from Saturn Pluto. Plus an earthy (country) Taurus Moon opposition a passionate Venus Mars in Scorpio. Uranus has moved by Solar Arc to oppose the Sun exactly as it shuts up shop, though it’s not beyond the bounds of possibility (and commerce) that a movie might transpire at some point.

Hugh Bonneville, 10 Nov 1963, headed the cast as Lord Grantham. He’s an intense though dreamy and creative Sun Mercury Neptune in Scorpio square Saturn in Aquarius. With a Virgo Moon Uranus Pluto square Mars Venus in Sagittarius – so more complicated emotionally than he looks, certainly suited for a roving lifestyle.

Joanna Froggatt, 23 Aug 1980, who plays Anna Bates, is up again for a Golden Globe, having won last year. She’s a Sun Virgo with Jupiter and Saturn also in Virgo (none conjunct); and a tough Mars Pluto in Libra. Tr Jupiter in Virgo will be doing her morale good; and even better tr Pluto will trine her Jupiter from late January 2016 for two years – so great success to come.

Michelle Dockery, 15 December 1981, who played Lady Mary, is mourning her fiancé who has just died from a rare cancer. She’s a Sun Neptune Mercury in Sagittarius square Mars in Virgo – so well designed for glamour, publicity and a creative world and feisty with it. Her Moon is Leo and she has the tough-minded Saturn Pluto in Libra. There’s success for her through the next two years with a couple of Jupiter midpoints getting a boost.

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