Clare Foy – a turbulent Aries Scorpio mix



Clare Foy who won the Emmy for lead actress playing the young Queen Elizabeth 11 in The Crown has had a sterling career from the start with acclaimed theatre and television performances in Little Dorrit and Wolf Hall amongst others. She is playing Stieg Larsson’s flawed heroine Lisbeth Salander in the film The Girl in the Spider’s Web out later this year.

Born 16 April 1984 in Stockport, England, she has a see-saw chart with Sun Venus in Aries and Mercury in Taurus on one side and a fearsome collection of Pluto, Moon, Saturn, Mars in Scorpio on the other; along with Uranus, Neptune, Jupiter. Not quite the steady HM Queen she played to perfection.  She will have problems finding a balance in her life, constantly hopping between opposites. Aries and Scorpio are a tricky mix.

She has charm aplenty with her Venus in a frivolous square to Jupiter in Capricorn and in a sparkling trine to Uranus.

Her Solar Arc Uranus was conjunct her Jupiter when she was cast in The Crown in 2014 for a considerable lucky break.

Her actresses’ 15th Harmonic is exceptionally strong joining Sun to Venus to Jupiter Pluto.

2 thoughts on “Clare Foy – a turbulent Aries Scorpio mix

  1. Well, a surprise at Emmys, but then again, not a surprise, since the next season of “The Crown” is going to have a time leap and she won’t return to the role.

  2. Love her. Her performance as Anne Boleyn in ‘Wolf Hall’ I thought was electric, combining pride, scheming ambition, courage and vulnerability in the character. She’ll go far.

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