Chappaquiddick – Ted Kennedy – a dark mystery



The death of Mary Jo Kopechne at Chappaquiddick fifty years ago in 1969 was yet another dark chapter in the Kennedy family melodrama and an enduring mystery. The story told by Senator Edward Kennedy was that he was driving Mary Jo to the ferry after a party and had run off a bridge into a river. He swam free but didn’t report the incident for 10 hours, during which time she drowned after staying alive for several hours in an air pocket. There was no autopsy done.

The tragedy and scandal ruined his chances of the presidency but he stayed a senator until his death four decades later. A more recent story suggests he was driving another girl and didn’t know Mary Jo was asleep and drunk in the backseat, and only discovered that next morning. It would make more sense of the 10 hour silence but not why he claimed what was a more incriminating story.

He was born 22 February 1932 3.58 am Brookline, Massachusetts and had a see-saw chart with his Pisces Sun opposition an 8th house Neptune and Moon in Virgo, his Mars Mercury in Aquarius were also on the opposite side of his chart from his Moon Neptune and Jupiter in Leo; and his Saturn opposed a 7th house Pluto – his emotional responses would always be erratic, veering from one extreme to another. He also had an excitable Venus Uranus in Aries in his 3rd – his ‘romantic life’ would always be fast-changing and unpredictable.

When the event occurred his Solar Arc Pluto was exactly opposition his Mars with tr Neptune square both which fairly describes a brutal and devastating situation surrounded by a smokescreen.

Mary Jo, 26 July 1940 1pm (unverified) Forty Fort, Pennsylvania, was a determined Sun Pluto in Leo with Mars also in Leo square Jupiter Saturn in Taurus with Uranus also in Taurus – very fixed and stubborn. She had an upfront Aries Moon in an intense square to Pluto Sun and a social-butterfly Venus in Gemini square a romantic Neptune. She’d be a strong personality.

On the night in question tr Neptune was exactly opposition her Uranus which Ebertin describes as loss of consciousness; tr Pluto was exactly conjunct her Neptune which is associated with disasters and considerable confusion; and tr Saturn was in an accident-prone and high-risk square to her Mars/Pluto midpoint.

Their relationship chart did have a passionate and fun-loving composite Mars Venus Sun conjunction. When the accident happened the transiting Sun was exactly conjunct the composite Pluto which is rather spooky – a fated moment – with watery, alcoholic tr Neptune exactly trine both. Tr Pluto was opposition the transiting North Node and sitting on top of the composite Saturn.

1969 was one year after his brother Robert Kennedy’s assassination and six years after JFK’s – so it was one rolling catastrophe after another for him. I never had much time for him but a political friend said his great skill was in cross-party negotiation and deal-making which was why it was such a loss when he died early in Obama’s presidency. So perhaps the see-saw chart had its uses since the urge is to pull too opposites together or at least into balance.

5 thoughts on “Chappaquiddick – Ted Kennedy – a dark mystery

  1. I recall how hopeless the situation came across the news waves. What was he thinking and how could he NOT know about what happened to MJK? I remember the counry being silently aghast. But that was a LONG time ago…

  2. Quite a while ago I read a theory that makes a lot of sense about what happened that night on Chappaquiddick, and it’s this. Ted and MaryJo were at a house party and both were doing heavy drinking. When MaryJo had too much, she quietly left the house without telling anybody and went to sleep in the back seat of Ted’s car. A while later, when Ted finally got in the car, he didn’t see MaryJo sleeping in the back seat. It was dark. MaryJo was still out like a light. And Ted, well he had too much to drink to be paying much attention. When Ted had the accident, he still didn’t realize MaryJo was in the car, and didn’t figure it out until he went back to the party house. That’s why it took so very long for him (and others) to attempt a rescue.

  3. He did do good things later in life as a Senator, but I think he should have resigned or been asked to by the Democrats. I did like the man as a person.

  4. Thanks Marjorie. You prompted me to look at 1969’s events on Wiki – what a violent, dramatic, and pivotal year it was. The Moon landings, Woodstock, the Manson Family murders, the Stonewall Riots…..vital developments in the birth of the internet….that summer, in particular, seems so intense. What does 1969’s astrology indicate do you think? Or should that be the astrology for the USA, since much headline news seems to spring from there?

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