Cryptic cash – rippling to success


Crypto-currencies like bitcoin and ethereum are soaring, up 800% in the past year and of key interest in the financial industries. Though there are with warning flags about bubble-bursts ahead as well as money-laundering risks.

NB: I know zero about them and struggle to understand quite how they operate. Ordinary shoppers appear not to like them since there’s a 10-minute time lag for confirmation as opposed to instant credit card/paypal. Though nefarious buyers do like them for drug purchases on the Dark Web. You buy them with ordinary currency but since their value fluctuates much like other stock market shares, you can lose as well as gain.

The original bitcoin was launched 3 January 2009 and looks to be making heavy weather of the next three years with tr Pluto trine Saturn, Solar Arc square Pluto and Solar Arc Pluto conjunct Sun.

Litecoin, 7 Oct 2011, looks similarly stressed 2017 to 2020, with a dead-halt in 2021.

Ethereum, 30 July 2015, is up against it in a major way in 2019/2020 – boxed into a corner.

Ripple, 1 July 2013, has a solid chart with a Water Grand Trine of Sun Jupiter in Cancer trine Saturn in Scorpio trine Neptune, with Sun opposition Pluto. It doesn’t have the pressures the others have, though tr Saturn in Capricorn will drag down confidence in 2018/19. But it’s heading for a successful 2021 with Solar Arc Jupiter conjunct the Sun.

5 thoughts on “Cryptic cash – rippling to success

  1. Hi Marjorie. Your quick synopsis here has proved largely accurate in the years since, with both Ethereum and Bitcoin having a long period in the doldrums after a crash in 2017, but now growing exponentially with it is reported much more interest from large companies like PayPal and Square and even governments. But Ripple’s XRP has plunged in value following threats of legal action by the American SEC. in Britain, the FCA has banned the sale of crypto-derivatives on platforms based in the UK. Will the current growth be sustained, or will cryptocurrency’s be banned by regulators?

    The chart for Bitcoin has been located to Tokyo given the connections of the founder. Though the launch time of 12 noon seems arbitrary. I would interested to have your thoughts on where cryptocurrency might be headed in the wake of the Jupiter Saturn conjunction we have just seen. Another correction seems likely but it would be fascinating to read your take on it, given the growing pressure on the dollar’s status as the world’s reserve currency post Pandemic, and IMF and other calls for a new Bretton Woods.

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