Deutsche Bank’s woes – Merkel on the horns of a dilemma



Germany is in the grip of a banking crisis with no clear solution. The mammoth Deutsche Bank, based in Frankfurt with a global outreach, once seen as Europe’s strongest financial institution, is in dire trouble facing falling profits, a struggle to cut costs and restructure, legal wrangles and a whopping $14 billion dollar fine from the US for dodgy sub-prime mortgage selling ten years back. They haven’t the capital to pay the fine and Angela Merkel has said there’ll be no bail-out, since that would open the floodgates, especially in Italy where the government is desperate to breach EU rules to fund their banks sagging under bad loans with tax payers money.

Deutsche Bank was set up on 22 January 1870 and got its banking licence on 10 March 1870. Both these charts have Neptune in Aries square Uranus in Cancer picking up the tr Pluto hard aspects through 2017/18 which looks like rolling confusion, scandal, panic and disruption.

Commerzbank, 26 Feb 1870, is also said to be in trouble. Likewise it has the same Neptune Uranus, and even worse Solar Arcs than Deutsche Bank.

The Bundesbank, Germany’s central bank, 26 July 1957, will be edgy and distraught through 2017/18 with tr Uranus opposing the Solar Arc Mars, Mercury, Pluto, Venus; and tr Pluto square the Solar Arc Mars – so jangled and very trapped. Worse follows in 2018/19 with Solar Arc Venus conjunct Neptune, Solar Arc Saturn opposition Uranus; and Solar Arc Pluto conjunct Neptune – which looks like a complete meltdown.

Baling out dodgy banks isn’t a heartening prospect but a total banking collapse would be worse.

One thought on “Deutsche Bank’s woes – Merkel on the horns of a dilemma

  1. “rolling confusion, scandal, panic and disruption.” Well said!
    In the Deutsche Bank 1870 charts, the Jupiter-Pluto conjunction seems apropos for a megabank. I wonder how many others have that combination.

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