King Charles’ welcoming event at the Australian parliament was disrupted by Aboriginal senator Lidia Thorpe who went on an anti-colonial rant before being ushered out. She has a track record of stunts and angry outbursts, giving a Black Power salute as she prepared to take her oath for the start of a new post-election parliament.
Charles ignored her tirade which is not unusual for a Royal visit but what is interesting is the astrology. She was born 18 August 1973 less than two weeks before Thomas Tuchel (see below) and has the same intimidating Mars in Taurus on the focal point of a formidable yod to Pluto sextile Neptune. Her Mars is also in an argumentative trine to Mercury in attention-seeking Leo trine Neptune, in a demanding and super-confident Fire Grand Trine, formed into a Kite by Mercury opposition Jupiter – so not short of self-belief or luck.
Her ramped-up Mars is conjunct Charles’ 10th house Moon and North Node and opposition his 4th house Mercury so his position will trigger her anger. She also has a confident Jupiter trine Pluto, a tough-minded Pluto square Saturn; and Saturn on the focal point of another yod inconjunct Neptune sextile Jupiter. Her emphasized Saturn sits on top of Charles’ Uranus opposition Jupiter for a high-tension and enthusiasm-deflating connection.
Their relationship chart has a volatile, short-fused composite Mars opposition Uranus being triggered at the moment by tr Uranus in square; and the composite Sun caught the recent Solar Eclipse. A hot button moment.
There has been concern that Charles’ cancer treatment would make an onerous foreign trip too taxing. He does have his Solar Arc Saturn exactly (to within one minute of a degree) conjunct his 4th house Sun so the pressure is on. Tr Pluto has one more square to his Moon this December before finishing a punishing too year challenge which will put pressure on him. There will be ups and downs next year and some setbacks but with tr Jupiter moving through his 11th his optimism will stay high.
His troubled relationship with Harry shows no immediate signs of easing with tr Saturn hitting the aggravated composite Mars square Pluto Uranus early in 2025 and the two Solar Eclipses, Libra and Aries in effect over the next year will trigger the composite Saturn in their relationship chart which hardly looks encouraging and good feelings will be further eroded as tr Neptune Saturn in Aries squares the composite Jupiter into 2026.
Add On: Charles’ chart relocated to Australia (Melbourne) gives a friendly 11th house Sun, a fun-loving 5th house Moon and an upbeat Jupiter on the Ascendant. He will feel positively about the country and spent some time there when he was younger. But it does put his Saturn exactly on the Midheaven with hints of retribution for past deeds/misdeeds and an argumentative Pluto in the philosophical 9th so he will attract the opinionated.
As an Aussie and an avowed Republican (non Monarchist, in case the term is confused with American politics), I thought Lidia Thorpe’s behaviour was disgraceful, as did a considerable number of Australian Indigenous leaders. Treating visitors/guests to our country in such an aggressive, uncouth manner is attention seeking and may have done more damage to the causes she espouses than support them.
Thank you, Marjorie, for adding the part about relocating King Charles’s chart to Melbourne.
It seems that Prince Charles (as then) was offered the role of Governor of (the Australian state of) Victoria in 1985, but declined it.
Professor Anne Twomey, an Australian constitutional expert who focuses on the role of the monarchy in Australia, released a Youtube video on this topic just a few days ago.
Lydia thorpe has deep seated hatred. Idk where it’s coming from. Severe mental issues maybe? The astrology chart doesnt show this marj? DM
Looking at her Parans….as Lidia rises and moves into her 12th, of
colonial past misdeeds, her MC culminates with Green, conduct disorder
Evil, foul, fixed star, Algol also culminated joining into the outburst.
Charles, also rising at this time, into the 12th, receives the brunt of her catharsis concerning native home lands, etc. with Neptune on the IC.
Jupiter is setting at this time as she expands on native misdeeds of
the past.
What is Charles’s relationship with Australia and how is his astrocartography there? And Camilla’s?