Rumblings from Florida hint that Trump will not be welcome to spend his retirement/declining years in Mar-a-Lago with neighbours seeking to enforce a decades-old compact (that gave him significant tax breaks) that says Mar-a-Lago, his private social club, cannot be used as a full-time residence.
Melania has already been scoping out Florida schools for Barron and Ivanka/Jared appear to be moving to a billionaire’s bunker in the sunshine state, perhaps attracted to a local state law on “homestead exemption”, which protects a Florida resident’s primary home (of unlimited value) from being seized by creditors. In 2008 Bernie Madoff’s wife suddenly switched her primary residence from New York to Florida and applied for a homestead exemption to protect her $9.4m home.
The family all appear to accept that New York will not welcome them back with open arms.
Trump bought Mar-a-Lago on 27 December 1985, when there was a Sun Neptune in Capricorn in his 5th house of enjoyment and entertainment; and a forceful Mars Pluto in Scorpio. That latter is being seriously rattled by tr Uranus in opposition from later this month and through till early March so all will not be equable and harmonious for the great retreat. That looks like a considerable disruption. Tr Neptune is also in a high-tension square to the Sale Uranus. The Eclipses from now till late 2021 will also be rattling the Saturn, Mercury, Uranus in Sagittarius on the Sale chart and the Solar Arc Mars Pluto for one crisis after another.
The relationship chart between Trump and Mar-a-Lago is sinking and dissolving from now onwards with tr Neptune conjunct the composite Uranus and moving on to hit the composite Saturn, Mercury and Sun over several years ahead. It was never that settled a residence for him anyway – possibly because nowhere ever would be.
All trivia and water under the bridge now as far as world-changing politics is concerned but of passing interest. For Trump Tribe family prospects see previous post August 25 2020.
Latest reporting by “Business Insider” tells Jared Kushner helped to establish a shell company where they might have funneled as much as 600 milliion US$ from Trump Campaign. Chairs for this company are Lara Trump and, wait for it, VP Pence’s nephew John. These people are brazen beyond imaginable!
He and Melania might be guilty of felonies for voting there if Mara Lago is found to be not their residence. There are plenty of crimes to choose from for the family. Some say they should go before The Hague. Jared, Lara and a few others are in big trouble now for siphoning the campaign funds.
“All trivia and water under the bridge now as far as world-changing politics is concerned but of passing interest. For Trump Tribe family prospects see previous post August 25 2020.”
I agree with commentators who say that what’s happening next is interesting in justice point of view. And it’s not entirely without International dimension. The US has, in my eyes, quite a horrible record in holding truly rich and/or powerful accountable. I think we’ve already heard enough on all sort of corruption surrounding Trump family to know that all of them should be trialed for at least half a dozen felonies. But it’s likely Daddy Trump will pardon his children and their spouses for any federal crime, and that they will probably not face actual jail time for State crimes they’ve committed (I think Don Jr., who has the worse passages, might go to jail for his drug abuse, though). Which is, of course, eroding trust in the system even further.
I’m terrified that he will decide to move to Scotland where his council mate helped push through yet another of his blasted golf courses. If he does it will reinforce and expand every weirdo and far right freak in the uk, Farage, Morgan, Lawrence Fox, Tommy Robinson, Rees Mogg, Katie Hopkins etc etc etc etc etc and draw even more attention from Putin Bannon, Mercer etc
Its my worst nightmare.
Someone please please reassure me its unlikely to happen?
Too wet, too cold, too windy.
I hoped the same, but still, he is running out of boltholes…
Talking of appalling plutocratic dynasties, if youre feeling so inclined the Sackler family strike me as symbolic rich mining given Saturn and Jupiter were in the anaeretic degree of Capricorn at the time. Although Saturn since shifted into Aquarius. Yay!
I’m getting lots of “off with their heads” vibes from that upcoming conjunction.
@Marjorie, also, he can’t pardon himself – or Pence can’t pardon him – for any crimes committed in Scotland. It seems his Scottish properties might turn into his worse legal troubles, there are money laundry cases there, at least. Should keep his kids out of there, as well.
Though most of us can’t wait to have him and his family in our rear view mirror, we don’t want him to just ride into the sunset. He’s got a lot to pay for, while he still couldn’t care less for the people’s welfare. So this Mar-a-Lago drama is just so perfect, another consequence of his mixing business and personal. Plus he, like Ivanka, always tried so hard to ‘belong’ with the super-rich by flouting wealth, only to have his vulgarity rejected.
I think golden child Ivanka is just as much a delusional narcissist as her father, being more covert. A horrible, entitled, uncaring creep. Just hope she stays away from politics from now on.
It would be kind of funny if he was forced to move back into NYC Trump Tower because Mar-a-Lago. The lawsuit has been brewing for a while in Palm Beach at least more than a year, driven by wealthy Palm Beachers who can’t stand him, and are making the island of Palm Beach enforce the contract they have with Trump re Mar-a-Lago. The condition was in order to have club rights it could never be a full time residence.
@Anita, what’s discouraging is that Florida courtrooms are so firmly in hands of Republicans.
Republicans have controlled the Florida state legislature since 1992 and have controlled the governor’s mansion since 1999.
Republicans currently hold every statewide office except Agriculture Secretary.
People will continue to vote Republican because the only thing they seem to care about is keeping Florida one of the few states without a state income tax.