China – pulling out of a trough slowly, aiming high



China is almost through its most difficult recent period as the tr Uranus square tr Pluto moved in hard aspect to the 8th house Libra Sun, Mercury, Neptune and Uranus in Cancer from 2010 with a final muddled tr Pluto square Neptune briefly this September to mid October. All of that would be restrictive financially and economically; with Solar Arc Saturn conjunct the economic Venus earlier this year.

There’ll be some lucky breaks bringing good results and renewed enthusiasm with tr Uranus square Jupiter, up till March 2017. Perhaps some over-confident misjudgements also in 2017 from Solar Arc Mars square Jupiter, exact mid 2017.

Tr Neptune is now into the 2nd house of personal finances (ie. household finances) for two decades ahead which is not always helpful from a stability and security point of view; especially in 2017, into 2018 when tr Neptune opposes the 8th house Saturn.

Then they have the hugely confident and usually financially successful tr Pluto conjunct their Jupiter in 2019/2020. Admittedly tr Saturn will be in there as well, so it’ll be great in certain respects and very tight in others. But tr Jupiter moving into Capricorn for a Jupiter Return immediately after will bring them definitely on the right side up of the balance sheet.

The population may be restive around 2019 with tr Uranus square the Moon and since tr Pluto is moving through the China 12th, from 2011 to 2026 which can often indicate secret groups plotting against the status quo.

2021/2022 sees tr Uranus square the 7th house Mars Pluto in Leo so there will likely be hostile and aggressive interchanges with neighbouring countries.

Significant, radical shifts will come after the mid 2020s with tr Uranus moving into the China 4th from 2026 and tr Pluto moving cross the Aquarius Ascendant in 2027. More domestic unrest will meet initially with more heavy handed control. But there will be the hope with Pluto moving through the 1st of a different kind of China, less inward-looking and with more understanding of how it fits into the global scene.

Around 2030, tr Neptune starts several years of opposing the 8th house Libra planets which will bring back a lacklustre economic performance. So ups and downs but pulling out of the trough at the moment and moving forward on a positive if winding path.

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