Chris Evans, best known for his superhero Marvel comic roles, will appear in a Netflix docu-drama airing late this month playing a Mossad agent involved in smuggling Jewish-Ethiopians into Israel in the 1980s. He says he’s finished with his superheroes and wants ultimately to give up acting for directing.
Born 13 June 1981 6.16pm Boston, Massachusetts, he has an intense and secretive Gemini Sun on the cusp of his 8th house in a creative opposition to Neptune and an influential trine to Pluto. He has the chart to make waves. He has a hidden and also emotionally intense 12th house Scorpio Moon trine an 8th house Venus in Cancer, so no surprises he keeps his relationships under wraps. His Mars in feisty Gemini is in his 7th so he can express himself assertively – on Trump, gay marriage, Roe v Wade etc – and that trines an idealistic Jupiter Saturn in Libra in his 10th.
He’s an interesting personality, more than his blockbuster roles might suggest. With Saturn edging its way out of his 2nd house he will be looking ahead to start building his career in a new direction over the coming two decades plus. It’ll take him time to establish what he really wants to be doing but he’s clearly got talent and motivation.
There’s nothing much to suggest an emotional commitment coming soon, indeed there may be an upheaval or two soon with his Progressed Venus square his Uranus. And when he does he’ll no doubt make the effort to hide it from view.