Damian Lewis & Helen McCrory – rallying support for health workers


Married actors Damian Lewis and Helen McCrory are expanding their initiative to feed NHS workers meals from High-Street restaurants, after raising nearly £1m. They started Feed NHS scheme in London but now say it will roll out to other UK cities. They have teamed up with restaurant chains including Leon, Dishoom, Wasabi and Tortilla, to “get food to these people who were working such long hours and weren’t able to get food.”

They have been married since 2007 and remarkably successful at holding it together with two busy, successful careers. He’s known for Band of Brothers, Brody in Homeland and more recently Bobby Axelrod in Billions. She’s had a varied career ranging from Harry Potter, through a Scorsese film to a Bond Skyfall and most notably recently Peaky Blinders.

He was born 11 February 1971 and she 17 August 1968. She’s a Sun Leo square Neptune and trine Saturn in Aries with her Saturn on the focal point of a Yod to Neptune sextile Pluto Uranus. He’s a Sun Aquarius square Saturn in Taurus with his Saturn on the focal point of a Yod to Mars in Sagittarius sextile Uranus. So they are remarkably similar. Her Venus Mercury Jupiter in Virgo are trine and fit well with his Virgo Moon and his Venus in Capricorn. Her Moon in Gemini is opposition his Jupiter, maybe Mars. Both have their Mars in a Fire sign.

Their relationship chart isn’t on the face of it exceptional but it clearly works. The composite Venus is in a cool and enduring opposition to Saturn; with a volatile, needs-space composite Mars Uranus; and a vague composite Sun Neptune which being in the movie business possibly soaks up the more negative ends. With perhaps a composite Moon square Jupiter to smooth round rough edges.

She’s in for a lucky and highly pressured 2021 with tr Uranus in a fortunate trine to her Jupiter; but tr Pluto is also squaring her focal point Saturn for two years which will be a considerable slog.

He’s also in for a dash more luck and an adventure or two come 2021/22 when his Solar Arc Uranus is conjunct his Jupiter.

One thought on “Damian Lewis & Helen McCrory – rallying support for health workers

  1. Birthtimes missing, it’s sometimes hard to get the full picture of Composite, so maybe their planets fall to all right houses? Oppositions somehow seems to work in Synastry, too.

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