Chris Cuomo has been fired by CNN for defending his brother former NY Governor Andrew Cuomo from sexual harassment allegations. It transpires he had taken a much more active role than previously thought in strategizing a response, which then triggered an allegation of “serious sexual misconduct” against him as well.
Andrew Cuomo resigned last August after a slew of allegations came to light which will lead to criminal investigations and Joe Biden demanded he go.
The brothers were born 13 years apart – 6 December 1957 and 9 August 1970 (neither with a birth time) – and are both Fire Suns. Andrew is a serious Sun Saturn in Sagittarius and Chris a flamboyant Sun Mars in Leo. They both have Venus in an Air sign – Andrew in Aquarius square Neptune and widely opposition Uranus. Chris in Libra conjunct Uranus Pluto – so both emotionally scattered. Chris’s Moon is in emotionally intense Scorpio and Andrew’s in wayward Gemini.
It wouldn’t be that easy a relationship since Chris’s Mars Sun are conjunct Andrew’s Uranus for fireworks and Chris’s Saturn in Taurus opposes Andrew’s Mars in Scorpio creating rough edges. But family will out and no doubt an older brother as Governor of New York would be not unhelpful to a CNN career.
Andrew’s Pluto is conjunct Chris’s South Node which could suggest a pull in a backward direction.
At the moment into early 2022, the tr Saturn square tr Uranus is triggering Chris’s Mars Sun and Andrew’s Uranus and next year Mars – so a turbulent time.
The Sagittarius Solar Eclipse this month catches Andrew’s Sun Saturn and the late November Lunar Eclipse caught Chris’s Neptune in Scorpio – challenges and crises.
All much of a muchness really.
Chris Cuomo has been fired by CNN for defending his brother former NY Governor Andrew Cuomo from sexual harassment allegations. It transpires he had taken a much more active role than previously thought in strategizing a response, which then triggered an allegation of “serious sexual misconduct” against him as well.
Andrew Cuomo resigned last August after a slew of allegations came to light which will lead to criminal investigations and Joe Biden demanded he go.
The brothers were born 13 years apart – 6 December 1957 and 9 August 1970 – and are both ire Suns. Andrew a serious Sun Saturn in Sagittarius and Chris a flamboyant Sun Mars in Leo. They both have Venus in an Air sign – Andrew in Aquarius square Neptune and widely opposition Uranus. Chris in Libra conjunct Uranus Pluto – so both emotionally scattered. Chris’s Moon is in emotionally intense Scorpio and Andrew’s in wayward Gemini.
It wouldn’t be that easy a relationship since Chris’s Mars Sun are conjunct Andrew’s Uranus for fireworks and Chris’s Saturn in Taurus opposes Andrew’s Mars in Scorpio – so there would be rough edges. But family will out and no doubt older brother Governor of new York would be not unhelpful to a CNN career.
Andrew’s Pluto is conjunct Chris’s South Node which could suggest a pull in a backward direction.
At the moment into early 2022, the tr Saturn square tr Uranus is triggering Chris’s Mars Sun and Andrew’s Uranus and next year Mars – so a turbulent time.
The Sagittarius Solar Eclipse this month catches Andrew’s Sun Saturn and the late November Lunar Eclipse caught Chris’s Neptune in Scorpio – challenges and crises.
All much of a muchness really.
Their father Mario Cuomo, a former Governor of New York with a sterling reputation for doing progressive good work, was born 15 June 1932. He had a friendly 11th house Sun Mercury, with a charming, home-loving Venus in Cancer conjunct Pluto trine a 4th house Scorpio Moon. He also had an enlightened 9th house Uranus trine an expansive Jupiter in Leo just below his Ascendant.
First thing I thought from their synastry is that big brother could have been applying pressure for Chris to help him? To me the reality is most families would help each other out in a situation (but this situation was too public and sensitive) so he probably acted instinctively instead of wisely. Just saying.
Good. I wasn’t a fan. He came across as pretentious. I’ve been saying for at least a year that Smerconish would fit that Prime time slot well. And now fortuitously, he’s got it; at least for now. I suspect the bosses will be watching the level of eyeballs before making it official.
I think the firing is now official?
I was referring to CNN giving him a permanent contract for a Prime time show. He’s just a fill in for now. Interestingly Rachel Maddow is ending her show next year. Unless MSNBC can convince John Stewart as a replacement, I don’t see anyone else filling her shoes. So good timing for Smerconish if he’s made permanent.
Appreciate the follow-up, Marjorie. Yes, that Gemini sun is more like it. Cuomo was known as a great orator, which certainly fits the Gemini signature. He did indeed have a sterling reputation–he must be spinning in his grave over his sons’ very public wayward ways.
According to AstroTheme, Mario Cuomo was born on June 15. Wouldn’t that make him a Gemini?
Thanks. Cross-eyed and brain dead this morning. I couldn’t understand why that horror January chart could produce an enlightened politician. This one makes more sense.
Horror is right! My mom was born in October 1932 and has a cardinal grand cross in her natals involving Moon, Mercury, Saturn, Uranus, and Pluto. She was a Uranus square Pluto kid (Great Depression) with an exact Moon/Uranus square and and Moon in a medium-tight conjunction with Saturn in Capricorn. She also had Ceres conjunct Moon in Capricorn and Jupiter on her South Node. I was able to find a lot of empathy and compassion about my childhood experience of her after seeing her chart.