Not a good week for the House of Commons as a different scandal tainted the other side of the aisle. Claudia Webbe, a Labour MP once a power figure on the far left, was given a suspended prison sentence after being found guilty of a campaign of harassment, including threatening to “use acid” and distribute naked pictures of woman friend of her partner. She had the whip withdrawn when charges were laid and now sits as an independent. If her appeal fails her sentence will prompt an automatic recall petition in Leicester East.
That seat does not have a good record having been represented previously by Keith Vaz, who was infamous for a litany of offences (see wiki) for over thirty years – and mystifyingly survived them until unprotected sex with male prostitutes and cocaine did for him and he resigned some time after that exposure.
Webbe was part of the Momentum set and has been supported by Jeremy Corbyn, McConnell and Diane Abbott over this debacle.
Born 8 March 1965 she has four planets in Pisces including her Sun, Venus and Saturn and Mercury with a formidable and fearsome collection of Uranus, Pluto, Mars in Virgo across in opposition. That collection in Virgo is combustible, volatile and prone to aggravated outbursts. She’s also got a Boris Johnson type Jupiter (Moon) in Taurus opposition Neptune whose attributes run along a spectrum from visionary dreamers at one end to hypocrites and those who cause scandals through their own instability at the other.
Maybe an early warning signal from next year’s Scorpio/Taurus Eclipses which will be rattling up both ends of this opposition.
Pic David Woolfall.
Claudia Webbe is a hateful, malignant woman. I had the misfortune to work with her in the early part of this century.
All of my fellow colleagues utterly detested her. Martha’s chart is extremely accurate.
Her vengeful ego was the cause of her public humiliation and downfall.
I never underestimate the hardness, volatility and potential cruelty of Mars/Uranus/Pluto in Virgo, Saturn in Pisces opposition of many of those born in this era (1964/65) along with the deluded grandiosity of that Jupiter/Neptune opposition in Taurus/Scorpio, though of course there is a sliding scale on how these challenging aspects can manifest in an individual chart and with those aspects — I can see huge potential too. It’s interesting that Piers Morgan was also born in the same month and year, as was actress Sarah Jessica Parker, whose co-star once described her as ‘toxic and cruel’. There’s a brittle hardness to these aspects ime.
I give her a speculative birth time of 10:00 am, 19Gemini on her Ascendant. She has a
Righteousness rectangle formed by 2 oppositions….Sun in 11th, Legislature opp Mars-
Uranus-Pluto and Moon-Jupiter, 12th opp Neptune, 6th.
Fixed stars….Betelgeuse on Asc gives her a kingly air, nature of Mars.
Acumen conj IC, opposition party, gives her the “sting of a scorpion”;
Rasalhague conj her descendant gives misfortune thru’ women, perverted tastes,
mental depravity; Zosma conj her Uranus-Pluto gives egotism, meanness, fear of
poison/acid. Algol is conj her Moon-Jupiter, 12th, evil behind the scenes, prison.
Thanks for having a look at this, Marjorie.