Dolly Parton, a year ago was on a high with a Grand Ole Opry jubilee performance at Nashville being aired on NBC as well as a Netflix series dramatizing the stories behind her songs. Never one to slow down even at nearly 75 she’s got a book, an album and a movie out for Christmas. And her foundation is credited with handing over $1 million for coronavirus research and supporting the work of Covid vaccine company Moderna. Her jam-packed schedule in addition to fitting in song and book writing, performing on stage and in movies, running her charity which donates books to children also includes heading her theme park, Dollywood which is the biggest ticketed tourist attraction in Tennessee and an important local employer.
Over a sixty year plus career she’s managed to sidestep politics, mastermind a varied and successful career, appealed to a wide cross section of the public and presented what could be a caricature drag-image of a busty blonde and still come across as sympathetic and witty.
Born dirt poor, the fourth of twelve children, on 19 January 1946 8.25 pm Little River, Tennessee, she started on the Grand Ole Opry aged 13. She has an amazing chart with a charming and ambitious Sun Venus Mercury in Capricorn in her performing 5th house opposition a tough Saturn Mars in Cancer square Jupiter in Libra in the 2nd. Mars Saturn will have provided more than her fair share of setbacks and mishaps but also gives her discipline. This heavyweight opposition squares onto a 2nd house Jupiter, focussing her drive into making money.
Her maverick Uranus on her Midheaven is trine Neptune and sextile Pluto – giving her a unique talent, a need to control and the ability to have influence. All the planets in her chart bar one are tied up in those two configurations – a Cardinal T Square and a mini-Grand Trine. The odd one out is her sparsely aspected Virgo Moon in the 12th which is sextile Jupiter and her North Node and inconjunct her Sun. That may contribute to her sense of aloneness – despite a long marriage, she’s almost never seen with her asphalt-contractor husband (a Sun Cancer with a Libra Moon) and they are apart for long stretches; and have no children.
She’s been under pressure in the last few years with first tr Uranus in Aries elbowing its way round her Mars Saturn, Sun, Venus and then Jupiter; followed by tr Pluto opposing her Mars Saturn in 2018/19 which would have been punishing. Tr Pluto is now heading to conjunct her Venus and square her Jupiter from February 2021 to late 2022. This will be challenging emotionally, very intense, but also super-confident and lucky.
She’s one tough lady and a national treasure.
Thanks Marjorie. Dolly Parton is indeed a treasure, and an example of how a world famous person can be a force for good, and be a philanthropist without milking that for publicity.
Thanks for this Marjorie, I love this lady. Yet another Capricorn who had a tough start. I see that 12th house Virgo moon as part of her incredible work ethic and instinctual ability to move the emotions of the masses through her music. She’s a talented songwriter and knowledgeable of the country and bluegrass tradition she is part of. I really enjoyed her Glasto performance a few years ago.
Incidentally, I notice Capricorn Venus, or Venus and Saturn often maintain their pristine appearance well into older age.
“Incidentally, I notice Capricorn Venus, or Venus and Saturn often maintain their pristine appearance well into older age.”
Virgo Rising, too, I hope. I’m 14’30 Virgo Rising (and can count on this, midwives traditionally clock this very carefully here) and certainly hope I will be half as nimble as Dolly at 74.
So my Virgo rising will help me keep my boyish good looks into old age too?
Say it ain’t so.
@Solaia and Roderick – in my experience Virgo is often very stylish, and it’s hard to tell their age. Mercury is androgynous and agile! Sometimes Gemini can also present as ageless, but as we’ve seen in recent years, not always…… Perhaps the Capricorn influence VF mentions would be “well preserved”?
I’m Virgo and Virgo rising and right up until I was 30 I was often mistaken for being in my teens. During my 30s and early 40s, I could pass for 10-15 years younger. However, I feel I’ve aged in the last 5 years because of not looking after myself, but people still think I’m in my 30s. I’m 46 now.
Stylish I AM NOT for a Virgo, lol. ‘Unique’ yes, if throwing stuff on without a thought comes under that umbrella, but stylish no. I’ve always had an androgynous look which I’ve never been comfortable with – more so because society likes to put people in boxes and if you don’t fit them they can make you pay for it. My Cancer Moon dictates my thin skin there. I wish I was unique, stylish, and wore my androgyny like Tilda Swinton, i.e.; not give a flying rat’s poop about out!
I wonder if Michael J. Fox and Ralph Macchio have any of these young-looking aspects – they never seemed to age for decades?!
@Solaia, You’re a nugget of information. The two people my mind jumped to who appear ageless – one is a friend, now mid sixties and looks forties. The other is Sarah Miles the actress – and both are Virgo rising. Jane Fonda, another wonder, is Capricorn rising.
Thank you Marjorie for revisiting her chart. Her moon would make her a standout “servant” of hidden, higher powers. An angel, perhaps, in some ways! She’s a terrific force for good, and would make a far better president than the outgoing monstrosity! Among the many glowing tributes to her generous spirit, The Globe and Mail’s Elizabeth Renzetti had a good piece on her https://www.theglobeandmail.com/opinion/article-dolly-parton-is-the-glitter-glue-the-world-needs-right-now/
@Isabel, born in The US to American parents, but mostly grew up in The UK till she was 11. Small children adapt accents from their surroundings, but I remember reading an interview from Gillian Anderson telling “morphing” back to American accent took some effort, and I’ve read that’s actually common for older children already. However, the neurological bridges are there. I changed regions at 4, apparently my first dialect wasn’t the one I spoke later on. This affected my Italian. I learnt standard Italian at Uni, but quickly adapted the local accent (and it’s more of an accent, since Italian language is based on their dialect) in Tuscany.