Donna Cunningham – a fiery Cancerian with a flair for understanding


The much respected and loved astrologer Donna Cunningham has died on her 75th birthday. The author of over a dozen books and hundreds of articles, she was given several awards for her contribution to astrology.

Born 5 July 1942 7.40am Onawa, Ohio, she started her working life in social services, studied astrology under Richard Idemon and started in private practice combining psychotherapy, astrology, and healing.

She had a 12th house Cancer Sun conjunct Jupiter and square her Moon Midheaven in Aries, so was well-designed to be a good listener, work behind the scenes and also out in the public eye with her Moon MC. She had the creative Neptune trine Uranus of that period, sextiling onto an influential and persuasive Pluto on her Leo Ascendant. Her Pluto was widely conjunct her Mars, which would give her an understanding of other people’s difficulties in life; and her Uranus was in an innovative conjunction to Saturn Venus in Gemini. It’s an Air Fire chart, with a Water Sun, so inspirational if not always practical.

Her Mercury also in communicative Gemini was in her 11th so she’d want to give of her knowledge to a wider audience.

Her Sun was conjunct the deep-thinking Mercury/Pluto midpoint and conjunct the passionately enthusiastic Venus/Mars. Her Jupiter was conjunct her Uranus/Pluto midpoint which not only brings success, but also an interest in philosophical pursuits. Her Uranus was square her Neptune/Pluto which would bring an almost mystical approach and a flair for the unusual. She would certainly have a strong intuition, and almost psychic understanding of the world and other people.

Her victim/healer 12th Harmonic was strong, even more so her writers’ 21H; as well as a practical pursue-her-dream 11H; and get-it-together 5H. Her leaving-a-legacy for-future-generations 17H was also marked, indicating her work will live on.

She would have had a challenging time recently with tr Uranus square tr Pluto in hard aspect to her Sun, then Moon and MC; as well as Solar Arc Uranus conjunct her Mars 20 months ago. Her Progressed Moon was exactly on her 6th house cusp when she died. The Moon dominates her chart, sitting on the MC, and on the focal point of several of her harmonic charts – so a truly lunar, feminine wisdom.

4 thoughts on “Donna Cunningham – a fiery Cancerian with a flair for understanding

  1. I’m so sorry to hear that Donna died……she was marvellous. “Being a Lunar Type in a Solar World” was her masterpiece, I have it here on the desk. Saw her at a conference in Exeter many years ago (Astrological Association) – she spoke from the heart and was gifted, truly. She also had a wicked sense of humour personally. One of the greats of our time. What a privilege to learn from her.

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