The Trump volcano gives an occasional belch about returning to the political arena but there must be more going on with his finances than is obvious in public given his astrology. The case against the Trump Organization and former CFO Weisselberg in the criminal tax fraud case is expected to hit court in the fall of 2022 but does not include the boss man himself.
Trump is suing his niece Mary for and the New York Times over a 2018 article detailing allegations that he “participated in dubious tax schemes … including instances of outright fraud” involving money from his father. But litigation is his knee-jerk, distract-and-deflect response when trouble looms.
His Solar Arc Saturn is exactly conjunct his 2nd house Neptune now which will invoke great uncertainty and paranoia . His Progressed Moon is also poised on the cusp of his financial 2nd house in preparation for a worrisome two-year stint ahead trying to shore up his security.
Tr Neptune is in an undermining square to his Sagittarius Moon and Gemini Sun through till January 2023 for a lacklustre phase; and picking up several of his midpoints – lowering his confidence and potential for success.
Tr Pluto is making him feel unloved as well as trapped and frustrated is it opposes his Venus/Saturn midpoint and his Sun/Mars midpoint till late this November and then ramps up his emotional responses in December.
His controlling, power-hungry 12th house Pluto is also getting rattled by the tr Saturn square tr Uranus from mid December right through till early February 2022. With worse to come when he hits a towering wall of problems late 2022/early 23 when his Solar Arc is in a catastrophic square to his Pluto at the same time as his Solar Arc Pluto squares his Saturn which will be depressing and tough-going.
Nothing much is going right for him – no doubt more will emerge in time.
He now seems to be holding a press conference on the anniversary of the Capital riot on 1/6/22. I’m curious if his Truth Social Media platform will ever be done as it seems they have problems.
It would seem that former Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham’s book, “I’ll Take Your Questions Now,” is the nail on the coffin of his political career. She was born July 23, 1976.
He has Regulus on the ascendant natally. Uranus is right on top of that. Expect some more unpleasant happenings.
Thank you for the most uplifting news in these difficult times ! 🙂
I’m still worried about 2022 voting as I fear the GOP has figured out how to hack any non-dominion voting machines (hence their attack on Dominion and only Dominion brand voting machines). The problem is that a majority of states use the ES and other GOP-friendly machines. And God knows who they have partnered with to steal as many votes as they can. Remember, projection is huge in the GOP–anything they accuse the other side of, you can bet your last dollar they’re the ones actually doing it.
Large groups are working to institute hand-marked paper ballots
That’s they way to prevent computer, internet shenanigans
Love the portmanteau, Marjorie! Double Double (Gemini) Toil and so much trouble!
“The Trump volcano gives an occasional belch ” 🙂 hilarious imagery, I can smell the sulphur from here.
Not heard much about the rape cases recently, wonder whats happening with them these days.
I suspect fate will be keeping him sweet just long enough so he can remain a proverbial Albatross around the GOP’s neck for the 2022 midterms to give the Dems a stronger hand in upsetting past trends by holding on to both chambers of Congress, and consequently smoothing the path for 2024. Americans seemingly love divided powers in gov’t, so Trump is their best hope of staving off this trend with swing voters.
So I figure after the midterms, fate is gonna release the full “Kraken” on this Vulture; timed to perfection. Amen to that!
Last report I heard the Kraken is thoroughly cheesed off at being woken continuously, and has invested in sound cancelling earplugs and put up a Do Not Disturb sign.