Derek Chauvin, the Minneapolis police officer, has been found guilty of second-degree unintentional murder, third-degree murder, and second-degree manslaughter of George Floyd and will be sentenced in eight weeks. The Attorney General Merrick Garland has also announced an inquiry into the Minneapolis Police Department which is part of a broader strategy by the Biden White House to hold police forces accountable in cases where they are found to have violated federal laws.
Chauvin’s chart has tr Pluto in a discouraging opposition to his Saturn in 2021/22 and an insecure and disruptive set of influences from this July onwards so although there is talk of an appeal he isn’t looking confident.
What is clear is that this is regarded as a game-changing moment for the USA so Chauvin is a pivotal figure for the country. What is of interest is that his Saturn is conjunct the USA Mercury and exactly opposition the USA Pluto; and his Pluto is conjunct the USA Saturn. The USA Mercury Pluto opposition fuels the strand of almost pathological obstinacy in the national psyche which causes toxic debates, mainly involving right-wing and divisive issues. And it will be highlighted over the next three years as tr Pluto finishes the opposition to the USA Mercury in the second half of this year before moving on to the Pluto Return in 2022/23.
Saturn and Pluto (Chauvin and the USA) combines two tough, masculine energies – rigidly disciplined, melancholy and authoritarian, with a power–hungry need for control. Both are associated with death – Saturn the Grim Reaper and Pluto, ruler of the underworld. Neither are good or even capable of giving way gracefully. Their world view tends to see only the victorious or the oppressed.
So it is a potent synastry.
What has dented the mood around the conviction somewhat is Democratic Congresswoman Maxine Waters’ ill-judged remarks encouraging demonstrations on the streets if a guilty verdict wasn’t reached – giving rise to an opening for an appeal. She has a long track record of stormy interventions, some of which were understandable, but often unhelpful.
Born 15 August 1938 St Louis, Missouri, she has an expansive, over-confident Leo Sun opposition Jupiter and a volatile, disruptive Mars in Sun in Leo square Uranus. With her Sun and Mars in a hard-edged trine to Saturn and Moon in Aries. Too much Fire, not enough common sense. She enjoys a fight and will stir up the heat even when it isn’t constructive.
Elected officials in America deny racism exists in this country, “Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham denied on Sunday that there is systemic racism in the US, claiming “America’s not a racist country” as President Joe Biden and others urge people to directly confront the issue as the nation grapples with a spate of police killings of Black Americans…”America is a work in progress,” he added. ”
It’s the same old story “not in my neighborhood. We’re god-fearing Republicans…”
My city is bigger than seattle, denver, and boston, and is 70% white. In the past four months, police have shot and killed 4 African Americans. Whites killed:zero. People who committed the vast majority of crimes in those 4 months: white. Crimes the 4 murdered African Americans were committing: zero. One was just standing in his friend’s garage. A white neighbor called the police. Death.
As a Democrat, I also didn’t think Congresswoman Maxine Waters’s comments about becoming “more confrontational” were very helpful. Definitely a poor choice of words given the extreme political polarization and massive culture divide the country continues to divide. Every right-wing media source will certainly capitalize on Waters’s comments and they’ll be used to galvanize their base in 2022 midterm elections. We’re already slated to lose control of the U.S. House next year due to redistricting…..I hope we don’t lose the Senate too.
That being said, I don’t fault Congresswoman Maxine Waters for feeling the way she does – I too have been prone to anger and frustration lately over a number of global environmental issues. It can be very difficult to control your temper when you see issues you care deeply about habitually dismissed by others around you.
I’m sure Congresswoman Waters was speaking from emotion…and to be fair, what she said was fairly mild compared to the rhetoric we’ve heard from Republican lawmakers over the past five years.
Anyway, I’m glad Derek Chauvin was convicted – I was almost certain he would be. The evidence against him was overwhelming.
There were some people who weren’t as confident as I was though. Some were reflecting on the OJ Simpson and Casey Anthony trials and were worried the Derek Chauvin case could end up the same way. Fortunately, that didn’t happen though.
Growing up in Detroit in the 60s and 70s, my Caucasian family was and is very racist. They don’t feel sorry for police brutality on Blacks, they make jokes about it. I left when I was 18 because I couldn’t stand being around their very unkind attitudes and remarks.
I’ve long-split from my extended family in Pgh. They still call blacks as “colored” and as “Canadians”. All solidly Republicans – they vote a straight ticket.
I don’t think the collective trauma caused by such recent slavery can ever be healed without at the very least due reparations and active policies to address and recognise the harm done to victims of racism by the state. I’m hoping hard that a new era can come into being with a younger, more progressive generation but the Trump presidency has strengthened the resolve of the US extreme right in an alarming way that I had never before seen in my lifetime. There has to be the will of the country for progress to be made. How do you persuade a significant portion of the population who are in deep and total denial, who proudly display their own bigotry?
Vexatious, divisive subject. The USA is racist, even beyond the ‘norms’ of other western countries – and the gun problem is so out of control there’s no way of seeing how you could rein the police in from wielding heavy armoury as standard. And the drug problem is also vast which exacerbates tensions and risk. Not sure it isn’t asking a bit much of the Pluto Return to sort it out. We can but hope.
The Times has a reasonable piece:
‘Philip Stinson, a former police officer who’s now professor of criminal justice at Bowling Green State University, has kept a database of police shootings. Around a thousand Americans are killed each year by the police. In the past 15 years this has led to 140 murder and manslaughter charges being brought, of which 44 result in a conviction, usually for a lesser offence. 15,000 deaths and 44 convictions. You do the math, as they say. Except in this case, a teenager called Darnella Frazier filmed it all, capturing George Floyd crying out for his dead mother. If Darnella had not been there, we can safely assume, there would have been no conviction.’
‘Americans are in denial about enduring racism
The Floyd verdict won’t mend a society where police are trained to be predators and black boys are taught to fear them’
David Aaronovitch
The fact that 73 million people thought it was acceptable to vote for a vile, amoral
and racist grifter speaks volumes. America’s pitiful decline have been sorrowful
to watch. Oscar Wilde’s mordant observation about the country is spot on.
I rectified Chauvin’s chart to 11:20 pm, Moon in Scorpio exactly conj Asc, with
Pluto 4 degrees from MH in quindecile aspect to Jupiter. The quindecile is the
“obsession” aspect.
Interesting comments on this above Chart. Both Marjorie and the Mountain Astrologer have touched on, will America change? It is touch and go for a few years, given America’s Pluto aspects. Maxine Water’s is part of the Government. Surely she has breached her position? Furthermore, not at any time has the number of people who were killed by American Police this year – 231 of whom 30 were black – been raised, either by Water’s or Biden. The Divisions appear to be purposely being sown. Also Chauvin either worked with Floyd or knew him from his Nightclub days as a bouncer. The simplistic “cops just kill black people” is an assumption, not necessary the truth.
@ Nel *sigh*. It’s called implicit racism and it’s about cops being more aggressive with black suspects than with white ones because they wrongly believe that black people are stronger and more violent than white suspects.
There was an FBI study published during the George W Bush administration that confirmed that white supremacists had infiltrated law enforcement.
Just the other day there was a data breach which exposed that law enforcement along with others had donated to vigilante Kyle Rittenhouse.
231 White people have been shot by the American Cops. How about mentioning these, or are they not worthy? Sigh! The cops are aggressive full stop. The fact that 231 people can die and not be mentioned – may be inverted racism? Are white lives not anyone’s consideration. I work on an inclusive world. I am not being nasty, I am attempting to show the state of how people are treated in a Gun loving society. The percentages my not be so high, per ratio, but not to mention all who died, is entrenching a divided society. If you read the BBC, Sk and many British papers, you would think it was only black people being shot in America, which is not the case.
From Statista.com:
“Sadly, the trend of fatal police shootings in the United States seems to only be increasing, with a total 213 civilians having been shot, 30 of whom were Black, in the first three months of 2021. In 2020, there were 1,021 fatal police shootings, and in 2019 there were 999 fatal shootings. Additionally, the rate of fatal police shootings among Black Americans was much higher than that for any other ethnicity, standing at 35 fatal shootings per million of the population as of March 2021.”
“Among developed countries the United States is something of an outlier when it comes to police shootings. In 2020, it was estimated that the police in the United States fatally shot 999 people. Between 2015 and 2019, the rate of fatal police shootings among Black Americans was 30 per one million people, 23 per million people for Hispanic Americans and 12 per million people for white Americans.”
@ Nel’s how many of those people shot were armed vs. unarmed?
Furthermore in America few whites bother to speak up whenever there may be a questionable shooting so that is part of the discrepancy and yes America is a racist country and just the other day someone posted a number of the people who had donated to vigilante Kyle Rittenhouse and it included a number of law enforcement officers who gave him words of encouragement.
There are a couple of videos of white men being treated like children during traffic stops. One guy fled the scene with a cop hanging onto his window for deal life and not one cop fired at him.
Another one admitted that he had a gun and was fumbling in the center console while he had the door open. The cop backed off and he was eventually allowed to drive away without either cop firing a single shot, but they caught him later.
I am not going to post links to the videos because I don’t want my comment to go into moderation, but you can google them on YouTube.
231 people killed by police in less than four months. That’s horrific by any sane measure. The stats I stated for black deaths by police in my county were on the noon news in my city yesterday. You can’t make that magically disappear.
You dropped a whole lot of unexplained thought bombs on us. Maxine Waters breached her position? Is that rule just for Democrats? Or just for African-Americans? If it wasn’t well documented by video and social media, I wouldn’t even believe some of the things Republicans have said while being in high government positions. Why did you bring it up that Chauvin knew Mr. Floyd and then wander off to the “cops just kill black people” one and done sentence? Nobody here said that cops just kill black people. What. The. Heck. Don’t even bother to answer any of these questions, I don’t want to lose any more faith in humanity today. As for purposely sowing division, thanks for participating, Nel.
The News in the U.K. has only reported the Black killings. What would you believe, if only the Black killings were being reported. I was shocked when a post in the Times stated how many people had been killed. Y the American Police. I meant anyone who breached fairness in Government guidelines should be accountable.
Interesting example among many many @Nel, is of the white male recently who confronted police officers abused them, ran to his car after being told to stop, actually had a chance to get into it and drag an officer under said car in his get away but yet no shots were fired at him. Yet, the recent young black male who behaved in a much lesser manner and walked away to get back in his car was shot and killed. Then there are the recent incidences of the 13 year old boy and 16 year old girl who were shot and killed by police with the shoot first ask question/make a story after, not to mention the other stories. Have you loosely analysed the manner in which the other 201 were killed by police?
‘The Divisions’ are there for all the World to see and it is as clear as day that they are NOT purposely sown. They were sewn into the fabric and design of America’s society from slavery/KKK upwards to this day. The saying is ‘White is all right and black get back’ (know your place or you will be killed). It really is as simple as that after you remove all the cheer-leading pomp and glory Hollywood-isms fed to the world. The reality is something else quite shocking. So yes, ‘cops just kill black people’ . You know it so stop!!!
What does Chauvin working with or knowing Floyd have to do with anything?
Do you think Trump breached his position at any time?
‘What does Chauvin working with or knowing Floyd have to do with anything?’
There was some speculation that Chauvin and Floyd had gotten into some sort of conflict while they worked at the same bar as security and that Chauvin didn’t like the fact that Floyd had a white girlfriend.
It is my hope – looking at Chauvin(istic)’s Saturn squeezing the US Mercury – that this signifies the country taking a good HARD, LONG look at itself and the way it THINKS about it’s judiciary, prejudices and place on the world stage in the context of race relations. There is a tremendously long way to go and as a black woman I’m not sure that I will see it in my life time but I do hope that this is the beginning of true equality for African-Americans.
@ Barb, I will be 50 next year and I spent my first 29 years in rural Mississippi and I agree that things have gone backwards as far as race in this country.
Hopefully it is just due to the old guard clinging to the status quo while Pluto is in Capricorn and Pluto in Aquarius will manifest a more equitable society.
I hope so too, Barb. I want to look at this as if the small changes we are seeing today are the seeds being sown for tomorrow. Hopefully, even in just a mere decade it will be a massive change for the better. Lord knows, it’s long, long overdue. But here’s hoping we are all arriving at a new road in the landscape.
Race is a gift from our ancestors. It’s not meant to be a tool of oppression that defines our place and privilege in life. I join the many people from around the world who send you heartfelt blessings.
It would have to be said that I find the US justice system very ill-disciplined. In my younger days as a journalist in Glasgow, no one and that included tough newspaper editors would have dared print anything that might prejudice a trial from the point at which the charges were laid to the conviction. The consequences for contempt of court were draconian – into Barlinnie, the local slammer. Even the English system is fairly sloppy though nowhere as bad as the American.
In America, gag orders only cover people involved in the case specifically the attorneys not newspapers or private citizens which would be impossible to enforce.
I don’t know how that would work today with the internet and smartphones that can link to the internet even if you sequester a jury.
The same applies when a defendant wants a change of venue due to pretrial publicity which is basically jury shopping.
If you’re a defendant in a high profile case there is no point in claiming that moving the trial will result in an unbias jury because the story is all over social media.
What I have noticed that whenever there is a controversial police shooting there is a concerted pro-police social media operation to sway public opinion by posting derogatory personal information about the victim intent on dehumanizing and devaluing the life of the victim who is usually black.
Not sure about impossible to enforce – a few contempt of court convictions would ram the message home.
I appreciate Marjorie’s interpretation of Chauvin’s chart, and the interaction with America, even like the small paragraph about Maxine Waters. However, five long time fans have used the Chauvin post as an excuse to get on their horses and ride, forming a posse to go after Maxine Waters. They’ve used the Chauvin post to expose what they think is most inexcusable and damaging about the whole thing—Maxine. Really? That’s all you got out of this?
Perhaps Marjorie should have saved her precious time. Just posted the few sentences about Maxine, and titled it: “Maxine Waters didn’t cause rioting and city didn’t burn to the ground.” That’s the reality, folks. The kerfluffle by the infamous five reflects more on them than her.
Not really but you are entitled to your opinion @S4cast4ever. However dramatic it sounds. No-one going after Maxine. If there is a genuine concern shared and Marjorie okay to explain the astrology then …. what’s the problem in wanting to sense check that Chauvin can’t slither out of this.
Many more still dying and they are getting younger so I wouldn’t get a false sense of security just yet. This is the beginning and a good one so don’t want anything to derail it but there is still a long way to go. That’s what I got.
Reality check, Jennifer—you started the ball rolling in the comments when you said Maxine “should have stayed home under her blanket for restraint”. You have a lot of nerve to say that no one is going after Maxine, when you very clearly went after her.
I have no “false sense of security”. 39 black people in my county have been shot and killed by cops. The latest murder was yesterday. My opinion has been formed by the actions of the police where I live.
Nothing that Maxine Waters said surprised me. But here, where I thought I’d find even more insight about the chart aspects of the Chauvin verdict in the comments, I found the bashing of an elderly black woman who dared to speak what she thought. That truly surprised me.
Thank you Roderick, for your effective counterpoints to the Maxine mania. I came back later to see who said what in reply to me, and read your replies below. You restored the norm and brought some balance back. Unfortunately, herd mentality is here to stay for awhile. Marjorie pointed out the ugly divisive aspects of the next few years in the US chart. So get ready, sir, we need you.
‘Reality check, Jennifer—you started the ball rolling in the comments when you said Maxine “should have stayed home under her blanket for restraint”. You have a lot of nerve to say that no one is going after Maxine, when you very clearly went after her.’
My dear… I have a concern that her comments could be used to derail things and my comment was not literal. It was my way of saying she could have kept it to herself even if everyone is thinking it, just to not muddy the waters. We see how the American system seems to work. Trump could say what he liked with no accountability but yet she made her comments and they are all on her back. So what ‘Reality check’?
I completely understand your feelings on the matter but you have taken my comment way out of context. I can’t control how you interpreted what I said and I’m not going to apologize for it either, because it was made within the context of Chauvin’s verdict and the subsequent hell raising by the Republicans about Mrs Waters’ comments together.
It’s interesting that you reprimand me for my remark but yet want to assign an impression that is so far from the truth. Where does ‘bashing’ come into this? Are you telling me a person can’t disagree with another person these days without it being called ‘hate’ or ‘bashing’ or ‘going after someone’? I don’t think you are ‘bashing’ me with your comments (you are entitled to your opinion just as I am) but if I go by your template of what that looks like, then …..?!
I agree with Roderick about the judge actually being at fault and everyone was thinking what Mrs Waters’ said. I was really commenting on her timing.
Hey, it’s all good and I’m sure Maxine all good too. Life goes on. One love and peace
You have gone from wanting Maxine Waters restrained in a blanket, to trying to save face by praising yourself, and explaining to everyone how wise and wonderful you are. But you just can’t resist little nips at my leather boots.
The bashing? You’d have to be unable to read English if you didn’t see it. Trump couldn’t have tweeted anything better, other than to add she was “nasty”.
Do what you all want Maxine to do—Shut Up.
@S4cast4ever have you ever heard of the term ‘metaphor’. I thought I would explain myself but clearly that’s not good enough, and now you have another problem. You are telling me what I thought and what I was saying? Are you for real? Don’t really know what your problem is but Lady you can keep it.
Old time Jamaican saying translated:
I throw my corn, I don’t call no fowl, but if you want to pick it up it’s your business.
Maxine Maxine. Impulsivus cantakerus in all her glory. She’s like that family member you wish would just be quiet most of the time. Clear example that ageing doesn’t necessarily foster wisdom.
I heard MTG a.k.a Ms. Anglo-Saxon caucus labeled BLM domestic terrorists not long after Chauvin’s conviction. To hell with dog whistles it seems. It’s full on Bull horn these days.
With Maxine that moon in Aires is always a danger for impulsive fire stoking, but add Mars Sun square Uranus, and it becomes compulsive.
Chauvins chart reeks of ideology as much as aggressive defensiveness.
If an appeal is successful, the town will go up in flames. Is that what the Congresswoman is hoping for? Trump got his insurrection, Waters will get her way? Somehow, with the astrologics as-described, Chauvin won;t get very far. IMHO.
The DOJ is looking into prosecuting Chauvin for violating George Floyd’s civil rights.
Also Chauvin and his wife have been charged with tax evasion so Chauvin will be shuffling between his jail cell and court rooms for the next several years.
Chauvin supposedly has assets worth millions of dollars (Reddit comment). Check out his second house.
To be clear, the second house of his natal chart.
@ S4cast4ever. Right Chauvin has (had) over a million in his pension so I guess he will have to liquidate it to pay for his defense in his tax evasion and possibly federal civil rights case.
Chauvin’s defense in the Floyd case was poor because they allowed a nurse to end up on the jury and I am sure that person rebutted every ridiculous theory that the defense offered.
Bravo, Roderick, you are both brilliant and well-informed! It is a pleasure to read your posts. We haven’t seen the last of Chauvin’s secrets. Redditor said he had three million here and there. I’m looking forward to Marjorie’s astrological posts about the future revelations.
One professional on Reddit took the time to explain the types of incarceration DC could face, and the prison culture. He said nothing is free in jail and that DC will need plenty of money. He said the security DC needs might put him in with the death row population, which is essentially a mild form of solitary confinement that is more easily guarded. Said DC couldn’t count on the white gangs unless he proved he had real worth to them. I expect that it will end up like Scott Peterson or Charles Manson, with lots of women in love with him, cash support from them, and a prison marriage somewhere down the line. I’m surprised there hasn’t been a reality show,“My 9,000 Day Fiancé”, on TLC.
Thank you for writing about this. Very relieved about the verdict but yes, concerned about Maxine Water’s statement. It’s understandable in light of U.S. racial history, but the timing was inexcusable and really damaging. Even if it doesn’t trigger a successful appeal, Water’s recklessness has given the right wing hate speech crowd more ammunition.
LOL. The judge has been biased from the beginning.
If anyone is to blame its the judge who didn’t sequester the jury for the entirety of the trial.
The judge was just doing some racial grandstanding and giving the defense a roadmap to appeal.
The end.
Thanks Marjorie
I couldnt understand how this supposedly very intelligent woman could put such a sensitive moment and all the hard work done in jeopardy. All she had to do was wait it out and comment after. But as you just explained the astrology iy makes some sense. I guess in the spirit of the moment she couldn’t help herself with all that fire mixed with the emotions. She should have stayed at home under her blanket for restraint. I hope it doesn’t affect the verdict on appeal or sentencing.
Maybe you just heard the soundbite from the MSM. She said nothing wrong and nothing that people haven’t been thinking and saying for decades.
The judge’s statement is ridiculous because everyone and their mother has been commenting on this case since it happened but if anyone is responsible for an appeal it is the judge who should have sequestered the jury for the entirety of the trial instead of just the deliberations.
Yes, he absolutely played a part and now that you mention, ‘giving defense a road map to appeal’ it makes sense. He knew what he was doing. Anyway as the astrology indicates Chauvin will be in his own Hell going forward, I’m satisfied he ain’t gonna get a ‘get out of jail’ card anytime soon.