Another criminal charge, another money-grabbing opportunity. Trump is raking in yet more campaign funds which continually spike every time another indictment against him is filed. Sigh. This recent charge sheet about Mar-a-Lago classified documents will list wilful retention of national defense secrets, obstruction of justice and conspiracy. The eternally hopeful say this is the first time he has faced federal criminal charges, all previous legal embarrassments being in state courts, and he could face years in prison. He will appear for an arraignment on Tuesday at 3 p.m in Miami. Cynics point to his Houdini escape record and murmur unhappily that Florida would not be the first choice to guarantee justice will be dispensed.
There are other pending legal bear-traps for him including hush money payments to Stormy Daniels; and the biggie which is Georgia and Trump’s efforts to overturn the election there with charges perhaps coming this summer.
Assuming his birth time is not out by hours then he has a lucky Jupiter midpoint being triggered at the moment until this coming Wednesday and a run of good fortune and morale-boosts from the middle of this November to early next April.
He does have the poleaxing, trapped Solar Arc Mars square his Pluto in place throughout this year, which will put pressure on him. In addition to his Solar Arc Pluto square his Saturn which is gloom-inducing and indicates tough conditions.
Next year he has a run of infuriating, high-tension and aggravating influences picking up from April, through May and exploding in July with a shock-setback as tr Uranus squares his Mars. Just before the election his Progressed Venus will square his Saturn making him feel unloved and in November 2024 his Progressed Moon will square his Pluto – neither of which suggest a great triumph. Though he does have tr Jupiter moving across his 10th house from May 2024 for a year or so which will keep his profile high.
Had to return to this post as I was certain I had remembered that May would be a Trump turning point.
Today’s news per NY Times:
BREAKING NEWS: Friday, July 21, 2023 9:57 AM ET The federal judge overseeing Donald Trump’s prosecution over classified documents set a trial date for May 2024. Judge Aileen Cannon rejected the former president’s request to delay the trial until after the election but pushed the start date past the government’s request.
Donald Trump is 77 today. His Solar Return has prominent Neptunian themes I’d say, as I battle with pinning down Solar Returns in general. It might be time for a rendition of the Smiths’ “I’ve come to wish you an unhappy birthday” (1987).
I know what you mean about Solar Returns – I find them decidedly unhelpful. His 2016 win had Uranus in the 10th which certainly makes sense of a change of career direction but that could have meant anything. And Mars in the 4th doesn’t sound too helpful.
His SR for June 2024 has Neptune and Saturn straddling the Midheaven which looks very uncertain (cross fingers).
Thanks Marjorie – happy to learn I am not alone! What’s puzzling though is that sometimes they do seem accurate – particularly when looking at the house position of the SR Sun and Moon. I looked at my own for significant bereavements, my marriage year, house moves and so on. These appear to work. Less obvious years, however, seem much more vague. The only other thing is that a reversal of natal AC/DC or MC/IC also appears significant, and does not suggest a particularly great or positive year ahead.
Thanks to you, I’ve been studying Solar Arcs, and these do work well. Progressions seem to work when a progressed planet changes sign, or when one moves on or off a natal planet.
Interesting re Trump’s 24 SR. Neptune rising in a departing square to his Sun, and a Pisces ascendant this year – 2024 continues the theme? Doubtless some of his fans would be happy to see him as a sacrificial lamb……
Per his lucky Jupiter, Judge Aileen Cannon, a Trump-appointed judge who was reprimanded for her earlier pro-Trump rulings inconsistent with federal law, has been appointed to supervise this trial. She is probably the worst-qualified judge but certainly sympathetic to Trump, who appointed her to the bench.
Incredible! Just as Marjorie wrote “ Cynics point to his Houdini escape record and murmur unhappily that Florida would not be the first choice to guarantee justice will be dispensed.” As a South Floridian myself, I have little faith that FLDC in Miami will handle it well, remember how they handled the Jeffrey Epstein case at the time.
Don’t get upset yet! I’ve read that legal experts say Cannon is just the judge for initial hearings/motions. The chief judge will likely replace her because (a) she’s demonstrated favoritism towards the accused; (b) was reversed multiple times on the documents case she adjudicated involving him; and (c) is extremely inexperienced. This case will require a skilled, experienced judge, legal eagles say. Cannon is not well respected in legal circles and is viewed as a loose cannon (sorry!) and hack.
@ Deborah,
I’m a Floridian. I know about Judge Aileen Cannon. Many of us are not worried about her – She’s under a microscope right now…so if she tries anything underhanded, it could ruin her entire career. And Nicole Sours Larson is right; Cannon will only be the judge for the motions.
Trump will have his Houdini Hour. He’ll slip out and continue to cry out about witch-hunts and DOJ weaponization against him. Teflon Trump. (sigh)
@ larryc
No he won’t; not this time. Trump is going down – the evidence against him is overwhelming.
@chris Romero
Hopefully yes, but as a fellow Floridian, the mere fact that it’s going to be at the FLDC In Miami is not encouraging based on their slack record of holding bad people accountable in the past.
@ Anita,
Yes, but this case is a very high profile case. If Trump is given another pass, I don’t see the FLDC getting let off the hook so easily.
It’s important to remain optimistic.
Diane L.
The Presidential Record’s Act specifically details what records the outgoing President can take with him and what ones must be turned over to the archives. I don’t know where you obtained your information but you are mistaken. The archives ID’d what records that Trump took and illegally retained, even after receiving subpoenas for them. He will be found guilty for this and many other corrupt things he did while president. Most Americans can’t wait to move forward and not be dragged into all the trauma he creates. We are suffering from PTSD (Post Trump Stress Disorder) and need to obliterate him from our consciousness.
Removed – Marjorie
You have clearly drunk the Trump cultist Kooll-Aid if you believe such lies and disinformation.
oh dear, how sad.
what does any of this have to do with astrology?
You do know the Bursuma “documents” were courtesy of ole’ Rudy and his Russian friends. Those documents have zero authentication by anyone outside of TrumpWorld. Why don’t you do something more productive, like read the indictment. No filters–just read it. I guarantee you it’s nothing you’ve ever heard b/c it’s clear you inhabit your own little specially chosen media sources that ignore actual facts. Why do you think Murdoch & Co had to pay over three-quarters of a billion dollars to keep their dirty laundry out the press? It’s full of statements indicating that every single one of the Fox on-air talent KNEW the election fraud thing was a sham and most knew that Trump would lose the election in advance. But yeah, stay there in your own little fictional world. Reality bites.
I read somewhere that Regulus on the ASC confers lucky star status. But, the caveat is that to whom much is given, much is expected. Fail that and the crown will strangle its wearer.
We can only hope.
I’ve something similar, and likewise with, for instance, Jupiter-Pluto. In other words, great power (and luck) should not be misused.
It takes time for this to go through the courts, and Trump will be sure to delay with every legal means at his disposal. So let’s hope his lucky star applies while he attempts to dismiss the case or postpone the trial, (already has a very friendly judge overseeing the case in FL), but will face the music when worse aspects apply when it counts and he exhausts all appeals.
HuffPost reported today that the unsealed indictment revealed that Donald Trump is facing 37 charges regarding his handling of classified documents. I was genuinely surprised by that number – more than what I was expecting.
This will certainly be an interesting case to follow.
The right-wing media and Trump surrogates were trying to spin it last night as 7 so I imagine it was a shock to some it was 37 separate charges.
Thanks for covering this, Marjorie!
Is there any hope of a conviction and serious prison sentence?
No matter what Trump’s stars look like right now, it’s evident, from every Republican and their cat entering the race in the past couple of weeks, that they, or their strategists, see an opportunity here. Obviously, some might be viewing a place in Trump Administration, but that seems naïve, given how it went the last time. Trump does not follow the general political rules.
No doubt the former President will respond to this news with his usual dignity and stoicism and will not try to play the victim at all.
Thank you Marjorie. It’s hard to keep up with all the dizzying shenanigans! I think Trump is channeling some great – or notorious – American legends and archetypes, alongside the seductive, baffling Trickster archetype that appears in every world mythology.
Several characters spring to mind. P. T. Barnum, for example, said, “There’s no such thing as bad publicity as long as they spell your name right.” Barnum, the great circus showman, was also Republican Mayor of Bridgeport, Connecticut, dabbled in property speculation, lotteries, and had a newspaper at one point in his packed, volatile career with its many successes and financial crashes.
Barnum fitted into the USA 4th July founding chart rather well, being born on 5th July, 1810. When comparing Barnum with Trump I noticed a few things. Here are some of them:
Barnum Mercury 25 Gemini; Trump Sun 22 Gemini; USA Mars 21 Gemini square Neptune 22 Virgo. USA BML is 19 Virgo.
Barnum Pluto 17 Pisces (the power of illusions?) is square Trump’s Nodes, 20 Gemini, Uranus 17 Gemini, Moon 21 Sagittarius. This all locks into the USA Mars/Neptune/Black Moon Lilith.
Barnum’s natal Black Moon Lilith is 23 Cancer – conjunct Trump’s Venus 25 Cancer, and Saturn 23 Cancer. USA Mercury is 24 Cancer.There’s Trump’s struggles with wanting to feel needed, or not enough love. Barnum also had Venus 11 Leo trine Saturn and Neptune in Sagittarius, perhaps an easier Venus/Saturn meeting but still needing attention and always feeling hungry for love and praise I think.
Curiously, the gangster Al Capone (17 January 1899) – a kind of American legend, famously finally brought down by tax matters, had Black Moon Lilith at 25 Cancer (Trump’s Venus/Saturn), conjunct Mars 29 Cancer, and opposing Sun 27 Capricorn. These all connect with the powerful USA Pluto 27 Capricorn opposition Mercury 24 Cancer. Capone also had Neptune at 22 Gemini, aligning with Trump’s natal Sun/Moon opposition and the slippery Mars in Gemini square Neptune in Virgo in the USA’s 4th July founding chart.
“A crook is a crook, and there’s something healthy about his frankness in the matter. But the guy who pretends he’s enforcing the law and steals on his authority is a swell snake.
The worst type is the Big Politician who gives about half his time to covering up so that no one will know he’s a thief. A hard-working crook can buy these birds by the dozens, but he hates them in his heart.” Al Capone
The more he is indicted the more is fan base grows..Daniel and Goliath comes to mind
@ Juno,
His fan base grows within the most extreme far-right wing of the Republican Party….but not with the general electorate. Donald Trump has a 36% locked-in cult of personality (which has been consistent since 2015)…but it’s unlikely to grow beyond that.
Do you mean David and Goliath, presumably Mr Trump figures as Goliath.